I don't have any information for you about NM, but my husband did change jobs last year.
He had to be employed by his new employer for 3 months before we could be covered under their policy. During that time, we extended health coverage with his previous employer through COBRA. We did not leave the area, so we were able to see our same doctors for that 3 months.
During that 3 months, we found out about his new insurance, and choose our new primary care physician. Our new insurance wasn't going to be effective until January, but in early Dec. we scheduled an appointed for the earliest in January we could get. He was able to prescribe all the meds Sarah was on, and do the pre-authorizations so the meds would be covered by the new insurance. And he also did a referal to the CF clinic at that time.
You will have a bit more steps since you are moving to a different state. I don't know what type of coverage you have now through your husbands employer (and what kind of coverage it has in NM), but you should be able to extend that coverage through COBRA. (If his current company has 20 or more employees, I believe COBRA is available.)
Again, I don't know how your current health insurance works, but if I were in your position, this is what I would try to do.
Have your current primary care physician refer you to the CF clinic in NM.
~Set up an appointment with the new CF clinic and try to get the appointment for shortly after your move to NM.
~Try to find a PCP in NM that is part of your current insurance and also your new insurance. It should make the transition easier. As soon as your insurance changes, he can refer you to the CF clinic so your clinic visits will be covered.
Well, that may have been more information than you asked for...hehe! I hope it helps.