How do I beef up



We had clinic today and my 16 month old is weighing in at 18lbs 15oz. She is gaining soooo slowly, and quickly dropping off the charts.

I'm sooo frustrated with this. We already have tried all the tricks we and the nutritionist can think of. We are upping the enzymes she is on to see if maybe she is losing her pancreatic sufficiency. We will check the sputum to make sure no infection is causing this, but she seems great: no cough at all, lots of energy, etc.

She is a super picky toddler, and really isn't very interested in food. She grazes a lot of the day, but mealtime is usually a production. We start with a plate of foods that is whatever the rest of us are eating (plus butter or cream). When that goes south, after a few bites, I start rummaging the fridge. She'll even turn away the high test ice cream that I use as her last resort every night.

She loves peanut butter and will eat if off a spoon all day. But if I sit her down for a meal, won't touch it.

She drinks 2 pediasure bottles every day and doesn't seem to like any of the high cal juices etc. I've tried smoothies but they go to waste.

I'm at my witt's end here. I have seen that many of you mention problems getting food into and weight onto your CFers. So if you have any suggestions, I will take them gladly.

And how do you not feel like such a failure to your child when they do not gain??? I keep thinking I'm missing something I'm supposed to be doing!!!


We had clinic today and my 16 month old is weighing in at 18lbs 15oz. She is gaining soooo slowly, and quickly dropping off the charts.

I'm sooo frustrated with this. We already have tried all the tricks we and the nutritionist can think of. We are upping the enzymes she is on to see if maybe she is losing her pancreatic sufficiency. We will check the sputum to make sure no infection is causing this, but she seems great: no cough at all, lots of energy, etc.

She is a super picky toddler, and really isn't very interested in food. She grazes a lot of the day, but mealtime is usually a production. We start with a plate of foods that is whatever the rest of us are eating (plus butter or cream). When that goes south, after a few bites, I start rummaging the fridge. She'll even turn away the high test ice cream that I use as her last resort every night.

She loves peanut butter and will eat if off a spoon all day. But if I sit her down for a meal, won't touch it.

She drinks 2 pediasure bottles every day and doesn't seem to like any of the high cal juices etc. I've tried smoothies but they go to waste.

I'm at my witt's end here. I have seen that many of you mention problems getting food into and weight onto your CFers. So if you have any suggestions, I will take them gladly.

And how do you not feel like such a failure to your child when they do not gain??? I keep thinking I'm missing something I'm supposed to be doing!!!


We had clinic today and my 16 month old is weighing in at 18lbs 15oz. She is gaining soooo slowly, and quickly dropping off the charts.

I'm sooo frustrated with this. We already have tried all the tricks we and the nutritionist can think of. We are upping the enzymes she is on to see if maybe she is losing her pancreatic sufficiency. We will check the sputum to make sure no infection is causing this, but she seems great: no cough at all, lots of energy, etc.

She is a super picky toddler, and really isn't very interested in food. She grazes a lot of the day, but mealtime is usually a production. We start with a plate of foods that is whatever the rest of us are eating (plus butter or cream). When that goes south, after a few bites, I start rummaging the fridge. She'll even turn away the high test ice cream that I use as her last resort every night.

She loves peanut butter and will eat if off a spoon all day. But if I sit her down for a meal, won't touch it.

She drinks 2 pediasure bottles every day and doesn't seem to like any of the high cal juices etc. I've tried smoothies but they go to waste.

I'm at my witt's end here. I have seen that many of you mention problems getting food into and weight onto your CFers. So if you have any suggestions, I will take them gladly.

And how do you not feel like such a failure to your child when they do not gain??? I keep thinking I'm missing something I'm supposed to be doing!!!


Super Moderator
I think getting the culture is a good idea, as well as upping the enzymes. How are your daughters poops? Do they look like she could be malabsorbing?

Ideas to gain weight: peanut butter is great let her have the spoon to go if she wants. Toddlers can be tough eaters CF or not. As you know, they are busy burning calories and moving around more. Scandical is something you can put in juice and it has some fat in it. If you put too much in it your child will know and might not drink it. Whole milk with a little cream. Adding culturelle to my daughter's diet has helped her GI wise and thus helped her gain weight(check with your nutrtionist or Cf doc on that first). Yo baby yogurt with flax oil. MEAT(my daughter loved meat as a baby, pulled pork, london broil(cut up very small) with AI sauce. Noodles with butter and salt(sneak ina little olive oil) Cascadian Farm hs these yummy organic french fries my kids love.(i add salt to it) peanut butter crackers. Mac and cheese is high in fat most kids like it.


Super Moderator
I think getting the culture is a good idea, as well as upping the enzymes. How are your daughters poops? Do they look like she could be malabsorbing?

Ideas to gain weight: peanut butter is great let her have the spoon to go if she wants. Toddlers can be tough eaters CF or not. As you know, they are busy burning calories and moving around more. Scandical is something you can put in juice and it has some fat in it. If you put too much in it your child will know and might not drink it. Whole milk with a little cream. Adding culturelle to my daughter's diet has helped her GI wise and thus helped her gain weight(check with your nutrtionist or Cf doc on that first). Yo baby yogurt with flax oil. MEAT(my daughter loved meat as a baby, pulled pork, london broil(cut up very small) with AI sauce. Noodles with butter and salt(sneak ina little olive oil) Cascadian Farm hs these yummy organic french fries my kids love.(i add salt to it) peanut butter crackers. Mac and cheese is high in fat most kids like it.


Super Moderator
I think getting the culture is a good idea, as well as upping the enzymes. How are your daughters poops? Do they look like she could be malabsorbing?

Ideas to gain weight: peanut butter is great let her have the spoon to go if she wants. Toddlers can be tough eaters CF or not. As you know, they are busy burning calories and moving around more. Scandical is something you can put in juice and it has some fat in it. If you put too much in it your child will know and might not drink it. Whole milk with a little cream. Adding culturelle to my daughter's diet has helped her GI wise and thus helped her gain weight(check with your nutrtionist or Cf doc on that first). Yo baby yogurt with flax oil. MEAT(my daughter loved meat as a baby, pulled pork, london broil(cut up very small) with AI sauce. Noodles with butter and salt(sneak ina little olive oil) Cascadian Farm hs these yummy organic french fries my kids love.(i add salt to it) peanut butter crackers. Mac and cheese is high in fat most kids like it.


Staff member
We kept DS on formula until he was about a year and a half old. He now gets vanilla carnation instant breakfast made with whole milk and cream. He was a terrible, terrible eater and it got worse around that time. We went on a vacation and he ate spagettios almost every day, twice a day. We just fed him what we knew he'd eat. The dietician told us to put what we're having on his plate, even if it's just a bite, to get him to try it, but he'd get soooo upset, it just made matters worse. So I became one of those moms who fixes separate meals for their picky eating kids.

Nowdays it's a little easier because he'll eat some of the same things we do. And sometimes he'll tell us what he wants to eat. Although last night he had mini-pancakes and we had enchilada casserole -- he wouldn't touch it. I was once again accused of trying to make him eat "dirty food". At preschool he's just as picky, but for dessert, they'll give him a spoonful of peanut butter.

I just tell myself that meal times are happy times -- as if I'm a crazed stepford wife and try not to get too frustrated.


Staff member
We kept DS on formula until he was about a year and a half old. He now gets vanilla carnation instant breakfast made with whole milk and cream. He was a terrible, terrible eater and it got worse around that time. We went on a vacation and he ate spagettios almost every day, twice a day. We just fed him what we knew he'd eat. The dietician told us to put what we're having on his plate, even if it's just a bite, to get him to try it, but he'd get soooo upset, it just made matters worse. So I became one of those moms who fixes separate meals for their picky eating kids.

Nowdays it's a little easier because he'll eat some of the same things we do. And sometimes he'll tell us what he wants to eat. Although last night he had mini-pancakes and we had enchilada casserole -- he wouldn't touch it. I was once again accused of trying to make him eat "dirty food". At preschool he's just as picky, but for dessert, they'll give him a spoonful of peanut butter.

I just tell myself that meal times are happy times -- as if I'm a crazed stepford wife and try not to get too frustrated.


Staff member
We kept DS on formula until he was about a year and a half old. He now gets vanilla carnation instant breakfast made with whole milk and cream. He was a terrible, terrible eater and it got worse around that time. We went on a vacation and he ate spagettios almost every day, twice a day. We just fed him what we knew he'd eat. The dietician told us to put what we're having on his plate, even if it's just a bite, to get him to try it, but he'd get soooo upset, it just made matters worse. So I became one of those moms who fixes separate meals for their picky eating kids.

Nowdays it's a little easier because he'll eat some of the same things we do. And sometimes he'll tell us what he wants to eat. Although last night he had mini-pancakes and we had enchilada casserole -- he wouldn't touch it. I was once again accused of trying to make him eat "dirty food". At preschool he's just as picky, but for dessert, they'll give him a spoonful of peanut butter.

I just tell myself that meal times are happy times -- as if I'm a crazed stepford wife and try not to get too frustrated.


I don't think her poops are malabsorbing, occasionally there are food pieces in there. But otherwise it seems normal to me. I will try these things. Its good to know its a norm for Cf kids to need to push them to gain -- but uggh, its frustrating!!


I don't think her poops are malabsorbing, occasionally there are food pieces in there. But otherwise it seems normal to me. I will try these things. Its good to know its a norm for Cf kids to need to push them to gain -- but uggh, its frustrating!!


I don't think her poops are malabsorbing, occasionally there are food pieces in there. But otherwise it seems normal to me. I will try these things. Its good to know its a norm for Cf kids to need to push them to gain -- but uggh, its frustrating!!


New member
My son (pancreatic insufficient) really slowed down with gaining weight at around 15-16 months old. I think it has something to do with them being so active, and not wanting to stop playing to sit and eat. First we upped his enzymes, with no improvement. Then the docotr added periactin a couple of times a day (an allergy med that has a side effect of causing increased appetite) and that helped a little. The best thing we did was stop giving him pediasure. It filled him up so much, and tasted so good, that he had no desire to eat. He eats so much better now, having milk with a little cream and sometimes flavored syrup. Plus, pediasure has so much fat in it, when we stopped giving it to him we actually had to cut back an enzyme, from 3 to 2!

Also, I would put a little bit of a lot of different things on his plate, and I think it made him a bit overwhelmed. He does much better with one thing at a time. He doesn't get more until he eats what's on his plate.

Also, the nutritionist told us to just give him what he wants and we know he'll eat. Even if it means mac and cheese every day for lunch, or sausage for breakfast every day. In your case, I say let her eat as much peanut butter as she wants, it's so good for her!

I hope some of this helps a little!

I just wanted to add, since your daughter doesn't want to sit and eat, sometimes I'll make Vin's lunch and put it out on the coffee table and let him cruise around and pick at it as he plays. I have to do this if we were playing outside, because if I try to bring him in to eat, he'll just have a temper tantrum and refuse to eat.


New member
My son (pancreatic insufficient) really slowed down with gaining weight at around 15-16 months old. I think it has something to do with them being so active, and not wanting to stop playing to sit and eat. First we upped his enzymes, with no improvement. Then the docotr added periactin a couple of times a day (an allergy med that has a side effect of causing increased appetite) and that helped a little. The best thing we did was stop giving him pediasure. It filled him up so much, and tasted so good, that he had no desire to eat. He eats so much better now, having milk with a little cream and sometimes flavored syrup. Plus, pediasure has so much fat in it, when we stopped giving it to him we actually had to cut back an enzyme, from 3 to 2!

Also, I would put a little bit of a lot of different things on his plate, and I think it made him a bit overwhelmed. He does much better with one thing at a time. He doesn't get more until he eats what's on his plate.

Also, the nutritionist told us to just give him what he wants and we know he'll eat. Even if it means mac and cheese every day for lunch, or sausage for breakfast every day. In your case, I say let her eat as much peanut butter as she wants, it's so good for her!

I hope some of this helps a little!

I just wanted to add, since your daughter doesn't want to sit and eat, sometimes I'll make Vin's lunch and put it out on the coffee table and let him cruise around and pick at it as he plays. I have to do this if we were playing outside, because if I try to bring him in to eat, he'll just have a temper tantrum and refuse to eat.


New member
My son (pancreatic insufficient) really slowed down with gaining weight at around 15-16 months old. I think it has something to do with them being so active, and not wanting to stop playing to sit and eat. First we upped his enzymes, with no improvement. Then the docotr added periactin a couple of times a day (an allergy med that has a side effect of causing increased appetite) and that helped a little. The best thing we did was stop giving him pediasure. It filled him up so much, and tasted so good, that he had no desire to eat. He eats so much better now, having milk with a little cream and sometimes flavored syrup. Plus, pediasure has so much fat in it, when we stopped giving it to him we actually had to cut back an enzyme, from 3 to 2!

Also, I would put a little bit of a lot of different things on his plate, and I think it made him a bit overwhelmed. He does much better with one thing at a time. He doesn't get more until he eats what's on his plate.

Also, the nutritionist told us to just give him what he wants and we know he'll eat. Even if it means mac and cheese every day for lunch, or sausage for breakfast every day. In your case, I say let her eat as much peanut butter as she wants, it's so good for her!

I hope some of this helps a little!

I just wanted to add, since your daughter doesn't want to sit and eat, sometimes I'll make Vin's lunch and put it out on the coffee table and let him cruise around and pick at it as he plays. I have to do this if we were playing outside, because if I try to bring him in to eat, he'll just have a temper tantrum and refuse to eat.


New member
I recommend a fat @$$ in a cup - otherwise known as a Starbucks Frappuccino (you can get drinks that don't have caffine).

The large ones have about 800 calories a pop. And they're very tastey with many different flavors sans caffine.


New member
I recommend a fat @$$ in a cup - otherwise known as a Starbucks Frappuccino (you can get drinks that don't have caffine).

The large ones have about 800 calories a pop. And they're very tastey with many different flavors sans caffine.