high calorie foods



I blame a recent fascination with Starbucks that made me look this up... and I was SOOOO surprised.

A non coffee/non caffeine drink that's basically "strawberries and milk blended with ice" 16 fl oz of that is 580 calories 24 fl oz is 770 calories... Sounds a lot better than scandishakes. Hmm, if anybody wants to try it out it's called Strawberries & Creme Frappuccino.


New member
No disrespect to scandipharm, but the scandishakes are a joke. If you really analyze the nutritional content on the back of the shakes,they are made up of mostly sugars. Not a lot of calories and protein like a CFer needs. As a result my husband has turned to serious mass shakes (made by optimum nutrition) which pack about 1300 calories per scoop, as well as boost/ensure brand shakes. Those have about 340 calories per shake and a good amount of protein too (can't recall and don't want to quote wrong). If you even dare to compare boost to scandishakes, you will see what I mean. Adding peanut butter to any sort of shake or meal is also good. I wish I could be more specific as far as FOOD goes, but my hubbie survives mainly off of protein shakes with his only real "meal" usually being dinner. We have found that is better on his digestive system as well. The starbucks thing is true, and a good idea as well.



New member
http://kidshealth.org/teen/recipes/ have a look at this site for some high cal, good protien content recipes..they look simple/quick to prepare and sound yum..they even have a the nutritional info breakdown so you can see what fat/protein content you would get from them...I havent made any yet but will def be using some of them.


New member
Is the serious mass protien drink good for you. I mean like do you have to exercise with drinking it or can you just drink it and go on. I really appriciate you and everyone else that answers me on this because I really want to be able to find a good way to gain weight and no one really understands that is a little as me I only weigh 105 and I dont like it the most i ever weighed was 117 and that was back in 98 and I want to be back at that again.


New member
You can drink and go with the serious mass shake. but it is a "heavy shake", you will feel really full so I would recommend that if you try it you stick to one scoop and water initially. You can also use milk to add more protein and calories but you might want to start slow. It works really well for my husband, he is 6ft and weighs 185. He does work out because he is a man and oh so concerned about his muscles <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I personally don't care. But even without the working out it will help you gain.

Good luck with all the recommendations everyone gave you,



Doesn't look like it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0"> Sorry. Although from the ingredients I'd think you could make it at home sans sugar.


New member
And how many carbs are in that 1,300 calorie shake? Too many! Carbs = sugar. Scandi's have a really high fat content which is very good. Drink two of those a day and put a scoop of Wey Protein in them and you will gain weight.


New member
First off, carbs does not equal sugar. Simple carbs do break down into sugar that is why you eat complex carbs, which is exactly the kind of complex carbs in my serious mass shake-Don't knock it till you read the package and know what you are talking about before jumping to conculsions.

Carbs in general are also what help increase your energy because it increases your glycogin levels and atp levels. simple carbohydrates SPIKE your insulin level because they are IMMEDIATELY absorbed, while complex carbodydrates take longer to burn off, causing no SPIKE in your insulin because complex carbs are absorbed over time in your body.

The amount of simple carbs in my serious mass shakes are far less than the amount of a scandi shake if I were to drink enough to equal all the benefits I get out of my serious mass. Here is the breakdown of Scandi shakes compared to mine:

Serious Mass scandical

5g FAT Total 21g Fat
2g Saturated fat ( leaving 3 grams ofGood fat) 8g Saturated fat (leaving 13g of good fat)
251g Carbs Total 58g carbs
4g Fiber (Extremely complex carb) <1g Fiber (Extremely complex)
20g Sugar (simple carb, leaving 229Complex carbs) 22g sugar (simple carb, leaving 32g complex carbs)
50g protein 5g protein

And where did you get the idea that a high fat content is good? Someone is really trying to sell you on those scandi shakes. The reason why most doctors would put you on scandi shakes is because it is suppose to have high calories, (although boost and ensure have higher calories than scandi, but just as much or more sugars) NOT because of the fat content.

Mark 24 w/CF 190lbs, 6ft, 6% body fat (also Julie's husband)


New member
An edit to my last and very first ever post,

Serious Mass
5g FAT Total
2g Saturated fat ( leaving 3 grams of
Good fat)
251g Carbs Total
4g Fiber (Extremely complex carb)
20g Sugar (simple carb, leaving 229
Complex carbs)
50g protein

21g Fat
8g Saturated fat (leaving 13g of good fat)
58g carbs
<1g Fiber (Extremely complex)
22g sugar (simple carb, leaving 32g complex carbs)
5g protein

Mark 24 w/CF, 190lbs, 6ft, 6% bodyfat (and Julie's husband)


New member
Hey guys, let's be nice.
I see your math and is a reasonable solution between Scandi and Serious Mass Shakes. However, one thing that need to be considered is CFRD. People w/ diabetes need to consider every carb, simple or complex. Since I produce no insulin, I have to count every carbohydrate. Most of the CF and Transplant docs I've dealt with have always recommended high protein, high calorie and high fat. Even though we don't break down fats well. The difference in protein that you point out is interesting. I have used Scandi before, but never Optimum. Do you happen to know the difference in taste and cost of the Optimum product verses Scandipharm's product is?

I'm trying to gain back 20 pounds since going through a bought of rejection.

Thanks much,


New member
I hear what you are saying about the CFRD. This is Julie, Mark's wife by the way. Here is the optimum nutrition website that, I got it to the exact Serious mass product page, but if you want to research the company in general, just type in optimum nutrition on a MSN search page and select the first option. Once you get to their web page you can search using 'serious mass'. Here is the direct link (you'll have to copy it and then paste)

If ithe link doesn't work let me know. I have to be honest, it is a farily expensive product but it does it's job well! We have found it in sports supplement stores cheaper than the listed price online (for about $36 for a 12lb bag) and who knows if optimum nutrition would cut you a deal if you order bulk. Mark goes through 1 1/2-2 bags a month, but to keep his weight up-and i believe it has helped keep him out of the hospital-it is worth every penny! But we also deduct his "supplement" expenses (and food that is related to his CF, anything above what the "average" person his age, weight and height eats) that are related to his CF-which is every supplement he buys. We spend about $800-900 a month on food for both of us. We take 25% out for me and 25-50% out for non-cf food related expenses. The rest is what is deductible each month. We save every food reciept so if we ever get auited, we are covered. It is allowed by law, if you want more information on that I can send it to you or you can go to www.cff.org, in their search engine type in 'food deductions' and the information is there. We have about $10,000 in food and supplement dedutions every year. It really helps with the taxes we owe, which have been 0 every year since we started doing this and once Mark hits 25, it will help with the Earned income tax credit (I use to work for an accountant-can you tell?)

My husbands dad owns a health food store so he has grown up researching all this stuff and using what he learns to benefit his CF. If a person is aiming to build muscle (which is his goal and he lifts 3x a week, but NO cardio-ever) you really want to watch your protein intake and eat more grams of protein than you way if you want to gain muscle. Otherwise, all you are gaining is pounds in FAT, not muscle. Which is honestly not what anyone wants, even a CFer. The information about fat intake for CFers is true, but as everything is, only to a certain extent. And you certainly have to look at the amount of "fat" and "saturated" fat, nobody with CF needs high cholesterol. He has been using this Optimum nutrition product daily for about 4 years and it is what works best for him.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email him at division902@hotmail.com

Julie (wife to Mark, 24 w/CF)


New member
A lot of need FAT. And scandi's provide that. For extra protein, put a scoop of whey in there and you're set. Fast and simple.


New member
Believe what you want to belive about the scandi's, but it's much more complex than you seem to believe. It's not as simple as just throwing in a scoop of whey when you have eaten all that crap in the scandi shake. Did you notice that the scandi's had more sugar than the serious mass anyways. 8grams of saturated fat is not something you want to take in, in one sitting. Take note of the fiber in the serious mass shakes, which helps with digestion. And the 50grams to 5grams of protein, there isn't even a comparison.

And fat is not digested well by CFers, even though it seems to be a common recommendation by doctors. Why? Because CFers have a hard time gaining weight so doctors figure any way to get the extra fat=weight in is acceptable. Our physician is far advance on that venue of thinking. To him, any means of gaining weight is NOT acceptable because it leads to more health problems (high cholesterol, heart attack...must I go on). It is better to bulk up on the protein intake, which also helps with the weight but builds muscle instead of blubber. Some fat, of course is healthy to maintain, but not as much as are in these shakes if you are having them 2-3 times a day.

If you prefer the scandi's because they are cost effective, FREE, that is a reasonable way of thinking and a choice if have no other options. But don't kid yourself into thinking that they are "so healty for you". It's part of a drug company gimmic.

Rich, in my last post I forgot to address the taste issue. Mark tried the scandi shakes, all three flavors and though they were pretty intersting, they weren't bad but they weren't delicious and had no taste comparsion to optimum nutrition. Optimum nutrition, serious mass comes in strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. He's a chocolate kind of guy, and loves the shake, and I myself am a PICKY female eater, and I can tolerate the taste.



New member
hey that was not nice. It is very interesting to hear everyones opinion.....even julie's and yes even yours. But to act that way makes you sound like a bitter bitter person. Grow up. We need to learn about all options and let us decide. There is enough hurt and pain then to read your awful comments to julie.