i hate doing my medicine


New member
i hate having to go out of my way to do my medicine. i know i have to and that its healthy and all but it get really old after a while. anyone agre


New member
Hey, I totally agree with you. But sometimes you just gotta think, if I don't do my meds, I'm only hurting myself. I have never "felt sick" or been able to tell the signs of poor lung function or w/e requires you to go on IVs, and that's one thing I always hated. I always thought I was fine and that meds were useless. But, the older I got, the more mature my mind became, and I do my meds quite regularly now. I have a milder case of CF, and sometimes the idea of my CF being mild makes me not want to do my meds. But in the long run, doing them all the time will help keep me living as healthy as possible.

But on the other hand, its nice to just vent about how much you hate doing them. It's just so boring, and you can't do anything else while you're doing them, unless its like watching tv. I cant do homework when I do my vest cuz my handwriting is all scribbly lol. I just hate sitting there....blah to stupid meds. I hope one day they'll invent a cure or an easier way to handle CF. Make our lives more simple and less full of meds.


New member
I also hate doing my meds but you have to. I would rather do my meds then sit in the hospital on iv or at home with iv. That's even more of a hassle. I hate doing them but at least there are things that can slow the damage that it causes instead of nothing. Don't get me wrong CF is a horrible disease but there are things that are worse.


New member
"I hate doing my medicine"

Fine, then, stop taking it, and become weak, feeble, and sickly. Watch as you lose your every last power and become a mere burden upon others.

If you truly want to transcend your illness, you must fight it...to the death. And though you may find it tedious, just remember that you are only abandoning the best things in life with your refusal to comply, for nature wants you to appreciate her beauty, and she wants you to be healthy as well, but with every harm you cause yourself, nature weeps bitterly.

If you are constantly bored during your treatments, I suggest using said time to read and increase your knowledge. If you cannot be strong physically, then you can at least be strong mentally.

-Zachary D.


New member
I think every feels like this once in a while. =-) Well, okay probably more than that. I can hardly get through a month of Tobi without consciously skipping a few days. =-) CF is an all inclusive disease, sometimes affecting you mind as well as your body. If you find you are getting into a habit of skipping medications, you might want to ask your doctor about antidepressants. I went through a period where I just didn't care about my health anymore, so there wasn't any point in taking my medication. Well, I got pretty sick, of course, but ortunately for me my doctor realized I should be on antidepressants. Since then, I've been way more motivated about taking my medications. Anyway, it's just something to keep in mind.

22 w/cf