How would you guys feel about an OT (off topic) category?


New member
To help separate the CF discussion from the off topic stuff we're thinking of creating an OT (off topic) category. Let us know what you think.


New member
Sounds like a good idea to me. People can go there and just post about whatever they want withough frustrating people by diverting away from CF. I'd definetly be interested.



New member
You just posted that THREE times. Ithink this is acting sllow today cas it keeps happening me! I wonder how many posts ive posted(?)


New member
I suppose if theres an excercise topic then there should be a nutrition topic too. And Im ALL ears to that one cas I have such problems gaining weight!


New member
No, I think it sounded good in the beginning but it's kind of forgotten about. Lost in cyber space. I think it's just easier to post here on the Adult forum. That way you know it gets read.