I cheated my surgery and won!!!


New member
So i went into my septoplasty ( reconstruction of the septum) and polypectomy with the virus I recently posted about. Man I was so nervous on the table while they were putting hte IV in and getting ready, I kept thinking, should I just get up and confess and go home, but I was like naaah, if I die I die. Then they put the first round of anesthesia in, and all was fine at that point. Then I was dreaming of some girl. and the girl kept saying, Chad, wake up, wake up, just open your eyes and youll see its ok. So i was like, yeah ok, I guess, and opened my eyes. There was a male dr over me pulling the intubation tube out of me saying, ok just cough bud, just cough, so I was like ARHGKDSHGHGURHGUHRSHDSJK. "good job" he said. First thing I did was raise my fist in victory! Take that virus. lol.
Thats awesome, good for you! I have a question as to why you were having surgery on your septum? I have a whole in my septum, but they said it didn't need anything done at this point.


New member
it was broken and croaked. so it was blocking my right nostril for air entry. they had to re break it and align it.


Digital opinion leader
That's great Chad, you were so worried. It sounded pretty gross. How long is your recovery now?