hospital stays...stories?


New member
hey guys,

i've just been readin the posts, and keep rememberin my different, good, experiences that i've had in the hospital. Although CF is unfortunate, i have it, and hospital stays are never ALL fun, i thought us CFers could use some encouragement. Anybody have some funny stories that they want to share?

I remember one time, when i was like 7, the playroom lady made us all "drivers license's" and we got to wheel around a wheel chair pretending it was a car. I no its stupid, but i was 7, and it was so much fun. That hospital stay was one of the best (as good as a hostpital stay <i>can</i> get) , wheel chair races, skateboarding on IV poles, 7 year old and immature crushes on nurses (guy nurses, i am a girl), raiding the nurses station for food and candy, and answering the "nurse call button" calls when the nurses let us...or didnt let us <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Just to lift spirits for everybody going into the hospital, in the hospital, or just living with CF, does anybody have some fun stories they want to share?

xox -moi<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
Once when I was younger, my mom and I wrapped fancy scarves around our necks and watched the Oscars from my hospital room! It was fun, even though....sigh....Johnny Depp



New member
I hade to stay in the hospital for the summer (from June until August) one year & I had my birthday in July, so, I had all my friends come up and we had a birthday party for me! Then the next day one of my other friends came up and brought my miniature horse & cart and I rode in the cart for a while it was so nice.