how do you feel about coughing all the time?

It doesn't bother me, I've always coughed all the time so I'm used to it. Occassionally, like if my class is taking a test and it's dead silent, I'm a little self concious about coughing, but otherwise it doesn't bother me.


New member
its really bad when you have that cough that seems like it will never go away, like during an assembly at school . that makes you feel real self conscience.


New member
Hey! I absolutely hate coughing all the time!!!! Even though I've done it my whole life I can't stand it! When I was in school and the whole class was quiet and all you heard was me hacking away I'd wanna rip my lungs out and throw them on the floor. I'm coughing as I'm speaking because I'm beginning to catch a cold which ups the coughing like 100%.