I dont know whats wrong with me

Hey ive been sick for about four weeks. i have been on prednisone (twice ) augmentine and cipro now im on a cough medicine called tussinex. Im not getting better im getting worst. my cough has gotten worst ive actually coughed so hard blood came up (twice) i cant take a shower or walk a 100 feet without being out of breathe. sometimes im so out of breathe my lungs hurt. on the 15th i go to see my new lung dr. now i know i might end up in the hospital and usually i dont mind but this time i do. my 18th birthday is on the 19th. who wants to spend thier 18th birthday in a hospital .. NOT ME !!! i spent christmas there. idk wat to do... HELP

Meagan aka May * May


New member
Maybe you can go in a little earlier, or maybe go in and get a picc
started and finish up IV's at home? I'm sorry you're sick for your
18th b-day, I hope you feel better soon!