So at DS's appointment the other day, the doctor indicated he thought he was finally big enough for a vest. When I asked what brand, he mentioned a name I wasn't familiar with -- I was to call the clinic to get the paperwork started on it this week -- but it was less expensive than some of the other vest companies.
When I called the clinic, I was told it was Hill-Rom or whatever name they now use. Just curious with Amy's postings, etc.... She's been mentioning Dr. Warwick preferring the Repirtech system to the newer, smaller vest company; however, I know of several individuals who go to the U of MN, yet are prescribed the Hill-Rom 104 (think that's the newer one). Seemed rather odd, although the people I know who go to U of MN go to a different doctor....
Are those using "The Vest" happy with it? Do you feeling it's getting the job done?
When I called the clinic, I was told it was Hill-Rom or whatever name they now use. Just curious with Amy's postings, etc.... She's been mentioning Dr. Warwick preferring the Repirtech system to the newer, smaller vest company; however, I know of several individuals who go to the U of MN, yet are prescribed the Hill-Rom 104 (think that's the newer one). Seemed rather odd, although the people I know who go to U of MN go to a different doctor....
Are those using "The Vest" happy with it? Do you feeling it's getting the job done?