Hot weather


New member
I know some of you live in sunnier climates than here in Scotland, and are used to hot weather. Well today it is suppose to be the hottest day in Uk history, and in Scotland the record is getting broken daily. 91c is the record in \Scotland, I know its not much, what are your own high temps?


91c is Celcius? Fahrenheit? the 91 would seem to indicate Fahrenheit, but the 'c' would take me as Celcius.
Anyway, I saw 36 Celcius a few days back, and it was 35 C until I crossed the bridge over the river before coming home...strange that crossing a (tiny) river would make such a significant temperature change.
Anyway, as for the humidity, does 100% mean it's raining? or does it mean you're under water? If not underwater, we soon will be!
It gets quite humid, and that seems to be worse than a dry heat.


New member
45 degrees celcius is the highest ive experienced. thats 113 fahrenheit. it hits 40 celcius quite a bit in the summer. i think its funny the way other countries react to 'heat waves'. i saw an article on the news about the UK and US 'heat waves' and i had to have a laugh! the brits were all in bikinis, looking like they live in an oven, yet the temps were only in the low 30's!!! and the US had 'cool buildings' that people could rest in. my goodness! all you need to do is go out onto the patio, lie on the lazyboy, crack open a tinnie [or 'slam down' a solo if you wish] and relax. lol!


New member
It's been 107-108 fahrenheit here (Kansas) & the shade does help some, but the breeze is even hot there, so I keep my shaggy bottom inside in the a/c as much as I can<img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
here in NC it has been 91-96 F with a heat index (or real feel) of 105-115 F due to the humidity around a sticky 100%. Makes it very hard on breathing. I try to stay inside as much as possible.


New member
i understand where kylie is coming from but living in australia i'm sure you get used to the heat . last time we had a heatwave in the uk , three yrs ago, 2000 people died (can that be right or was it 200:confused<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> mostly old people and children<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">. also british people like nothing better than a good old moan about the weather be it rain, snow, sun, wind, anything!!!!!!


New member
All I can say is that it is 2 bloody hot for my liking.  I
like the hot weather, don't get me wrong, but only when you can sit
on your arse all day, ie on holiday.  Just been sitting
outside now, and it is actually getting just a little bit cooler -


New member
I was visiting the UK when the heat wave happened three years ago. Even though I am from Chicago where it routinely gets to be in the upper nineties (and worse with humidity)in the summer, I was MISERABLE in the UK. The problem is that there are no air conditioners anywhere because they never get that hot weather. There was no escaping the heat. I feel for you all in the UK area!


New member
That is so true Sue, also in Scotland we can have up to 19 hours of daylight in the middle of summer, so we get 16 to 17 hours of sunshine.
It has its downside, in the winter we only get 8 hours of daylight. I work constant nights so in the winter i only see daylight twice a week, there again in the summer its never dark for me LOL