how can i deal with my dad having cancer


New member
hi purplelung im trying to be there for my dad but there is one problem my dad lives in america and he has been living there sinces i was 9 months


New member
OH I'm sorry he is so far away. You can still be there for him with your words. Thats all you both need. Sorry I cant help anymore. Just know your in my thoughts.


New member
babe you kno that youll allways hav your m8s and if you need 2 talk to n e one ask them and they will b thea
xx Luv El Taro


New member
Hey Amanda,
Yeah I know i can be here for him.But the thing that really gets me angry isthat he is so far away.How can i be threr for him if he isnt here in New Zealand?


New member
Deechick are you the same person as Becstar or are you sisters or something? MAybe you could write him a letter or something?


New member
The fact that you're so far apart might be a good thing. Your dad is going to want to talk to someone who won't treat him like a patient. He's going to get sick of people asking if he needs anything or if they can do something for him. He's just going to need someone who can relate to him without making him feel helpless.