I Dont Get It?? Whats Wrong??

Ok so May 2 i went into the hospital because i was very sick my PFT were 40 then i left the 12th and everything was good i was on levaquin and takin treatments then i got back home to SOUTH CAROLINA and i slacked on my treatments alot because something clicked in my head.. See my little brother had CF so bad and then got Lukemia that even if he did take his medicine it did him no good, he only lived 6 years and then was put to rest, so i figured why should i care and do my medicine im always being told im gonna die why bother? SO i stopped then started getting sick took my treatments used my vest EVERYTHING .. got better ! Went to myrtle beach and now i have no appetie AGAIN im coughing so much im throwing up i think my body is rejecting my creons cuz all im getting is stomach ache after stomach ache and i dont want to switch back to pancrease because thats too much swtiching. I dont get it, im so tired of being sick and dealing with this... I feel so Un Normal cuz im always coughing always tired always in pain from my stomach... I dont know what to do???

Any Advice....

P.s- Major stress form my boyfriend and family not HELPING.. i actually got hooked on a painkiller and i stopped and now i have the shortest temper ever and this I DONT CARE NO MORE attitude.. Its so not me and so bad.. HELP PLEASE !!! <img src="">


New member
I'm sorry to hear all the trouble you are having. I'm especially sorry to hear that you are having some guilt over being alive while your brother has passed on. I'm sure he would want you to take care of yourself. Please if you are not feeling well you must call the doctor and get yourself checked out. I know it's a pain after having just come out of the hospital but taking your medicine and doing your treatments are a must. I am sure you want to live as healthy as you can but unless you help yourself nothing will make a difference.

Your boyfriend and his family do not sound like they are too understanding. Maybe they have their own problems but you can't let them get to you. YOU have to take care of yourself first. You are alive. You can make good choices. You can feel better but it is you who has to take responsibility and do what needs to be done.

That is awesome that you stopped taking the painkiller. You should be proud of yourself. I am sure that had to be very hard for you to do that. But if you did that you can do so much more. I am sure there are people who care about you. If you can talk to someone you trust share your feelings. If you want you can PM me anytime. I will listen to you. I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you feel better soon and that you know you are special.


New member
I'm sorry you're not doing too well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Not taking antibiotics all the way through the course makes bacteria stronger. So this is probably why you're coughing so hard that you're throwing up.... your bacteria is raging again.

I would suggest going back on antibiotics and doing your Vest ASAP.

Coughing so hard that you throw up isn't fun....and it won't stop until you take meds.