How were you tested for pancreatic insufficiency?


New member
My daughter has failure to thrive down to .785tile weight 3% for height.  One GI suggeste that she have a pancreatic stimulation test for pancreatic insufficiency.  We want to this during bronchoscopy so she is sedated 1 time and since her gi and pulmonologist are at 2 different hospitals we have a 2nd opinion and the pulmonologists hospital and she feels fecal elastace is more accurate than the pacreatic stimulation test.  What test did you do to determine pancreatic insufficiency?  we are going to repeat the fecal elastace in the meantime.d


New member
My daughter has failure to thrive down to .785tile weight 3% for height. One GI suggeste that she have a pancreatic stimulation test for pancreatic insufficiency. We want to this during bronchoscopy so she is sedated 1 time and since her gi and pulmonologist are at 2 different hospitals we have a 2nd opinion and the pulmonologists hospital and she feels fecal elastace is more accurate than the pacreatic stimulation test. What test did you do to determine pancreatic insufficiency? we are going to repeat the fecal elastace in the meantime.d


New member
My daughter has failure to thrive down to .785tile weight 3% for height. One GI suggeste that she have a pancreatic stimulation test for pancreatic insufficiency. We want to this during bronchoscopy so she is sedated 1 time and since her gi and pulmonologist are at 2 different hospitals we have a 2nd opinion and the pulmonologists hospital and she feels fecal elastace is more accurate than the pacreatic stimulation test. What test did you do to determine pancreatic insufficiency? we are going to repeat the fecal elastace in the meantime.d


Staff member
DS had a fecal fat test; however, it was already determine he was PI due to being born with Meconium Illeus.


Staff member
DS had a fecal fat test; however, it was already determine he was PI due to being born with Meconium Illeus.


Staff member
DS had a fecal fat test; however, it was already determine he was PI due to being born with Meconium Illeus.
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