I am Afraid


New member
I just want to write for u all to tell u that i'm depressed maybe someone will help me from his or her experience cause I noticed that u know many informations concerning CF.
I'm not feeling well from 3 months, I was taking CIPRO first but I still have fever.I was hospitalized for 30 days taking IV antibiotic (Maxipime) before that I left the hospital my doctor told me MAYBE I have TYPHOIDS but not sure. So i put a port and continued the IV treatment at home but when i finished the IV treatment after 4 days I HAVE FEVER AGAIN.I don't know why ?Is it from my lungs?or Pancreas?Or Typhoids? I called my doctor again he told me I should do SCAN for my total body.I need to know if some of u had Fever for a long time and if CF was the cause (lungs,or pancreas...)????
Thank u all for ur help


jomana im in chat if u want any help, but i think maxipime is too little.


New member
I had a lung infection that I let go (cause I thought it was just a cold) that turned into pnemonia (spelling). I had let it go long enough, that my lung infections caused a blood infection (with fever) that also had to be treated.

Have you had a sputum culture done lately? If you have a lung infection that is not being treated with the right meds, it can give you a fever.

Do you see a doctor who specializes in CF? It never hurts to get a second opinion from another doctor if that is possible.


New member
do you have high fevers or just a bit more temperature than normal? Typhoid should be able to be tested in your blood.
I had low fevers/higher temperature for quite a long time when I had the "Kissing disease" (EBV/Eppstein-Barr-Virus) and it lasted some time until we found this reason...
