How your teachers treat you...


New member
Hey I was just wondering if any of you have teachers at school who
like, really obviously pity you because of your CF....? I do
and it makes me sooo mad!!! It's like she thinks that because I'm
sick all the time I must be totally handicapped at everything I do,
so if I'm achieving at or above the level of a 'normal'
person, it's like the most amazing thing she's ever seen. It's
sooo annoying! Ugh I could go on forever but I'll let someone
respond first...please do!<br>
Phoebe xx.


New member
yeAH it was a few year ago
i had once one in sportclasses it was so hard for me to do somethimk because she always asked me if i was ok and me: yeah im ok thinking : shut up you *** ^^
and the other students were treating me ok at the begining but when they noticed she treated me "better" they began to gossip about me


New member
Yeah it happens to me, My teacher is always asking me if I am ok and when I finish my work she always makes a big deal about it. She once even told my best friend to leave me be because he was destracting me or something like that and we always laugh about her cuz she is always asking me questions like when did I last eat and stuff like that. It makes me mad, she puts me on blast in front of the whole class and they all ask me about it then I have to explain it. Some times it gets annoying. I don't say anything to her though because I don't wanna hurt her feelings.


New member
The only time that happened to me and it DIDN'T bother me was when I ran the mile in 8th grade. I didn't think I could do it. My gym teacher didn't expect me to. And I finished in 8:52. He acted like it was fantastic... and it was! lol

But yeah, I hate when you get that attitude. In my experience, when you get older, it tapers off. They respect you, and accomodate your differences, but pity a lot less.


New member
id rather have a teacher that pities me and actually cares rather than one who is too hard on me and has unrealistic expectations. most of my teachers were the latter in high school. as you can probably guess i didnt do to well because of it.


New member
I would walk up to your teacher in private and just say something like, You know I have CF and i just want you not to worry about me. I appreciate your concern as it shows alot. I will be ok. No worries.


New member
Wow, when I was kid/teen that used to really embarrass me. Also, some people knew I had a disease but didn't know what it was. That was really annoying. I heard people mention aids an anorexia on occasion. That was a tough part about growing up with cf. My advice: If you have things to do differently don't worry about. It's better to take care of your health now.


New member
hi i have been out of school for 7weeks and all my teachers thought it was so amazing that i only have 2c's 2a's and3c's
love dani


Digital opinion leader
My son is always mad when he has to be sick and in the hospital AND have to make up school work. His teachers have always been awesome and accomodating, but he would rather not have the extra attention.


New member
I think there's a difference between pity and things
like compassion and understanding.<br>
Most of my teachers are absolutely fantastic...they know I'm not
going to die in front of them if I happen to start coughing or
something, but are aware enough that if I look sick or haven't been
at school for a while they won't ask too much of me etc.<br>
One particular teacher however has taken this to the extreme. It
doesn't matter if I am looking sick or not, she feels the need to
reference my CF every single day! To the point where it's actually
become some sort of a personal joke between me and my classmates.
Quite a fun game really, as in..."how is she going to bring up
the subject today?" Its seem s to be a real novelty to her
that she has a CFer in her class, and she claims it as much as she
It can be patronizing at times, and definitely tactless, however I
am not really bothered by it anymore. Like I said, I have the
support of my classmates and they help me see the funny side of it
Anyway I just began the topic initially to see if anyone else was
in similar situations. Thank you for your responses so far!<br>
Phoebe xx.