Hypertonic Saline


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Hi Charlotte

I neb 7% hypertonic saline twice a day. I started about a month ago. Although I do not like spending the time doing this in the morning and at night I find that I actually look forward to doing the treatments because I do feel like I have been benefiting by them. I feel like I can breath deeper and I cough very little to not at all through the night since starting the treatments. Hopes this helps.


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Me me. Twice a day, every other month, 7%. (The alternating months, I'm on nebulized Colistin instead... and I also take nebulized Pulmozyme every day, period).


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Emily, how do you like the Colistin?

My doc is on the verge of puting me on it because I'm resis to TOBI.

How do you compare it to TOBI (if you've ever been on that?)?


New member

rigth now I neb Hypertonic Saline 7% ...(10-15ml) at evening, also in the morning I neb 15ml HS plus 15 ml 0.9% NaCl, at afternoon I neb 2.5 ml Pulmozyme, all in Pari eFlow Rapid (different european version, I recommend it). Hypertonic Saline helps me to expectorate a lot...




i haven't been disciplined enough to take it twice a day. i work full time, so sometimes certain therapies get skipped for that extra ten minutes of sleep in the morning ... i neb 7% once a day & it is such powerful stuff. for getting the gunk out all at one time, this is the best answer. for me, it has been more effective than anything else at bringing it all up quickly.


New member
well I personally like Tobi much much much better than colistan. When I was on Colistan it made me short of breath so I asked the doc to put me on something else and so he put me on Tobi. I was so thankful.


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truthfully, I think they are pretty comparable except the tobi is premixed and the coliston I get is not, which I know is a small thing..but you know if I'm given the opportunity to complain I'm probably going to <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> i do tobi one month and coliston the next.


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I was just put on hypertonic. While in the hospital (14 days!) it worked wonders, especially after a couple of days. I should get my home supply Friday!


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What is the critiria that one should consider to be a candidate for using hypertonic saline? What is ther lowest percent that can be prescribed? Since it causes irritation can that lead to inflammation?


New member
I personally like the Colistin much better. It's harder to play with because it isn't premixed like the Tobi. But I hated Tobi and I like the Colistin a lot.

You can use the same nebulizer you use for anything else, when nebulizing hypertonic saline. It comes in little "twist the top off, dispense the med, throw the plastic away" vials, same as Pulmozyme or Tobi does. And it's easily stored. Regular room temperature, no fridge needed.


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This information is for anonymous: I believe if you have cf you are a candidate for HS. Studies have shown that the 7% is very effective in lowering the number of lung infections that cfer's gets. Although there are some PWCF who neb 3%. I neb 4 ml twice a day in a Pari LC Plus nebulizer.

I have my Hypertonic 7% saline compounded by Foundcare pharmacy. Each sterile premixed and premeasured dose comes is a small vial with a twist off top. Very convenient.
This is the link to Foundation Care: www.Foundcare.com

The cost for a one months supply of 2 doses a day of is $36 and that includes free shipping. Their number is 877-291-1122.


New member
This information is for anonymous: I believe if you have cf you are a candidate for HS. Studies have shown that the 7% is very effective in lowering the number of lung infections that cfer's gets. Although there are some PWCF who neb 3%. I neb 4 ml twice a day in a Pari LC Plus nebulizer.

I have my Hypertonic 7% saline compounded by Foundcare pharmacy. Each sterile premixed and premeasured dose comes is a small vial with a twist off top. Very convenient.
This is the link to Foundation Care: www.Foundcare.com

The cost for a one months supply of 2 doses a day of is $36 and that includes free shipping. Their number is 877-291-1122.