high school =0 should i feel intimidated?


New member
hey my name is elisabeth silvestre and i am 14 years old, i to have c.f. and as of sept. 6 i will be starting high schhol i try to be as open as possible about my c.f. butsomethimes its hard, like i don't so much emphasize it to the guys be cause i feel like i am just trying to push them away with it. i have yet to have a boy friend, but i've had plenty of crushes and my friends have even tried but no such luck
if any one else wants to talk b or g you can im me at bedtymbear12@yahoo.com or leave me a message at the same address or you can mail me at 11506 rancherias dr. fontana ca 92337 <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey hun!

My name is Alyssa and I am 16 years old with Cystficfibrosis. As like you, when I entered highschool I had the "highschool jitters" as you might say, and I also worried that people would not like me because I have Cysticfibrosis. Well, I am a Junior now (and I am in class as I am typing this haha shh...) and as you can see, I am still a live and no one has killed me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> . But anyways, <b>a lot</b> of people in highschool have problems that you would have never guessed. Its really crazy.

Don't let boys stress you out. They are another story. But, you need to tell them and be open about your CF.. and if they don't want to be with you because of it, then they are LOW SHALLOW PEOPLE okay hun?

This disease sucks I know, and it will cause us problems in our life, ontop of highschool drama it WILL suck. BUT the main thing to remember is, is that you have it and it makes you special and stronger than any other person in your highschool okay? And you never know, a lot of kids transfer to a certain highschool from schools all over and maybe one or two other people will have CF. It's happened to me.

Well, I must be back at my class now but I enjoyed writting this to you. If you want to contact me, I have YAHOO! as well, it is iwishuponstars07@yahoo.com and you can IM me anytime you want hun! Well, I will talk to you later babe.

AKAL: littlepinkstar.



New member
Are you still stressed about starting high school? I hope not. My sister just started last tuesday, the 30th, she likes it a lot. She was very worried also. Our schools are not very big so she has classes with most of the people that she went to grade school with. I hope you first day goes well!!!!!! Good luck



New member
I've a question about the american school system. You guys have elementary school (which is kindergarden-6th grade?) and then do you have middle school? And then you have junior high (What grades are in that) and then finally high school? (what grades are in that). A lot of the shows over here are american, and sometimes I get confused!


New member
Junior highs and middle schools are generally the same thing. Elementary is from K-6 or 1-6 (my town has a separate school devoted specifically to kindergarten). Then our junior high is grades 7-8. High school is 9-12. Though I've known some middle schools to be 6-8 (making the elementary 1-5 and the HS 9-12).... and I've seen some middle schools be 7-9 (making the elementary 1-6 and the HS 10-12). Way too complicated, I know... hah.


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Highschool was some of the best years of my life. I recently graduated, and still keep in touch with all my friends. I never really talked about the disease, and just played off as bunking whenever I needed to go for treatment (roughly 4 times a year for two weeks - everyone thought I was very hardcore bunking that long!).

My friends figured something was wrong after the second or third year, but by then they knew me already anyway.


New member
hehe it's not a dumb question, bunking is like skipping school or 'wagging' if i'm correct?

also..if you are still worried about school, i'm in 8th grade, it's fun! my closest friend has CF and people accept her for who she is! dont worry to much about it, because before you know it, you'll have graduated, just have fun and learn and enjoy yourself.


New member
I graduated high school about a year and a half ago, and my best friend has CF. Now we attend the same college together. To me he it really looked like he never let CF bring him down. He always had a good time no matter what. So I would have to say don't worry about what people think, if they dont like it then who cares.


New member
Im 16 and i have CF and i really havent ever had a problem with it and others. To me its just not a big deal, if they want to know or they see me taking pills or whatever then i just tell them but no one ever cares. I find the best way is just to not make a big deal out of it, im not even sure my girlfriend knows i have CF right now actually now that i think about it. If it comes up which it will eventually then ill tell her and its not a big deal and if she cant handle that, which she will be able to, then whatever ill just move on but so far its never held me back and i dont plan on letting it.


wake51@yahoo.com, i have messenger if u ever want to talk about anything and im on all the time.