Husband Changing Jobs to New Mexico


New member
My understanding is that ethan sky can never be without insurance in order to keep him insured..
any suggestions on steps to take to make sure this happens when the job switch happens?
Also anyone know about cf doctors in New Mexico...we will be in silver city (2 hrs NW of Las Cruces)?


New member
I just tried replying and it didn't work. I've never had that happen before. I'l try again.
I live in New Mexico (I've never met anyone else on this board that does). If you're moving to Silver City you'll be about 4-5 hours away from Albuquerque. That is where the only CF Center is in the state. You'll be in the SW corner of the state we live in the SE corner. We have been attended the Clinic at UNMH (University of New Mexico Hospital) for 14 years through many ups and downs (more downs that ups) Huge turn over of staff. Where are you coming here from? I'll be glad to answer any questions you may have.

Mom to 3
17 w/o CF, 14 w/CF, 9 w/CF


Super Moderator
I don't have any information for you about NM, but my husband did change jobs last year.

He had to be employed by his new employer for 3 months before we could be covered under their policy. During that time, we extended health coverage with his previous employer through COBRA. We did not leave the area, so we were able to see our same doctors for that 3 months.

During that 3 months, we found out about his new insurance, and choose our new primary care physician. Our new insurance wasn't going to be effective until January, but in early Dec. we scheduled an appointed for the earliest in January we could get. He was able to prescribe all the meds Sarah was on, and do the pre-authorizations so the meds would be covered by the new insurance. And he also did a referal to the CF clinic at that time.

You will have a bit more steps since you are moving to a different state. I don't know what type of coverage you have now through your husbands employer (and what kind of coverage it has in NM), but you should be able to extend that coverage through COBRA. (If his current company has 20 or more employees, I believe COBRA is available.)

Again, I don't know how your current health insurance works, but if I were in your position, this is what I would try to do.

Have your current primary care physician refer you to the CF clinic in NM.
~Set up an appointment with the new CF clinic and try to get the appointment for shortly after your move to NM.
~Try to find a PCP in NM that is part of your current insurance and also your new insurance. It should make the transition easier. As soon as your insurance changes, he can refer you to the CF clinic so your clinic visits will be covered.

Well, that may have been more information than you asked for...hehe! I hope it helps.


New member

I live in El Paso, TX......about one hour away from Las Cruces. We do not have a CF clinic here in El Paso, but I hear the one in Alburqurque is pretty good. We travel all the way to San Antonio, TX for Courtney's clinic.



New member
To answer your question Terri, we are coming from the Phoenix Metro area, which is also about 5 hours away from Silver City..
Has anyone heard of an insurance company covering a doctor in a different state??? It seems silly to go through a switch of doctors and have to travel the same amount of time to either albuquerque or phoenix...especially when our family is in Phoenix...
I didn't know you had to have a referral from your primary that with most insurance companies??
Thanks for all the info so far!!!!


Staff member
It depends upon your insurance. We have BCBS Select Choice. Which means we choose a primary clinic/medical provider in our <u>City</u> -- we have a choice of 3 difference facilities. However, we do NOT have an accreditted CF clinic in our City -- one in our State about 3 hours away and another in a neighboring state, which is about 3 1/2 hours drive away.

We cannot get a referral to either clinic because our clinic (the one who could refer us), feels they have an adequate cf clinic in town (nonaccreditted CF Clinic). So we chose to go out of state, out of network a few times a year. Because we go "out-of-network", we're responsible for a higher percentage of medical costs. 20% copay instead of 10%. Though so far we haven't noticed much of a difference -- the medical costs locally for the non-accreditted clinic are crazy.

At some point when DS requires more extensive care it's going to become an issue, we WILL need to get that referral because local care is very very substandard and we're not about to risk ds's health.

Would the Tucson clinic be any closer than the phoenix one? I thought they had an accreditted facility? L


New member
Liza you are right that Tucson is closer, only 3.5 hrs away and i have heard some good things about their clinic....we have lots of family in phoenix though, are already set up with docs here and it would be a great excuse to come for a visit!!
I think my next step is to find out what insurance my husband will have if this job change goes thru..
Then we will have to decide if we are willing to pay more medical costs to get what we want


New member
We also have BCBS,but about a year ago our policy changed and we are allowed to go out of state. An option we have considered because we are so frustrated with Albuquerque. I guess I need to clarify it's not the clinic in Albuquerque that we're frustrated with as much as the hospital. We have had terrible experiences there Albuquerque would be farther than Tucson from Silver City but if you're already established in Phoenix. At least you may have some options.

