I am the only one who feels like this??


New member
Well, yeah I don't know if any of you know what I'm talking about or what. But here it is....
I meet this awesome guy & I really like him, Well he thinks the same about me. It's all good & stuff but we decided to be just good friends. So , yeah that's cool & all. But I have never done anything like this before! I mean i have never had anyone ever like me. It's cool & all don't get me wrong, but I have no idea what I'm doing! I don't know anything about relationships. I have just dealt with so much medical stuff 7 I know how to deal with that, But this is a whole other ball game & I don't know how to play!!!
I just wondering if? I am the only one who feels like this??<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
Most of the medical stuff you deal with is from a physical point. Now you are getting into an emotional issue when it comes to relationships. The best advice I can give is to just take things one day at a time. If something doesnt feel right then you should bring it up. Otherwise just enjoy the guys company. If things ever get serious & more indepth situations (sex etc) come up then its important that you react with a level head. Sometimes this is hard when you dont have the experience. Heck its hard even with the experience. Remember that everyone has to start somewhere. Each relationship (dating &/or friends) should offer you something useful to help in the future relationships. If things turn sour in a relationship sometimes its hard to remember a good thing out of it, but if one tries I bet they can remember one. No matter how "small" it might seem. Good Luck!


New member
If your friendship ever develops into a relationship ie..(girlfriend/boyfriend) you must tell him that you have CF. With him knowing that you have CF will help him take care of you. He will be able to remind you about meds etc... The best advise i can give you is to enjoy yourself. Have fun, and dont really worry to much about your cf getting involved.


New member
Well, just recently he decided to like someone else. He told me...I'm now ok with it. Took me awhile to accept what happened, because both of us knew there was something special between us & it was so random! Anyway life goes on...I honestly don't know why I am telling you all this...maybe to let it off my shoulders or something (sorry)....but yeah. Maybe someday there will be someone for me.