How do they fix a blockage/


New member
My daughter Hannah is going in out patient on Tuesday for a ng something or other I did not catch the rest of what she was saying, Hannah started crying once she heard a day at chop. She had a blockage in June and they cleaned her out but she was in for a bronch and a endo so i did not know she was blocked untill after. So my question is is this something they can fix in the 8 hours they said to set aside for the procedure? I am wondering if we should pack a bag in case? I would love to hear if any body knows? Hannah is six years old. Thanks, Kathy


New member
I don't know if this will be of any help. The only "NG" I can think of is a nasogastric tube that is usually used for tube feedings. I think I have heard of it also being used to give golytly (sp) which is a laxative. Maybe they plan on hooking her up with that in hopes to loosen the blockage....just my guess.


New member
Yelp, that is what the nurse said who just called!! She said ng with golytly (somehing tells me its not light lol) She said she will be hooked up for 8 hrs and then another x ray. I am only nervous of being in the room with her when she is being denied food for 8 hours!! Thanks, Kathy


Staff member
DS had an NG with some radioactive dye when he was about 3 weeks old. They did an xray while he was ingesting it to see if there was a blockage. Took about 20 minutes -- we all sat watching in awe as the stuff went down the hatch, and then we started to lose track once it travelled thru the small intestine. The had it all on computer so the radiologist and surgeon could look over the results and see if there was any blockage, leaking...


New member
I just went through this two weeks ago...Except I didn't get an NG.. I drank the Golytley down and then they did a gastrographin enema.... Basically they got me from both ends... I have to say it did help... but uck it was not fun... Since my intestines are still not working great, I am still drinking the Golytely and I am going to have to get another gastrographen enema before surgery...

It isn't a fun thing... but it is better then the pain....
