

New member
I was wondering if you could tell me how severe my son's CF sounds compared to your experience, he was diagnosed with CF at weeks old, via guthrie test & sweat test followed. Then had the odd cold till about the age of 10mths when he took a very bad cold that ended with severe cough that caused vomiting & he contracted MRSA & Psudomonus virus, making us to have to be hospitalised in iscolation for 2 weeks & get IV antibiotics. He is also on Creon but only half to 3/4 scoop with every meal. He also is on long term Flucloxacillin antibiotics, ADEK vitamins & has an inhaler for wheezing. That was his 1st time being hospitalised, is that severe, or not bad for him being only 11mths?

We are still learning about CF & all that goes with it...any information is greatfully received...

Shirley (Mum) with 3 daughters- 12, 10 & 6 (non CF as yet) & baby Kieran 11mths (wCF)


New member
I dont think even the docs know how severe anyone has cf. They look at the damage of the lungs. Our son is 3 & the docs have said he has pretty bad lungs for a 3 yr old, but everyone is different. Even if you have the same mutation as someone your lungs are the tip off on how bad you are sick. Reece also has tested positive for MRSA a yr ago & is still on isolation even though he has'nt tested positive in a yr. He also has had Pseudemonous & the reg. Staph. But now they want to do that Broncocopy (sp) to see what is exactly growing so they can treat it properly.
Leah~mommy to Reece w/cf


New member
Hi Leah,

How did they analyze his lungs? X-ray? Cat-scan? I'm just curious, because my 2 1/2 year old has also had many lung problems, hospitalizations, cultured pseudo very young, etc. They have done three bronchs, but the cat-scan seemed to give the most info. Did they say anything about bronchiectasis? This is what they were looking for with Sami, but it wasn't evident yet. Although other things showed irregularities that could indicate scarring or atelectasis.

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest, Samantha w/cf)


New member
They have only done Chest Xrays. They say w/ the Bhronc? they want to suction out some fluid, I dont know exactly what it is/ We are still learning about that.We would like some info on it though, thanks. Leah