How Smart is Your Right Foot?


New member
This is so weird that it will boggle your mind. And you will
try at least 20 times to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can't.

1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and
make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your
right hand.

Your foot will change direction.
I told you so .....And there's nothing you can do about it


New member
I kind of beat it, but it took a lot of tries & true concentration. My foot actually stopped moving, but didnt go the direction of my finger!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Our brains are only cabable of one thing? I think that is so neat though</end quote></div>

It is only the left or right side of the brain which can only do one thing. (The right side of the body is controlled by the left side of the brain, and vice-versa) If you make circles with your foot and trace the six with your opposite hand, then your foot will not change.


New member
honestly i done it first time, may be im weird , i reckon it must
be the weed im smoking i new it had a good use


New member
Are you left handed? need to use your right hand to make the six.

If you are already using your right hand, pass me the joint, must be good stuff!


New member
I did it! my right foot continue clockwise and my right finger made a six. I'm not kidding, I actually broke the cycle. And God did it take a LOT of concentration to do.

Oh and no weed smoking here.


New member
The only way that you can do this is by making the number six backwards. Starting with backward C and completing it up until a complete number 6


New member
I can't try this, I always have my foot in my mouth<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">
Actually, I had my hubby try it & he switched directions too!


New member
Wow, messed up! No matter how hard I tried to concentrate, I couldn't beat it. It made me laugh picturing everyone trying to do it!


New member
I didn't make a backwards 6 or start with a C and complete it. I made a regular, normal number 6. So it can be done. It's hard, but can be done.