

New member
Hi, My 3 yr. old has started getting hives. It is only in the evening which is strange. I pat cold water on the spots before bed and when she wakes in the a.m. they are gone. There is no fever or pain, but she says it is very itchy. They come back just before dinner. We haven't done anything differently so I am at a loss. I think it is an allergic reaction because it is red skin with white spots. They almost look like irritated mosquito bites. I also wonder if it isn't any of her CF meds, although nothing is new. Her latest meds were added about 2 months ago (Prevacid and Domperridon). Other than that she is taking Cotazym 4, ADEK, and Bacid.If anyone has had any experience with this I would appreciate a reply.Thanks,AM


New member
I've suffered from hives since I was a kid (I'm 22 now). For me it's an allergic reaction to airborn irritants or to bug bites. I also break out in times of stress or sudden change in temperature. I usually treat them with a relaxing bath with antibacterial soap (non scented) and cool compresses afterwards. If they don't go away with that I take a benedryl tablet and sometimes use a hydrocortizone cream to relieve the itch. Hope this helps.


New member
I am one of those ppl with CF and arthritis...but the rash is totally different than what is described here. These little red bumps do not itch...they hurt...they are red and they are very hot...and they raise above the skin .....and there is fever and pain involved. Its not like an alllergic reaction rash....its really hard to describe unless you've seen strange....Dea


New member
AM-When i was a kid I got similar hives that your child is having, for me it involved no fever or anything else. It turns out i had what is called Fifth's disease, and any kid can get it, but apparently they see it with cf sometimes. It happens once for a few times or a lot for about a year. It is totally harmless. It sounds like this may be what your child has. They do not really knwo what causes it I guess, but I had some out breaks depending on what food i ate, like spinach, or seafood. However, i still can and always have been able to eat spinach and seafood. Hope this helps-Caitlinp.s. As a person with CF i have ALWAYS been able to gage how I am depending on my temp. If i have a temp, i know somethings wrong. So the fact that your 3 year old is not having a temp is a good sign and makes me think its probably not anything to worry about


New member
Have you tried changing laundry detergent? Sometimes something as small as that can make a big difference. Our son used to get small rash patches on him at night also, but we never had it diagnosed to be hives, and we swapped out detergents and no more problem. Maybe this will work for you also. Good luck.