hospital admittance and baby news


New member
I got admitted into the hospital tuesday. I didnt know what was wrong with me but they told me i have RGNR which is Resistant Gram Negative Rods which is a bacteria in the body that cant get cured by anti biotics it either has to die on its own or i have it forever. I also have a bladder infection. Dr Patil came into my room about 10 minutes ago and said if i had any pains in my stomach or back they have to send me to OSU Medical Center...the big boys, they have a dr over there that specializes in cf patients that have babies. **ooo nausea** so yes im extremely worried I dont know what to do. Help i need advice


New member
I have no advice to offer, but want to wish you well and let you know that I will keep you in my thoughts.

Hope things start to look up for you,


New member
Judging from Amy's comment, it sounds like "gram negative rod" is a generic term for a family of bugs. Maybe you should ask the Dr. WHICH gnr you have so you can ask more about the actual or potential dangers of it. Maybe your experience with drugs and bugs plus knowing which one it is will help you feel a bit more in control. I personally find it much more stressful to be worried when I've got partial information than when I've got the whole story.


New member
maybe it would be a good thing to see the big boys... think of it this way we CF ladies have for the most part only been able to have babies (safely) for the last 5 years so the little guys don't have a clue. I'd sure not want to be the guinea pig. Do you think your one of the CF mommies at that hospital? At least he/she seems to be in communication with someone knowledgeable at the big hospital. No worries - stay positive sounds par for the course.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

maybe it would be a good thing to see the big boys... think of it this way we CF ladies have for the most part only been able to have babies (safely) for the last 5 years so the little guys don't have a clue.
LouLou</end quote></div>

I'd have to ask where that statisitc came from?

As far as the gram negative rods - I have those in the form of PA, though mine are not yet antibiotic resistant. They have not caused me any pregnancy problems, though I know there are other gram negative rod bugs out there. Ask lots of questions and arm yourself with knowledge!!


New member
Yeah, it wasn't worded very well. The director of UPenn Perinatology told me that it has only become commonplace for CF women to consider pregnancy in the last 5 years. It happened before that point but much less commonly because the majority of CFers didn't make it to the point to consider it in a well enough state of health. For what its worth that's what she said and I extrapolated about the little guys having even less experience.

I'll post more in my blog for those that are interested about my visit with the high risk OBGYN.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Vampy</b></i>

I got admitted into the hospital tuesday. I didnt know what was wrong with me but they told me i have RGNR which is Resistant Gram Negative Rods which is a bacteria in the body that cant get cured by anti biotics it either has to die on its own or i have it forever. </end quote></div>

Is this RGNR in your lungs or in your body or both?
Don't be afraid to ask your doctor or nurse questions if you're concerned.
I'm sure I had at least one strain of pseudomonas when I was pregnant and did OK. Try not to worry, it's often normal for little events to come up during the pregnancy.


New member

I thought about you this morning because of the e coli outbreak.

If I am reading this right Amy is saying Resistant Gram Rod Stain could be e coli.

Have you eaten any spinach lately?

When I saw the news I immediately thought about you.

How are you doing?

Please keep us updated.
