how do i find out if someone is lying about having cf?


New member
ok, my girlfriend posts here. i won't give her name, obviously. but she claims to have cf yet she smokes cigarettes. when i was told by her that she has it back in december, i made her quit. but she never did, and she still says she hasn't smoked, but she took a couple cigs from my pack last night. about a month ago i mentioned to her mother that i found out she was smoking and she said 'what's the big deal she always smokes at home'. then i said 'obviously bc of her condition she shouldn't smoke' so she says 'what condition?' and i said don't you know she has cf? she didn't even know what iy was. now my gf told me her father died from it. don't you think a mother would know what condition her daughter has AND her husband died from? on the other hand, she is VERY knowledgable about the disease. she said she had to go to the hospital about a month ago bc of trouble breathing, but she refused to have my father take her and instead claims she went with her mother, who said it never happened. i asked her to show me the x-rays she supposedly got, aND SHE SAID SHE WENT TO PICK them up and the hospital was too busy to give them to her and thhat they'd mail them out to her. i have seen no proof that she actually has it, yet here i am feeling so sorry for her and trying to help her out with a disease she may not even have. i'm sorry to throw this out there if it offends anyone, but i need to know the truth. she's lied about other things that are along the same degree as lying about this that i've gotten her to admit. is there any sure way of finding out the truth? and why would someone lie about something like this?


New member
they would probably lie because they are craving attention they never got as a child...or because they are f'd in the head...if she has told you major lies in the past then why are you still with her?


New member
If you cant get the truth out of her & her Mom doesnt confirm her story plus she has lied in the past, then chances are pretty damn good she doesnt have CF. However; assume she does. The basic traits for most people with CF is salt skin. Salty like swimming in the sea salty not normal sweat salty. She might have diahrea/cramps or foul smelling gas after eating especially high fat foods. She might have a cronic cough that might get worse at times & might be underweight or have a very small frame/build. do any of these things sounds like something you noticed? If she has been diagnosed with CF & she goes to a doctor for the treatment of it & she complies she would probably be taking a slew of pills (vitamins, enzymes & others) & some type of aerosol. Even the mildest cases requires maintenance, but speaking from one who use to be there, we dont always comply because we can get away with it at the time. I hope you find your answer. If it turns out to be a lie, I hope she gets counseling because I find it really sick that she would want to fake such a serious illness.


New member
Its pretty obvious that she's lying. Maybe she knew someone who had CF and that's how she know about it, and face it, its easy to educate yourself about it these days. You need to confront her, tell her you want to go with her to a doctor's appointment. Tell her that if she cares about you and respects you that she'll tell you the truth.


New member
I say do lots of research yourself on cf. Become really knowledgable, maybe get someone on here to help you. Then drill her. Ask her what all she has been through. Ask her how bad her dad was. How old was he when he died. Most males are sterile if they have cf, now i said most, its not impossible to have kids naturally. If she is lying she will probably read this and make her self knowledgable on this aspect. But you can still ask lots of questions. If asking about her dad makes her upset ask her about herself. But this is what i think, lying about cf or not, I dont care if she wanted to be with you, loved you and wanted your attention being a chronic liar isnt the way to do that. You said she lied to you about major things in the past, thats one big clue she could be lying now. Like the others said if she is lying now and in the past she probably wont stop in the future. IF its all big lies she could be a pathalogical liar, and they are smart and sneaky about it too. I have been friends with one and its hard. They can fool you and you never know it till months maybe years later. It hurts. They know their stuff, they research everything some are so bad and know everything they think their lies are true. Its a mental problem, they can really think what they say is true. Some can become hypochondriachs, even making themselves sick to back up their lies. Now I am not saying this is her. I am just saying becareful. Although if you are sure she is lying about other things,( lets put this cf in the back corner like this isnt the issue here) you are keeping yourself in this postion to keep being lied to and to keep being hurt. No one, male female, shouldnt keep themselves in this kind of situation, even if you do think they need you. Maybe they do, but they shouldnt lie to you to need you. Relationships are two ways, you can put into it and put into it and not get back.
OK sorry for the long spill here. But you dont have to stay with her just because you think she needs you or you feel sorry for her. A relationship will eventually fail if you do that.


New member
Is she hoping to develop a cough from all this smoking so she can continue with this life of deceit. Maybe she is wanting attention, but, sadly she's going the wrong way about it. I would reccommend a confrontation and exposure on this site if she goes on with this charade without seeking counselling. Noone needs to put up with continual lying. Can't believe her mother is not wanting to help her, somebody certainly needs too.


New member
.... Sorry, but i can't shake the feeling you're just screwing with us on this one. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but posting on the same site your girlfriend visits and giving such a detailed account of the past... One would be hard-pressed to explain that kind of a coincidence. Like I said, though, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.


New member
i don't get could i be lying...i'm posting anonymously and i said i wouldn't name any names...i explained the story to the best of my ability and nobody knows who is involved so nobody will be harmed by could i be lying? why would i be 'screwing with you'? honestly i'm hoping i'm wrong and i'll find out the truth whenever these x-rays that are supoosed to come in the mail arrive...if i was trying to bring someone down i would have named a name, don't you think?


New member
Aren't you worried that your girlfriend will read this post and realize you are talking about her? If she is smart enough to come up with such a lie she's probably smart enough to piece together your story and realize it's her. Although, maybe that is your motive so she realizes you are on to her.


New member
you guys, come on this guy came here for some assistance. He posted anonymously, didn't divulge names, if you dont' have any useful feedback to give him-you should keep your mouth shut.

To the initial poster, I have to ditto what the first few posters said. It would seem, based on what you explained that she doesn't have CF but that she might be craving some very serious attention. If she doesn't have CF, it's an absurd way to go about getting attention-but some people will do anything-it is a disease actually. If you really care about her, and it sounds as if you do-I would sit and have a heart to heart. If you feel that you can handle the truth, regardless; and are willing to help her work through whatever her issue(s) is/are, then I woudl recommend you tell her that you want the truth, you aren't going to leave her regardless, but something just isn't right and you are determined to get to the bottom of it. If she knows she has your support, she might come clean, open up and ultimately she will need some support and assistance. Although it's frustrating and shame on her, there is definately an underlying issue needing to be addressed-if she is indeed lying about her CF.

Take care,
Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>i don't get could i be lying...i'm posting anonymously and i said i wouldn't name any names...i explained the story to the best of my ability and nobody knows who is involved so nobody will be harmed by could i be lying? why would i be 'screwing with you'? honestly i'm hoping i'm wrong and i'll find out the truth whenever these x-rays that are supoosed to come in the mail arrive...if i was trying to bring someone down i would have named a name, don't you think?<hr></blockquote>

People have come on here just to screw with us before. And since you got so defensive I'm even more convinced. I was being polite before, but your story smells.

"she took a couple cigs from my pack last night" --you told her to quit, but you didn't yourself? What kind of sense does that make?

"She's lied about other things that are along the same degree as lying about this" --And yet you're still confused? Her mother says she doesn't know anything about CF, and you haven't seen any concrete proof... Exactly where is your uncertainty coming from?

And, as I pointed out before, you say you want to maintain annoyminity, but then you give such a detailed account of the past. I suppose you think you're girlfriend will just assume it's some other girl who told her boyfriend about CF in December, who was told by her boyfriend to quit smoking but never did, who says her father died from it, who refused to have her boyfriend's father take her, AND who's boyfriend is waiting for some X-rays.

I'm sorry man, either your story is fake, or you are extremely dense. If your story is true, then I'm sorry for being judgemental. Even still, you should be criticized for being a hippocrite about the smoking thing, anyway


New member
I don't see how looking at Xrays would help a lay person know if someone has CF or not.... How about some results of her sweat test or genetic testing showing she has CF as proof? I would agree with the other posters who suspect she is lying. Good luck.


New member
To add to what Melissa said, does she have fingernails and toe nails that are rounded & fingers/toes that are slightly bigger on the ends than the rest of the finger/toe? That is not always present in people w/ CF but quite frequently it is. This condition is called "clubbing".


New member
Wow, this is a crazy story. Ive got to agree with Jared on this one. It all sounds a little far-fetched to me. Firstly, I cant believe you smoke if your gf has cf. Thats just insane and totally selfish. Even if you dont smoke around her, its the principle of it all. Also, why are you still with this girl? She's clearly not right in the head. Do you feel obliged to help her, is that what it is? Also, I have to agree with a few people before me. You might as well sign your name on your 'anonymous' post after you gave such a detailed description of events. This is so completely strange and confusing. I just can't get my head round it. Sounds like you both need help! Sorry if this sounds insensitive, but it seems like you (and thus also your gf) are both just seeking attention with your crazy story. Can you explain yourself? Or just enlighten us?

Rob 24 wcf (no really, I do have CF!)


New member
Just to give a benifit of the doubt. Maybe he is confused on what cf website she goes to, its possible. If she was here and saw this i would think she would reply to this already defending her self. *shrugs* Another thing is not all significant others quit smoking on behalf of the other, for whatever reason. I know of several couples where one has cf or asthma and the other person smokes, not around the cf or asthma one but still smokes.

Anyway whether he is lying or not its still good to give him some advice. I mean we dont have to sit here and grumble and take everythhing either one of them says to heart. Just give the advice they need. Its not going to harm us any. If one or both parties are lying it only harms themselves.


New member

This is the first i have heard of a person claiming to have CF. Who would want to have this disease??? That is a very unloving thing that she is doing to you. I would definately tell her that you dont believe her and if she does not allow you to go on one of her "doctor visits" that you and her are history. I agree with what the previous poster said too.


New member
I have to pipe in here about the smoking part. Although I dont smoke & think it is a very disgusting habit, I have lived around smokers all my life. My husband is a smoker & during my problems this year just started smoking outside. Did I want him to smoke in the house? NO! Did I want to divorce him over it? SOMETIMES. I also have a Mother who is a BIG TIME CHAIN SMOKER!!!!. My first husband was a smoker. 2 sisters & 1 brother smoke. Many friends smoke, but until this year...I put up with it. Now I speak up & I speak loud. My recent problem involved the airways closing down & anything irritated it so I had no choice. I literally could not breath. My point is that people do smoke around me & trust me that I do have CF.