I got new enzymes at clinic today


New member
I had a long talk with my social worker today.. mostly a long cry. HA but I was telling her some of my stressors that are going on in my life... and she asked the doctor if I can change enzymes because Ultrase has a program where I can get free shakes, a free flutter and free vitamins if I use the Ultrase...

I have never used anything besides the Pancrease before, but so far no trouble....

I am going to give the shakes away back to my clinic because I don't need a million calorie shake..

Anyway, is anyone else on that program. I got a special card that I give to the pharmacist and when I buy my enzymes, the company automatically sends out my free stuff..which will save my parents the money of my vitamins at least.... She is also helping me get on NJCF thing where I can get money back for all the co pays that my family has paid or will pay.



New member
I actually switched to Ultrase to get the free shakes. May I just mention that if you get a 90 day supply of meds filled that you have to point it out since its usually 30 days they will ship. I always had to send my own proof in & actually havent sent for the shakaes or ADEKS in a long time.


New member
Reilly uses Creon 5. With a one month supply, we get Vitamax Vitamins & a 30 day supply of Carnation Instant Breakfast Plus (375 calories & 17 g fat per can!). It has worked well & the Carnation has helped her put on weight. Plus, it saves me $, which is always a good thing!


New member
My daughter takes Ultrase MT 20's. Her father is military so we do not pay for her perscriptions.

Can we still get the free shakes?? I have never heard about this before.

Shakes are SOOOO expensive!!



New member
Seana, Here is the program - give them a call and see what they can do
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.axcan.com/comprehensivecare.php?lang=1">http://www.axcan.com/comprehensivecare.php?lang=1</a>