How do you cope with CF??


New member
I'm a med student from the UK and I'm doing a report into CF and was wondering if some of you guys could help me out? Im just looking for you guys to write a paragraph or two about how your coping with CF and any problems you face as teenagers with CF. Have any you guys ever felt really fed up and gave up on your treatment and what happened to motivate you to change your mind and continue? I'd really appreciate it if you guys could help me out!



New member
hey im elizabeth i just joined this site about 5mins ago.. i rarelly talk about my CF but at my age now i need to no more about it myself and need to talk......u ask how we handle CF .. well some times alot of us just put on a brave face and act as if there is nothing wrong... But at the age of 16 as i am now ive started to get really depressed about i think alot about it now and want to know more questions my self.. i never show that my CF affects me alot i try to think of the positive things and try my hardest to forget about it.. ive given up a few times with my nebulizer but then after missing treatment for a few days you really start to feel the affects, u lose breath easly, week and tired, and then u start thinking to ur self u really need this even though how much u cant stand it and u just want to live life with out all ur treatment but this is keeping u healthy and stops the mucus from clogging in ur lungs, with the emzimes, Cotazyme to digest my food i always have them and ocassionally 4get them and if i do i have a sever tummy pain.. CF affects ppl in different ways. so other ppl will answer ur question different but this is how i feel...

i hope i helped u and sorry if i wrote to much........