How to gain weight....


New member
Ok im 5'9" and weigh jsut under 110lbs and wanna know how to gain weight. I drink 3-4 ensure pluses daily and try to eat good but I like not the best eater in the world, I like what I like and that bout it.

I can like eat really good and not really gain a pound and it just like shoots u down when u step on the scale and u not gained anything. I can eat like steak and eat alot of BBQ and stuff like that and I can like go to a all you can eat ribs at apple bee's and eat 3-5 plates of riblets and it not do anything for me. I take my enzymes, 5 a meal...I just need help and like wander if it is b/c im a teenager why i dont gain weight b/c im going through puberty and stuff. Will i start gaining weight easier when I am done growing up?


New member
Ok im 5'9" and weigh jsut under 110lbs and wanna know how to gain weight. I drink 3-4 ensure pluses daily and try to eat good but I like not the best eater in the world, I like what I like and that bout it.

I can like eat really good and not really gain a pound and it just like shoots u down when u step on the scale and u not gained anything. I can eat like steak and eat alot of BBQ and stuff like that and I can like go to a all you can eat ribs at apple bee's and eat 3-5 plates of riblets and it not do anything for me. I take my enzymes, 5 a meal...I just need help and like wander if it is b/c im a teenager why i dont gain weight b/c im going through puberty and stuff. Will i start gaining weight easier when I am done growing up?


New member
Ok im 5'9" and weigh jsut under 110lbs and wanna know how to gain weight. I drink 3-4 ensure pluses daily and try to eat good but I like not the best eater in the world, I like what I like and that bout it.

I can like eat really good and not really gain a pound and it just like shoots u down when u step on the scale and u not gained anything. I can eat like steak and eat alot of BBQ and stuff like that and I can like go to a all you can eat ribs at apple bee's and eat 3-5 plates of riblets and it not do anything for me. I take my enzymes, 5 a meal...I just need help and like wander if it is b/c im a teenager why i dont gain weight b/c im going through puberty and stuff. Will i start gaining weight easier when I am done growing up?


New member
To gain weight, you need to eat often<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I suggest starting out early in the morning and eating whatever appeals to you. Try and eat as healthy as possible. then if you are tired take a nap on a lounge chair so you are not laying down where all the food will bother you. Eat as many little meals as possible. As time goes by, your stomach will stretch to accomodate more food. Your appetite will increase too. Tell yourself that you want to gain and imagine looking and seeing the weight on the scale. Each day invision your goal. If you can workout, this will help you gain muscle. Do you like eating Cliff bars? They are the healthiest snack food available. I would eat two per day. If you are not a diabetic then just load up on the carbs and proteins and of course some healthy fats. At each mini meal, have protein with the carbs.

The idea is to space out your meals. When you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, have a homemade protein drink. The protein drink will help to relax you so you can go back to sleep. Always sleep if you can on pillows so you do not get reflux after eating. Once you get a routine going, you will be gaining weight. Be patient with yourself and just do not worry.

I am five feet eight inches and now weigh 147 but I did weigh most of my life 120. I was thin so I can relate to how you feel.

I think it is very important to always have extra weight on you for yoru physical and mental health.

if you need more help PM me.


New member
To gain weight, you need to eat often<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I suggest starting out early in the morning and eating whatever appeals to you. Try and eat as healthy as possible. then if you are tired take a nap on a lounge chair so you are not laying down where all the food will bother you. Eat as many little meals as possible. As time goes by, your stomach will stretch to accomodate more food. Your appetite will increase too. Tell yourself that you want to gain and imagine looking and seeing the weight on the scale. Each day invision your goal. If you can workout, this will help you gain muscle. Do you like eating Cliff bars? They are the healthiest snack food available. I would eat two per day. If you are not a diabetic then just load up on the carbs and proteins and of course some healthy fats. At each mini meal, have protein with the carbs.

The idea is to space out your meals. When you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, have a homemade protein drink. The protein drink will help to relax you so you can go back to sleep. Always sleep if you can on pillows so you do not get reflux after eating. Once you get a routine going, you will be gaining weight. Be patient with yourself and just do not worry.

I am five feet eight inches and now weigh 147 but I did weigh most of my life 120. I was thin so I can relate to how you feel.

I think it is very important to always have extra weight on you for yoru physical and mental health.

if you need more help PM me.


New member
To gain weight, you need to eat often<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I suggest starting out early in the morning and eating whatever appeals to you. Try and eat as healthy as possible. then if you are tired take a nap on a lounge chair so you are not laying down where all the food will bother you. Eat as many little meals as possible. As time goes by, your stomach will stretch to accomodate more food. Your appetite will increase too. Tell yourself that you want to gain and imagine looking and seeing the weight on the scale. Each day invision your goal. If you can workout, this will help you gain muscle. Do you like eating Cliff bars? They are the healthiest snack food available. I would eat two per day. If you are not a diabetic then just load up on the carbs and proteins and of course some healthy fats. At each mini meal, have protein with the carbs.

The idea is to space out your meals. When you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, have a homemade protein drink. The protein drink will help to relax you so you can go back to sleep. Always sleep if you can on pillows so you do not get reflux after eating. Once you get a routine going, you will be gaining weight. Be patient with yourself and just do not worry.

I am five feet eight inches and now weigh 147 but I did weigh most of my life 120. I was thin so I can relate to how you feel.

I think it is very important to always have extra weight on you for yoru physical and mental health.

if you need more help PM me.


New member
I gained alot of weight from a family cruise i went on. It was only a 3 day curise and I gained 6 pounds! All i did was eat, eat, and eat. I am not suggesting to go on a cruise but it does help. Also I found eat constantly, watching tv and eating chips and dip, or doing homework and eating icecream. Different stuff, but alot of it. Also, I ate alot before going to bed. That helped becuase all I did was lay and sleep. But some people have a naturally harder time gaining weight then others so not everything would work. Hopefully that helps a little I am not very fat myself but compared to the stick I used to be I gained a lot. I am now 5'5 and 130 ish but when I was like 5'4 or 5'3 i was pushing 90 to 100. Also, I think it depends alot on your age and how much, bad the cf is. I know that until last year when i was 16 i didn't start gaining the weight.


New member
I gained alot of weight from a family cruise i went on. It was only a 3 day curise and I gained 6 pounds! All i did was eat, eat, and eat. I am not suggesting to go on a cruise but it does help. Also I found eat constantly, watching tv and eating chips and dip, or doing homework and eating icecream. Different stuff, but alot of it. Also, I ate alot before going to bed. That helped becuase all I did was lay and sleep. But some people have a naturally harder time gaining weight then others so not everything would work. Hopefully that helps a little I am not very fat myself but compared to the stick I used to be I gained a lot. I am now 5'5 and 130 ish but when I was like 5'4 or 5'3 i was pushing 90 to 100. Also, I think it depends alot on your age and how much, bad the cf is. I know that until last year when i was 16 i didn't start gaining the weight.


New member
I gained alot of weight from a family cruise i went on. It was only a 3 day curise and I gained 6 pounds! All i did was eat, eat, and eat. I am not suggesting to go on a cruise but it does help. Also I found eat constantly, watching tv and eating chips and dip, or doing homework and eating icecream. Different stuff, but alot of it. Also, I ate alot before going to bed. That helped becuase all I did was lay and sleep. But some people have a naturally harder time gaining weight then others so not everything would work. Hopefully that helps a little I am not very fat myself but compared to the stick I used to be I gained a lot. I am now 5'5 and 130 ish but when I was like 5'4 or 5'3 i was pushing 90 to 100. Also, I think it depends alot on your age and how much, bad the cf is. I know that until last year when i was 16 i didn't start gaining the weight.


New member
well i go to school so i cant like eat constantly....ill try to find those "cliff bars".

i am 16 and still going through puberty so does that tie into weight issue?


New member
well i go to school so i cant like eat constantly....ill try to find those "cliff bars".

i am 16 and still going through puberty so does that tie into weight issue?


New member
well i go to school so i cant like eat constantly....ill try to find those "cliff bars".

i am 16 and still going through puberty so does that tie into weight issue?


New member
If you are growing taller and gaining then that is good. If you are growing and not gaining, just eat more. Cliff bars are good for when you are going out and want an extra snack but it is not a meal replacement. It will add extra calories if you can eat your regular meals. just trying to help. The more I eat, the hungrier I become. Very strange.

looking a delicious cook books help to create an appetite. If you do not have an appetite and feel slighty off, tap or rub under your nose above your lip. This is part of the stomach meridian and will help you maybe to create an appetite. It also helps if you are feeling sick to your stomach.

Massaging under your ribs gently can create an appetite.


New member
If you are growing taller and gaining then that is good. If you are growing and not gaining, just eat more. Cliff bars are good for when you are going out and want an extra snack but it is not a meal replacement. It will add extra calories if you can eat your regular meals. just trying to help. The more I eat, the hungrier I become. Very strange.

looking a delicious cook books help to create an appetite. If you do not have an appetite and feel slighty off, tap or rub under your nose above your lip. This is part of the stomach meridian and will help you maybe to create an appetite. It also helps if you are feeling sick to your stomach.

Massaging under your ribs gently can create an appetite.


New member
If you are growing taller and gaining then that is good. If you are growing and not gaining, just eat more. Cliff bars are good for when you are going out and want an extra snack but it is not a meal replacement. It will add extra calories if you can eat your regular meals. just trying to help. The more I eat, the hungrier I become. Very strange.

looking a delicious cook books help to create an appetite. If you do not have an appetite and feel slighty off, tap or rub under your nose above your lip. This is part of the stomach meridian and will help you maybe to create an appetite. It also helps if you are feeling sick to your stomach.

Massaging under your ribs gently can create an appetite.


New member
lol i have a mustache and trust me liking above my lip or under my nose diff dont make me want to eat taste nasty hahaha


New member
lol i have a mustache and trust me liking above my lip or under my nose diff dont make me want to eat taste nasty hahaha


New member
lol i have a mustache and trust me liking above my lip or under my nose diff dont make me want to eat taste nasty hahaha