how do u know


New member
I'm 15 and around 95 lbs and i've been trying to gainweight but i just can't. So how do u know if you have cf or not?


New member
well have you been sick alot before? maybe been told you have asthma?....most doctors only test if they deem it necessary, like you have serval symptoms and they cant figure out whats wrong. Dont read the symptoms here and get scared and paranoid. Its easy to do that. If your concerned about your weight ask the doctor. Maybe there is something else concerning you ask about it too. But to really know if yu have cf or not you have to have a sweat test or dna test...the dna test is very expensive and most insurances only pay for it if there is a big reason to.


New member
I have friends who are about 15 years old and are 95 pounds. Being that weight at your age isn't highly unusual (unless you are really tall or something). Remember that bodies naturally vary.


New member
Go to a doctor and ask for a sweat test. They are (usually) painless and can give you accurate results (I had one and was diagnosed in 2000 at age 9).
Good luck.


New member
jus go to a doctor mann
and o ya, u shud of done the genetic testin thingy when you were a newborn child. meanin tht maybe the 1rst day in the hospital
hope you find a waayyyyy beta answer then this dude

okk mann
i have to go but ya


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