How does psuedomonas present???


New member
I'm starting to wonder about my little girl. I've posted earlier about the possibility of her having allergeries. She was on 10 days of antiboitics, off 5-days and her persisent cough came back so she was placed on a 14-day treatment. Got off that and the symptoms came back, only a little worse and with a 100.5-100.9 fever. The fever in itself isn't that bad, but a day or two after a course of antibotics? especially when that course was preceeded by a 10-day course? So with the conclusion of this course she's on now, that will be 38 days of antibotics in about a 44-day span.

We went through this exact thing in November and ended up with a tune-up. Kept her clean till late Feb.

I was thinking maybe allergries, but with this fever, I'm not so sure. For a while the whole house had the crud, but this time no one does.

She has had several bronchs and never cultured psuedomonas. however, on her last bronch the doctor said it looked like psuedomonas and he has alluded that he thinks she has it but it just hasn't cultured. More of a gut feeling from experience.

So I was wondering, how has psuedomonas presented in those of you who have it (or have a little one with it)?


New member
For Jason, it presented with the cough and the other normal upper resp. symptoms. Jason had problems with pseud. in his sinus' also. We found that even when it wasn't showing up on culture results, the on and off cycle of TOBI was doing the trick to keep the symptoms at bay. He started using a mask when doing the TOBI so it went into his sinus area also - big help. Have you tried TOBI yet? What antibiotics - oral and IV - have been tried? What has she cultured and how did they determine what to use for the tune up?
Jo Ann


New member
Since pseudomonas is my main culprit I know when my cough increases, sputum thickens & color darkens. Pseudomonas also gives off a "sweet" type taste & smell. Not sugary sweet, but subtly sweet!


New member
My little girl gets the on again, off again cough. It will go away while on oral antibiotics, but comes back again a few days later. I don't usually notice a change in the color of her sputum, it's always clear to white, but the cough is a definite sign she's culturing pseudomonas for us. She just finished a round of TOBI and Cipro, I hope that's finally beaten it out of her. We'll find out in a few days.


New member
My son cultured pseudomonas once and he had no associated symptoms. He was on tobi for one month and has not cultured it since. Everyone is different. I have heard others say that when pseudo acts up, their breath has a certain smell.


New member
I guess I should also note that I have cultured pseudomonas for years & am quite colonized. I am sure that makes a big difference.


New member
Jason def. has that smell too when it is the pseud. acting up. Sorry forgot about that. Actually from about the time h2 was 2 until 5, that was our first sign along with the thick junk that caused the cough.
Jo Ann


New member
the smell and taste. The smell is the breathe and where is the taste?

CF is a wierd diease, we talk about tasting our kids foreheads to detemine if they have CF.


New member
Emily cultured positive for psuedo on her very first culture. At that point she had no cough and has never to my knowledge actually coughed up any sputum. By the way, how do you eventually get kids to spit it out...she must jsut swallow anything that comes up. She does occasionally have that "subtly sweet" smell, though. I wondered what that was. How is it determined whether someone is resitant to TOBI? We're on our 3rd cycle (28 days on 28 off) and still culturing.


New member
Well, she's still running a low grade temperture. After reading some of your posts and what the doctor said earlier, I'm starting to settle with the thought she has psuedomonas. She just started her second 14-day course of Cipro. Psuedomonas isn't resistent to Cipro is it? I can't remember what the first 10-day antibotic was. My wife usually handles all that stuff.

She is starting to cough stuff up. For the previous writer, this is the first time she has ever coughed stuff up. Yesterday during her jiggle-jiggle (the Vest treatment) she coughed a lot of stuff up. I think we need to start teaching her how to cough.