on a scale of 1 to 10 1=never do anything or 10 totally compliant and never miss any treatments
i would say iam a 7
i admit at the weekend i dont do that much but during the week i try to be pretty religous with my treatments i have realised from own personal experience that i have had to relax some treatments or i end up being a slave to cf up until around 23 i have been more or less 100% compliant physio 3 times a day ie i was doing 20 minutes 3 x daily and from the age of 17 all my nebulisers (when the docs put me on them) but with hindsight i have found from a personal opinion that doing treatments so religously it has messed up my social life to a extent ie doing all this tratment does tire you somewhat and ya cant be 100% like ya mates(ive told them the situation and thank god they understand)
and on a education level my grades at uni this year have suffered bit as to do near 2 hours treatments daily on a full time course is like carrying a heavy burden
my point is it is damm near impossible to have a normal successful life and do treatments so religously without being affected somewhat being academically or socially
i would say iam a 7
i admit at the weekend i dont do that much but during the week i try to be pretty religous with my treatments i have realised from own personal experience that i have had to relax some treatments or i end up being a slave to cf up until around 23 i have been more or less 100% compliant physio 3 times a day ie i was doing 20 minutes 3 x daily and from the age of 17 all my nebulisers (when the docs put me on them) but with hindsight i have found from a personal opinion that doing treatments so religously it has messed up my social life to a extent ie doing all this tratment does tire you somewhat and ya cant be 100% like ya mates(ive told them the situation and thank god they understand)
and on a education level my grades at uni this year have suffered bit as to do near 2 hours treatments daily on a full time course is like carrying a heavy burden
my point is it is damm near impossible to have a normal successful life and do treatments so religously without being affected somewhat being academically or socially