I don't drink enough H20


New member
I know how important it is, especially for CFers, to drink lots of water. I just can't seem to do it though! I have to have something with taste. I am a total sweet tooth too, so juice really hits the spot for me. I also admit to drinking too much soda. The dietician at my clinic said that I can count anything that isn't caffinated as water intake, even milk. Has anyone else heard that? I've tried all kinds of flavored waters and none of them taste all that great. I have been drinking quite a bit of green tea though, which is a big step up from the soda.


New member
I know how important it is, especially for CFers, to drink lots of water. I just can't seem to do it though! I have to have something with taste. I am a total sweet tooth too, so juice really hits the spot for me. I also admit to drinking too much soda. The dietician at my clinic said that I can count anything that isn't caffinated as water intake, even milk. Has anyone else heard that? I've tried all kinds of flavored waters and none of them taste all that great. I have been drinking quite a bit of green tea though, which is a big step up from the soda.


New member
I know how important it is, especially for CFers, to drink lots of water. I just can't seem to do it though! I have to have something with taste. I am a total sweet tooth too, so juice really hits the spot for me. I also admit to drinking too much soda. The dietician at my clinic said that I can count anything that isn't caffinated as water intake, even milk. Has anyone else heard that? I've tried all kinds of flavored waters and none of them taste all that great. I have been drinking quite a bit of green tea though, which is a big step up from the soda.


New member
I laughed when I read your post! Right before I sat down at the computer I forced myself to get a glass of water.

I too need to have something with taste. When I drink water I do not feel I have "quenched my thirst".

This is going to sound stupid but I found a bottled water called Fiji Natural Artesian water and I drink water out of that bottle because the bottle is very pretty. I know that sounds really stupid but the water looks more pleasing and I seem to drink more water when it is in that bottle.

The lemon propel water tastes pretty good too.



New member
I laughed when I read your post! Right before I sat down at the computer I forced myself to get a glass of water.

I too need to have something with taste. When I drink water I do not feel I have "quenched my thirst".

This is going to sound stupid but I found a bottled water called Fiji Natural Artesian water and I drink water out of that bottle because the bottle is very pretty. I know that sounds really stupid but the water looks more pleasing and I seem to drink more water when it is in that bottle.

The lemon propel water tastes pretty good too.



New member
I laughed when I read your post! Right before I sat down at the computer I forced myself to get a glass of water.

I too need to have something with taste. When I drink water I do not feel I have "quenched my thirst".

This is going to sound stupid but I found a bottled water called Fiji Natural Artesian water and I drink water out of that bottle because the bottle is very pretty. I know that sounds really stupid but the water looks more pleasing and I seem to drink more water when it is in that bottle.

The lemon propel water tastes pretty good too.



New member
Yep my dietician told me that also. I told her that it is hard to drink that much water because the taste gets to me. She told me anything non carbonated works<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I just have to watch my sugars so I can't drink a ton of sugary juices


New member
Yep my dietician told me that also. I told her that it is hard to drink that much water because the taste gets to me. She told me anything non carbonated works<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I just have to watch my sugars so I can't drink a ton of sugary juices


New member
Yep my dietician told me that also. I told her that it is hard to drink that much water because the taste gets to me. She told me anything non carbonated works<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I just have to watch my sugars so I can't drink a ton of sugary juices


Another idea would be to take regular juice and dilute it with water.
Or, drink the same concoction that my wife got me used to. It's really bitter, but that's supposed to be good for you, as well.
She mixes an Okinawan Orange Juice with Bittern, Honey and water. Honey is a natural sugar, so it's not as tough as 'sugar', and is supposedly less likely to cause cavities of the teeth.
I once described what Bittern is, but basically a bitter type of salt which is extracted from the Sea.
As for Green Tea, it's better than carbonated drinks (WARNING-the carbonated drinks actually absorbs the calcium, so more calcium is needed to balance it), but it, too, has caffeine in it!! (Unless it says "Caffeine-free", it as just as, or more caffeine than coffee)
However, doing your own research can confirm my info, which I believe is about right.


Another idea would be to take regular juice and dilute it with water.
Or, drink the same concoction that my wife got me used to. It's really bitter, but that's supposed to be good for you, as well.
She mixes an Okinawan Orange Juice with Bittern, Honey and water. Honey is a natural sugar, so it's not as tough as 'sugar', and is supposedly less likely to cause cavities of the teeth.
I once described what Bittern is, but basically a bitter type of salt which is extracted from the Sea.
As for Green Tea, it's better than carbonated drinks (WARNING-the carbonated drinks actually absorbs the calcium, so more calcium is needed to balance it), but it, too, has caffeine in it!! (Unless it says "Caffeine-free", it as just as, or more caffeine than coffee)
However, doing your own research can confirm my info, which I believe is about right.


Another idea would be to take regular juice and dilute it with water.
Or, drink the same concoction that my wife got me used to. It's really bitter, but that's supposed to be good for you, as well.
She mixes an Okinawan Orange Juice with Bittern, Honey and water. Honey is a natural sugar, so it's not as tough as 'sugar', and is supposedly less likely to cause cavities of the teeth.
I once described what Bittern is, but basically a bitter type of salt which is extracted from the Sea.
As for Green Tea, it's better than carbonated drinks (WARNING-the carbonated drinks actually absorbs the calcium, so more calcium is needed to balance it), but it, too, has caffeine in it!! (Unless it says "Caffeine-free", it as just as, or more caffeine than coffee)
However, doing your own research can confirm my info, which I believe is about right.


New member
Hi. This is what I found in terms of water:
Very important to keep mucus runny, so I somehow do my 8 glasses a day. If at home I put it in a jug on the kitchen counter to remind myself. Sometimes I put water in a huge beermug next to my bed, it somehow makes me drink more. I take a big water bottle (that can go in dishwasher) to work each day.
Allowing sugar to go high (diabetes) also dehydrates you so even if you are drinking it is just flushing through
If I eat junk food and sugary stuff then plain water starts tasting bitter (especially at night) so after avoiding junk food about 2 days water becomes 'sweet' again and easier to drink
For 'cooldrink' I dilute non-citrus fruit juice (1/4 to 1/2 cup) with water. You get used to the taste really quickly. In winter I even use hot water and make a kind of a 'brew', sometimes adding herbal tea.
I drink herbal teas with a bit of honey, and plain jasmine tea goes down surprisingly well
I don't do any caffeine; it dehydrates and defeats the purpose. once you have weaned yourself off coffee you won't miss it.
If it is really hot weather, I don't get thirsty like everyone around me and I figured its dehydration setting in due to the whole salt imbalance thing so I eat a whole lot of salty food to help me get thirsty or resort to sports drinks (which is sugarladen and not ideal but at least easier to consume and replaces electrolytes). If I don't do this I become lethargic and feel quite ill: stomach pains, chills etc.
At a restaurant I always order water in addition to whatever else I have (yes, the odd milkshake, hot chocolate, or other indulgent things!)
Oh, and the more you drink water, the more you will start craving it so just force yourself for a while and see.


New member
Hi. This is what I found in terms of water:
Very important to keep mucus runny, so I somehow do my 8 glasses a day. If at home I put it in a jug on the kitchen counter to remind myself. Sometimes I put water in a huge beermug next to my bed, it somehow makes me drink more. I take a big water bottle (that can go in dishwasher) to work each day.
Allowing sugar to go high (diabetes) also dehydrates you so even if you are drinking it is just flushing through
If I eat junk food and sugary stuff then plain water starts tasting bitter (especially at night) so after avoiding junk food about 2 days water becomes 'sweet' again and easier to drink
For 'cooldrink' I dilute non-citrus fruit juice (1/4 to 1/2 cup) with water. You get used to the taste really quickly. In winter I even use hot water and make a kind of a 'brew', sometimes adding herbal tea.
I drink herbal teas with a bit of honey, and plain jasmine tea goes down surprisingly well
I don't do any caffeine; it dehydrates and defeats the purpose. once you have weaned yourself off coffee you won't miss it.
If it is really hot weather, I don't get thirsty like everyone around me and I figured its dehydration setting in due to the whole salt imbalance thing so I eat a whole lot of salty food to help me get thirsty or resort to sports drinks (which is sugarladen and not ideal but at least easier to consume and replaces electrolytes). If I don't do this I become lethargic and feel quite ill: stomach pains, chills etc.
At a restaurant I always order water in addition to whatever else I have (yes, the odd milkshake, hot chocolate, or other indulgent things!)
Oh, and the more you drink water, the more you will start craving it so just force yourself for a while and see.