I feel like a loser


New member
Hey, Im come on here quite a bit, but I've decided I want to remain anon on this topic. I feel like such a loser. My pfts have been down for the last 6months or so (mid 30s) and I get tired walkng around. Anyway, my friends regularly go out at night, but I dread the thought of standing around outside clubs for ages and then walking up and down streets while we decide where to go. I havnt been out for a night out in months, and now (understandably) Im not really being asked anymore. I mean, Im not annoyed at my friends because its not really their fault.
But I feel like a loner. I cant see any way around this. What can I do. Im afraid Im going to lose all my friends completely. They'll just forget about me. Any advice? x


New member
My first reaction to you was I felt bad for you.. but if you are like me at all that is the last thing that we need or want.. I totally understand how you feel and in fact was thinking the same way last night. My PFTS are quite high but I have a ton of other medical conditions which make me feel like crap.

I can relate so much to what you were saying about standing outside and the energy it takes to just do things that everyone else is so able to do so easily. At work last night two girls my age are now pregnant and one is engaged. I was and always am surrounded by ppl living and finding their dreams, while my dream is to please let my ankel swelling go down so no one notices or please let me be able to take care of this patient without them noticing I am breathing heavy.. and for once can I laugh without it turning into a coughing spell for petes sake.

Quite different hopes and dreams than most ppl my age....and if I kept looking and comparing myself I would for sure end up crying and depressed. Sometimes we can't help but compare ourselves to other ppl. We are human after all.. But for me, what I do is start thinking of all the things that I do have. I have a lot of ppl who love me, yes I have lost a few friends that don't want to be slowed down, but then again were they really friends?? I think not. I try to focus on what I do have, l have so many ppl who love me and care about me. I think of the things that I am able to do such as love ppl back, and care for others and I try to do it to the best of my ability.

Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to minimize the fact that it sucks so bad not to be able to keep up with others our age, heck sometimes 90 year olds with walkers look in better shape then me. and I do understand as I am looking at graduating nursing school next year and not being able to work full time.. which makes it very unlikely for me to be able to get a job, considering new nurses around here are only hired full time.. and part of me wants to quit and give up and really be depressed that life is so unfair.

I guess we have a choice of two roads to take one is going down the road that leads to emotional suicide, where we are constantly berating ourselves for out limitations and living in fear of the things we are going to lose; or we can choose to look at the things we do have that our good in our life..

If you have true friends they are not going to leave you no matter what happends to you. If they do leave you then I say let them go they were not true friends to begin with.even though it still hurts.. I do hope that you feel better emotionally and that you can find some good things that you do have and focus on them...

Keep posting your feelings sometimes just talking about them helps so much and since you are a member here you can see how wonderful and caring the ppl are here...I am amazed at the depth that ppl will go to to help each other here.. It is so wonderful.



New member
First off I know how you guys feel. I was in that same boat for the last three years. I didn't want to go out, I couldn't be with my friends and I felt most of the time that they were leaving me in the dust. But a good solution to that problem was that I would hang out with them before they went out. I would have everyone over at my house and they usually pregamed at my house before they went out. That way I got to be with all of my friends and I could be in my own house and lay on my couch if need be. I did the same thing my last year of college. Everyone pregamed in my room and i hung out with them. Then they all went out and I went to sleep. It worked out perfectly for me. Then when nobody wanted to go out we usually had movie nights at my house. It was perfect. Those days are far behind me know though. In November 2004 I was fortunate enough to recieve a double lung tranplant. And since then I have been living life to the fullest. I have been swimming, running, doing Tae Bo with friends, I'm trying surfing and I also started golfing. There is a solution to everything. You may have to go out of your way a little bit more with your friends to make sure they keep in touch, but if they are your friends then it is worth it.
Jennifer- Have you ever thought of being a nurse Per Diem. My cousin does this becuase she has two kids and it is impossible for her to work full time. Basically they use you when they need you. She can basically make her own schedule and she is required to work on holiday and one weeked out of every month. It really is the best of both worlds and would probably work out really well for you. You would have a job with a flexible schedule and one that does not require you to be there every day which would probably be way too hard on a fragile cf body. Think about it ...it could be a solution.
I hope this has helped you girls some.
keep us updated
Post Double Lung 11/11/04...the best day of my life.


New member
I know how you feel 100%. I have times where I dont have the energy or breathing ability to go to the bathroom let alone do housework, play with my daughter or make love to my husband. I hate not being able to do anything "normal." This year has been the worst in that aspect. I thought with my airway restriction problems that this was as good as it gets. If that was it then life sucked, completely sucked. Fortunately with time, patience & work things have improved. I still have a long way to go, but at least I feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. Dont give up. You are not a loser. You are having a rough time as we all do. Talk to your friends. Explain that you understand why they dont ask anymore, but that it would still be nice to hear it. Remember that most people dont understand what we go through. I have found that even the closest people to me like my husband are not mind readers. I have to tell them how I feel physically & emotionally. Those that dont want to hear it or dont seem to care, I say the hell with them. Its their loss in the long run! I am a damn good friend even at my physical worst & I am sure you are to. Please believe that I do understand and am not just using the words to fill the page!


New member
HI, Im the original poster. Thanks for your responses. I know that I have a wonderul life, with a great family. I get to go so many places and do so many things each year, that my friends w/o cf dont get to do. Its just my worry is, I'll be left with no friends. I Know that if they're going to forget about me I don't really need them, but they are my friends. I feel like a loner having nothing to do, maybe I should explain to themhow I feel...I dunno...thanx for listening, x