How do you deal with Anger


New member
Hi All

I was wondering how you deal with Anger. I know that with any disease, disappointments of any kind can rear the ugly monster to come to visit. Some of us deal with Anger better than others. I know for me, when I was getting sicker while waiting for my transplant, I felt my Anger hanging over an edge and it would come to visit after I battled with an anxiety attack. It helped me to realise that my anxiety was coming outside of me as the Anger could not be expressed well because I had trouble breathing and was not able to express my real feelings about an issue that bothered me. Now that I can breathe well once again, I can easily deal with any issue that may surface and cause me to feel Angry. I can quickly tune out and tune into reality and make the Anger so to speak subside. I know that Anger is very unhealthy but is quite normal to have at times, when battling any illness. I am interested in knowing how you all deal with your Anger. Do you welcome it or do you embrace it where it leaves you feeling sick or are you able to channel your anger Feelings to a constructive place? Feel free to explain how you use to deal with Anger and which ways you have found to better control or put out the fire completely.

Fear, guilt and worry can create thoughts within us that can help fuel Angers ugly head. I have noticed throughout my life whenever I was Angry with others or myself, that is when I got sick the most. So after identifying that I can be an Angry person at times, I worked on ways to deal with my Anger and I stay pretty healthy. As long as I can breathe well, it is easy for me to deal with difficult issues. There were techniques that I learned to help put out the Anger when I was sick but it was very difficult. I must say I was able to channel my feelings out and found strategies to let go of the nasty emotion Anger. I will explain later on the ways that I dealt with anger but for now, I would like to hear from others.



New member
Hi All

I was wondering how you deal with Anger. I know that with any disease, disappointments of any kind can rear the ugly monster to come to visit. Some of us deal with Anger better than others. I know for me, when I was getting sicker while waiting for my transplant, I felt my Anger hanging over an edge and it would come to visit after I battled with an anxiety attack. It helped me to realise that my anxiety was coming outside of me as the Anger could not be expressed well because I had trouble breathing and was not able to express my real feelings about an issue that bothered me. Now that I can breathe well once again, I can easily deal with any issue that may surface and cause me to feel Angry. I can quickly tune out and tune into reality and make the Anger so to speak subside. I know that Anger is very unhealthy but is quite normal to have at times, when battling any illness. I am interested in knowing how you all deal with your Anger. Do you welcome it or do you embrace it where it leaves you feeling sick or are you able to channel your anger Feelings to a constructive place? Feel free to explain how you use to deal with Anger and which ways you have found to better control or put out the fire completely.

Fear, guilt and worry can create thoughts within us that can help fuel Angers ugly head. I have noticed throughout my life whenever I was Angry with others or myself, that is when I got sick the most. So after identifying that I can be an Angry person at times, I worked on ways to deal with my Anger and I stay pretty healthy. As long as I can breathe well, it is easy for me to deal with difficult issues. There were techniques that I learned to help put out the Anger when I was sick but it was very difficult. I must say I was able to channel my feelings out and found strategies to let go of the nasty emotion Anger. I will explain later on the ways that I dealt with anger but for now, I would like to hear from others.



New member
I dont think I manage my anger well. My daughter, hubby & animals get a lot of attitude from me when they dont deserve it. I become a real witch &/or cry uncontrollably. I prefer when I cry because I usually feel a sense of relief for awhile afterwards. When I blow up at everyone I just feel guilt & anger! I have been trying to give myself a time out & go scrub something etc when I am losing my cool. That helps, but sometimes I instinctively react & that is where I need to work on!


New member
I dont think I manage my anger well. My daughter, hubby & animals get a lot of attitude from me when they dont deserve it. I become a real witch &/or cry uncontrollably. I prefer when I cry because I usually feel a sense of relief for awhile afterwards. When I blow up at everyone I just feel guilt & anger! I have been trying to give myself a time out & go scrub something etc when I am losing my cool. That helps, but sometimes I instinctively react & that is where I need to work on!


New member
i vent. vent vent and more venting. until its allllll out. until ive annoyed everyone ive come across with my venting lol! then i try and fix the situation if it can be fixed. if not then i just realise there nothing i can do and relax. im not one to get super duper angry anyway. seems so much effort.


New member
i vent. vent vent and more venting. until its allllll out. until ive annoyed everyone ive come across with my venting lol! then i try and fix the situation if it can be fixed. if not then i just realise there nothing i can do and relax. im not one to get super duper angry anyway. seems so much effort.


New member
Anger is a very valid human emotion that usually drives people to get things done. Think of all those people fighting for the CF cause, getting information out there, pushing for studies or better government assistance to be available for those in need. They don't do it for a nice pat on the back, they do it because they are p!ssed off that it wasn't done in the first place. So my advice is use it.

When I get angry I tend to explode and download on the closest person....the best thing about doing this is that once I have verbally spat out everything I was thinking it becomes clear if I am being ridiculous and need a different perspective OR if there is a good reason for the anger which I can then channel it to become somewhat constructive.

I do live by a certain rule though.....don't vent out a problem unless you are willing to cough up a possible solution. We could whinge about something all day but unless there is willingness shown to fix the problem, whats the point? Although admittedly if your anger (as suggested by Risa) is a result of illness where at that specific point in time you cannot do anything other than wait for meds to work another way of thinking is needed to get though it. Perhaps keep a journal and write it all down....downloading in a book can be a great way to vent also.


New member
Anger is a very valid human emotion that usually drives people to get things done. Think of all those people fighting for the CF cause, getting information out there, pushing for studies or better government assistance to be available for those in need. They don't do it for a nice pat on the back, they do it because they are p!ssed off that it wasn't done in the first place. So my advice is use it.

When I get angry I tend to explode and download on the closest person....the best thing about doing this is that once I have verbally spat out everything I was thinking it becomes clear if I am being ridiculous and need a different perspective OR if there is a good reason for the anger which I can then channel it to become somewhat constructive.

I do live by a certain rule though.....don't vent out a problem unless you are willing to cough up a possible solution. We could whinge about something all day but unless there is willingness shown to fix the problem, whats the point? Although admittedly if your anger (as suggested by Risa) is a result of illness where at that specific point in time you cannot do anything other than wait for meds to work another way of thinking is needed to get though it. Perhaps keep a journal and write it all down....downloading in a book can be a great way to vent also.


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The Dalai Lama, when asked if he wasn't angry at the Chinese for taking over his country: "Why should I give them my mind as well?"




New member
The Dalai Lama, when asked if he wasn't angry at the Chinese for taking over his country: "Why should I give them my mind as well?"




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If it weren't for anger, some of the most interesting things ever in human history would have never taken place.


New member
If it weren't for anger, some of the most interesting things ever in human history would have never taken place.


New member
Yes Anger can be a good thing when we channel it wisely. When I was in the ICU, I was pissed off as I was on the vent a while and when I channeled my anger to direct toward getting out of the hospital if I have to die while I am trying I became very driven. I would say the driven feeling has turned out to be a driving force why I did so well. I guess in this case my anger got the best out of me lol



New member
Yes Anger can be a good thing when we channel it wisely. When I was in the ICU, I was pissed off as I was on the vent a while and when I channeled my anger to direct toward getting out of the hospital if I have to die while I am trying I became very driven. I would say the driven feeling has turned out to be a driving force why I did so well. I guess in this case my anger got the best out of me lol



New member
When I was in my teens I was a very angry person. I was really just waiting to die, I thought everything meant that I was going to die soon so all of this went into anger and I would take it out on myself. I would smoke pack after pack, drink like a silly person etc. Finally, I realized I was still living and I didn't think that time was going to be as soon as I originally thought, so I started to see a shrink. She was a super great shrink and helped me with a lot of issues. After years of seeing her I suddenyl became a 'happy" and very peaceful person! It was amazing. I felt love for strangers, myself and everyone. This is more of where I am now, but when my health starts to decline I get a real attitude and depressed and mad at life in general. It helps me to vent and share my deepest fears with my husband and then beyond that I wait for the anger to fuel my need to do my treatments. I can get so pissed off at my health situation that I start to take in out on myself again, but in a treadmill kind of way, or jogging, etc.


New member
When I was in my teens I was a very angry person. I was really just waiting to die, I thought everything meant that I was going to die soon so all of this went into anger and I would take it out on myself. I would smoke pack after pack, drink like a silly person etc. Finally, I realized I was still living and I didn't think that time was going to be as soon as I originally thought, so I started to see a shrink. She was a super great shrink and helped me with a lot of issues. After years of seeing her I suddenyl became a 'happy" and very peaceful person! It was amazing. I felt love for strangers, myself and everyone. This is more of where I am now, but when my health starts to decline I get a real attitude and depressed and mad at life in general. It helps me to vent and share my deepest fears with my husband and then beyond that I wait for the anger to fuel my need to do my treatments. I can get so pissed off at my health situation that I start to take in out on myself again, but in a treadmill kind of way, or jogging, etc.


In my childhood, I basically had tantrums, like anyone. As I got into my teens, I tended to be a little upset at times related to my disease, and how my efforts have to be 200% to equal my siblings, who only may have put 90% effort into the same thing.
As I got older, I got into the Martial Arts, which really helped control my anger. Yet, since I've been out of the Martial Arts lately, (due to something that angers me more), I found some suppressed anger within myself, and discovered when it almost went out of control one day while arguing with my mother-in-law.
Most cases, just being aware of the problem is a start. As for fears, I think mine are few, but my major one may be defined as seeing my own health deteriorate before having the chance to return to the states, first. Since I'm quite healthy, and aware of that thought, I'm making preparations to avoid that scenario.
Maybe the only other fear is of being out of shape (Though some famous dude once said "fear is, fear itself"!).


In my childhood, I basically had tantrums, like anyone. As I got into my teens, I tended to be a little upset at times related to my disease, and how my efforts have to be 200% to equal my siblings, who only may have put 90% effort into the same thing.
As I got older, I got into the Martial Arts, which really helped control my anger. Yet, since I've been out of the Martial Arts lately, (due to something that angers me more), I found some suppressed anger within myself, and discovered when it almost went out of control one day while arguing with my mother-in-law.
Most cases, just being aware of the problem is a start. As for fears, I think mine are few, but my major one may be defined as seeing my own health deteriorate before having the chance to return to the states, first. Since I'm quite healthy, and aware of that thought, I'm making preparations to avoid that scenario.
Maybe the only other fear is of being out of shape (Though some famous dude once said "fear is, fear itself"!).