High Fat Diet Cause CFRD??



Our CF center had a speaker from a CF center in Mt Sinai do a presentation the other night. Her whole beginning was about how many extra calories and fat a CFer with PI needs. All info about how the BMI affects the FEV ect..High fat, high calories, supplements, G tubes...

Then she took a drastic turn and said, "now what has all this high fat, junk food done to the CFers?" And she talked all about CFRD and its prevalence that seems to be tied to the high fat junk food diet. So she proposes the Mediterranean Diet. No processed foods, no trans fat ect....

Even our CF doc and nurse were blindsided by her turn around. Those without CFRD- are you warned by your docs about the high fat causing CFRD? I am totally confused because Aidan eats alot of Fat. As a result, he is at the 90% in weight as a Double Delta. Do I cut back on the fat? A two year old doesn't eat alot so I try to pack as many calories in a bite as I can. At our trip to Warwick, he also told me that I should be more concerned about CFRD than CF and don't worry about the high fat diet??



Our CF center had a speaker from a CF center in Mt Sinai do a presentation the other night. Her whole beginning was about how many extra calories and fat a CFer with PI needs. All info about how the BMI affects the FEV ect..High fat, high calories, supplements, G tubes...

Then she took a drastic turn and said, "now what has all this high fat, junk food done to the CFers?" And she talked all about CFRD and its prevalence that seems to be tied to the high fat junk food diet. So she proposes the Mediterranean Diet. No processed foods, no trans fat ect....

Even our CF doc and nurse were blindsided by her turn around. Those without CFRD- are you warned by your docs about the high fat causing CFRD? I am totally confused because Aidan eats alot of Fat. As a result, he is at the 90% in weight as a Double Delta. Do I cut back on the fat? A two year old doesn't eat alot so I try to pack as many calories in a bite as I can. At our trip to Warwick, he also told me that I should be more concerned about CFRD than CF and don't worry about the high fat diet??



Our CF center had a speaker from a CF center in Mt Sinai do a presentation the other night. Her whole beginning was about how many extra calories and fat a CFer with PI needs. All info about how the BMI affects the FEV ect..High fat, high calories, supplements, G tubes...

Then she took a drastic turn and said, "now what has all this high fat, junk food done to the CFers?" And she talked all about CFRD and its prevalence that seems to be tied to the high fat junk food diet. So she proposes the Mediterranean Diet. No processed foods, no trans fat ect....

Even our CF doc and nurse were blindsided by her turn around. Those without CFRD- are you warned by your docs about the high fat causing CFRD? I am totally confused because Aidan eats alot of Fat. As a result, he is at the 90% in weight as a Double Delta. Do I cut back on the fat? A two year old doesn't eat alot so I try to pack as many calories in a bite as I can. At our trip to Warwick, he also told me that I should be more concerned about CFRD than CF and don't worry about the high fat diet??



New member
The whole logic behind the high fat diet is not that you should pack in as much fat and junk as possible, but that you should have as much fat as you can tolerate.

If you are NOT tolerating high fat high cal foods (as your stools would help you determing) then you need to find something that works better.

BMI only affects FEV1 when a person is obese and the weight from the fat is compromising the function of the diaphragm. Also, the high fat high calorie diet is NOT for people who are pancreatic sufficient.

As far as no processed foods go, that's because of the prevalence of nitrates that have an adverse effect on our lung function. Trans fats are a problem because our bodies have to work extra hard to break it down, and in many cases, this doesn't happen and we get NO benefit whatsoever from the food.

I'm not a nutritionist or dietitian, but I do know what has worked for me. It's not about TONS of calories, it's about the right kind of calories.


New member
The whole logic behind the high fat diet is not that you should pack in as much fat and junk as possible, but that you should have as much fat as you can tolerate.

If you are NOT tolerating high fat high cal foods (as your stools would help you determing) then you need to find something that works better.

BMI only affects FEV1 when a person is obese and the weight from the fat is compromising the function of the diaphragm. Also, the high fat high calorie diet is NOT for people who are pancreatic sufficient.

As far as no processed foods go, that's because of the prevalence of nitrates that have an adverse effect on our lung function. Trans fats are a problem because our bodies have to work extra hard to break it down, and in many cases, this doesn't happen and we get NO benefit whatsoever from the food.

I'm not a nutritionist or dietitian, but I do know what has worked for me. It's not about TONS of calories, it's about the right kind of calories.


New member
The whole logic behind the high fat diet is not that you should pack in as much fat and junk as possible, but that you should have as much fat as you can tolerate.

If you are NOT tolerating high fat high cal foods (as your stools would help you determing) then you need to find something that works better.

BMI only affects FEV1 when a person is obese and the weight from the fat is compromising the function of the diaphragm. Also, the high fat high calorie diet is NOT for people who are pancreatic sufficient.

As far as no processed foods go, that's because of the prevalence of nitrates that have an adverse effect on our lung function. Trans fats are a problem because our bodies have to work extra hard to break it down, and in many cases, this doesn't happen and we get NO benefit whatsoever from the food.

I'm not a nutritionist or dietitian, but I do know what has worked for me. It's not about TONS of calories, it's about the right kind of calories.


My son is severely pancreatic insufficient- started showing symptoms 3 days after his birth. He is tolerating the fat well hence his great weight gain and his normal stools.

Can you give me some ideas for the good fat stuff? I am going to try and transition him to better fats. Thanks


My son is severely pancreatic insufficient- started showing symptoms 3 days after his birth. He is tolerating the fat well hence his great weight gain and his normal stools.

Can you give me some ideas for the good fat stuff? I am going to try and transition him to better fats. Thanks


My son is severely pancreatic insufficient- started showing symptoms 3 days after his birth. He is tolerating the fat well hence his great weight gain and his normal stools.

Can you give me some ideas for the good fat stuff? I am going to try and transition him to better fats. Thanks


New member
PM Foody on the board. Or look up www.cfnutrition4life.com.

We just had a really long thread about the anti-inflammatory diet (medit. diet)

just search for anti-inflammatory diet in the search bar.

I, for one, have had amazing results with a mediterenean diet....

And, just for the fyi, at the last cf conference new research was presented which stated the current diet for cfers is most likely doing more harm than good.

you can pm me anytime.



New member
PM Foody on the board. Or look up www.cfnutrition4life.com.

We just had a really long thread about the anti-inflammatory diet (medit. diet)

just search for anti-inflammatory diet in the search bar.

I, for one, have had amazing results with a mediterenean diet....

And, just for the fyi, at the last cf conference new research was presented which stated the current diet for cfers is most likely doing more harm than good.

you can pm me anytime.



New member
PM Foody on the board. Or look up www.cfnutrition4life.com.

We just had a really long thread about the anti-inflammatory diet (medit. diet)

just search for anti-inflammatory diet in the search bar.

I, for one, have had amazing results with a mediterenean diet....

And, just for the fyi, at the last cf conference new research was presented which stated the current diet for cfers is most likely doing more harm than good.

you can pm me anytime.



I've never agreed with doc's about a high fat diet if the calories were from junk food either. To be honest I consume very little fat at all. The only source of fat calories I activly use is <i>olive</i> oil or similiar oils.


I've never agreed with doc's about a high fat diet if the calories were from junk food either. To be honest I consume very little fat at all. The only source of fat calories I activly use is <i>olive</i> oil or similiar oils.


I've never agreed with doc's about a high fat diet if the calories were from junk food either. To be honest I consume very little fat at all. The only source of fat calories I activly use is <i>olive</i> oil or similiar oils.


New member
I don't even really like fatty foods- when I was a kid, a low fat diet was recommended, so, for example, when everybody else had pizza, I had steamed chicken. Guess what- I'd still rather have steamed chicken! LOL! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> And I've just learned to not have a cow if they put mayo on my chicken sandwich at the drive thru. lol. As a result, my bad cholesteral is nice and low; however, my good is low, too, so I've been adding more olive oil and less other oils when I cook and adding green olives to my snack foods. Plus, my DH doesn't need the transfats and garbage food either, so I'm glad to hear that my efforts for him are good for me, too, as my mom has diabetes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I don't even really like fatty foods- when I was a kid, a low fat diet was recommended, so, for example, when everybody else had pizza, I had steamed chicken. Guess what- I'd still rather have steamed chicken! LOL! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> And I've just learned to not have a cow if they put mayo on my chicken sandwich at the drive thru. lol. As a result, my bad cholesteral is nice and low; however, my good is low, too, so I've been adding more olive oil and less other oils when I cook and adding green olives to my snack foods. Plus, my DH doesn't need the transfats and garbage food either, so I'm glad to hear that my efforts for him are good for me, too, as my mom has diabetes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I don't even really like fatty foods- when I was a kid, a low fat diet was recommended, so, for example, when everybody else had pizza, I had steamed chicken. Guess what- I'd still rather have steamed chicken! LOL! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> And I've just learned to not have a cow if they put mayo on my chicken sandwich at the drive thru. lol. As a result, my bad cholesteral is nice and low; however, my good is low, too, so I've been adding more olive oil and less other oils when I cook and adding green olives to my snack foods. Plus, my DH doesn't need the transfats and garbage food either, so I'm glad to hear that my efforts for him are good for me, too, as my mom has diabetes. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
The operative word is JUNK food. There are plenty of ways to add calories to the diet without resorting to junk. (Don't let my screenname fool you!)

Here's part of what my high cal /easy on the fats diet contains:

<UL>Canola oil and olive oil in baking and cooking

banana bread with real butter on each slice.

Lean turkey instead of ground beef (I can't even stand the taste of anything else now!)

Baked potatoes

Lots of white meat chicken prepared with ShakeNBake or other coating

Low fat cheese on veggies

Low fat cottage cheese combined w/pineapples or applesauce


PRETZELS! (no fat at all, and extremely easy for me to digest)


Avocados (good fats, vitamin and calories)


Waffles and Pancakes

Salads with cheese, hard boiled eggs, croutons and cucumbers

Lactose free milk or whole milk</UL>

I was raised in the era where CFers were told we couldn't have fat at all. So naturally, my preferences tend to lean (pun intended) toward the healthier options. We grill a lot of our food and I've noticed that my tummy indeed prefers home cooked meals to take out. This was true for me while growing up and it remains so now that I'm married and taking care of meal prep for my family.

(in case you're wondering battered refers to my preferred method of airway clearance, and fried means I tend to run on all cylinders.)


New member
The operative word is JUNK food. There are plenty of ways to add calories to the diet without resorting to junk. (Don't let my screenname fool you!)

Here's part of what my high cal /easy on the fats diet contains:

<UL>Canola oil and olive oil in baking and cooking

banana bread with real butter on each slice.

Lean turkey instead of ground beef (I can't even stand the taste of anything else now!)

Baked potatoes

Lots of white meat chicken prepared with ShakeNBake or other coating

Low fat cheese on veggies

Low fat cottage cheese combined w/pineapples or applesauce


PRETZELS! (no fat at all, and extremely easy for me to digest)


Avocados (good fats, vitamin and calories)


Waffles and Pancakes

Salads with cheese, hard boiled eggs, croutons and cucumbers

Lactose free milk or whole milk</UL>

I was raised in the era where CFers were told we couldn't have fat at all. So naturally, my preferences tend to lean (pun intended) toward the healthier options. We grill a lot of our food and I've noticed that my tummy indeed prefers home cooked meals to take out. This was true for me while growing up and it remains so now that I'm married and taking care of meal prep for my family.

(in case you're wondering battered refers to my preferred method of airway clearance, and fried means I tend to run on all cylinders.)