How does cf spread?


New member
Ok well first of all cf is not contagious! You can only get cf if both your parents have the gene for it. So cf CAN NOT be spread around to anyone.
heather 20 w/cf


New member
YOu guys, this person is ovbiously not all knowledgable about CF (is anyone really) and sounds to me like he is asking a legitimate question that he might be embarassed to ask his girlfriend. Lets be nice, please.

To the initial poster, it is a genetic condition. If you and your GF ever decide to have kids, you need to get yourself tested to make sure that you are not a carrier of any of the over 1000 CF mutations. Because she has CF, you kids will be carriers, but if you are a carrier there is a more likely chance of having a CF baby. I broke it down somewhere else on this website but don't have the book with me today so maybe someone else can help.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
yeah dont worry about it "spreading around" cant get it by having sex, you cant get it by kissing her, you cant even catch some of the infections she gets when shes sick because sometimes those infections are caused by bacteria in the lungs that only a cf patient has or someone immune compromised....back to the it was said, its a genetic condition passed down by BOTH parents, your born with it, the only way to 'pass' it around would be to have children and the other parent is a carrier of the disease (this means they have a mutated gene but not the disease so nothing affects them), so if both parents are carriers, or one parent has cf and the other is a carrier your likely to pass cf on that way...thats the only way to pass it on
sorry <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> i just thought it was cute...i wasnt trying to be mean <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


New member
hey lilstrawberryshortness, how old are you? just curious since you always have such immature comments like you think cf is some funny game or something. i know your trying to be "cute"but your far from it.


New member
to the above 12:19 poster, you need to get over yourself!!!! I am 27 and I enjoy lilstrawberryshortness and her comments. since when was being cute and witty immature? She has a positive attitude. How dare you say to her that "CF is not some funny game", she is living with this every day and knows it is neither funny nor a game----having a good attitude toward CF is not an easy thing to do. Picking on someone because they can laugh at themselves, now that is a sign of immaturity!!
im 14 FYI...and no..i do not think having CF is funny...i was just trying to lighten up the situation...god...i think YOU need to get over YOURSELF...i have more problems then you will ever have...and when im finaly in a good mood people like you come and ruin it for <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> back from square one i guess


New member
I quite agree. So what if she's 14? You know, given that CF is a genetic disorder, there will be 14 year olds with it. Try using some common sense. And there's nothing wrong with making light of it a little. She lives with it, just as a bunch of the rest of us do. I make death jokes all the time. Is death funny? Is death by CF funny? Not particularly, but it helps me "normalize" it somewhat. I imagine Brandi (Strawberry) is just having a laugh, and I think she has every right. With CF, we kind of need to take time out to have a laugh every now and again. So leave her be. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Yes and after all cooties is not something you'd want to catch. Well done Strawberry on pointing that one out<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Yes and after all cooties is not something you'd want to catch. Well done Strawberry on pointing that one out<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

Sorry Whe will I ever remember to log in??


New member
Ok Ok everyone, all I was trying to say is that obviously this person is a newer poster to this site, evidenced by the questions in the post. There is NOTHING wrong with the question that was asked, I remember when I found out my husband, then BF had CF and I had no freaking idea what the heck it was or who I could ask my million questions to. Luckily, my husbands family was very open with me on the matter and answered any questions I had. Once he and I progressed into the relationship, I felt more comfortable asking him questions so I did.
This person came here for our support, and we should support them by honestly answering the question and giving them some guidance. There is nothing wrong with being silly, and thinking something is cute but in life timing is everything and this was not the right time for that. Hopefully this person isn't too embarassed by the comments after his post, to ever come back again. Is that the purpose of us being here? no, I don't think it is. Some things on this board are funny and deserve a good laugh and some more silly comments added to the post, but not this one.

To the initial poster, if you ever have more questions or want to talk with someone who has been where you are now please feel free to email me at

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
While I agree the only way to learn is to ask questions, this question borders on ridiculous. With 5 seconds of effort it takes to type the words 'cystic fibrosis' on google, and the other minute or so to read the basic blurb about CF, you would see that it is 'genetic'. I think it is great this boyfriend is trying to learn about his girlfriend's health, but I mean, read up for 5 minutes on the disease before hitting us up for facts.