I have a question

Why is it that people will flock to a new topic for about one or two days, then abandon it altogether? I mean, evidence of this is that all of my topics have ended in one of my posts, urging people to come? Why is this, and does anyone else feel like this?
In Christ,


New member
I am christian as well, but i feel like you are shoving it down our throats in every post. By all means you are entitled to speak you own opinion, but you asked for reasons and this just happens to be mine. Maybe if you toned it down a bit I would be more willing to respond, or even read some of your posts. And all your posts on here seem to be more about God than CF, this is not a website about religion, it is about CF and while incorporating your religion into your posts and some of your comments is fine, there is a point when one (speaking for myself) can only read so much.

Julie (wife to mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I hear you Julie.

Rider, I don't think anyone thinks it is a bad thing that you have YOUR faith in YOUR life-- that is actually a great thing for you, for your comfort, moral guidance, etc. This does not mean that on a board about CF, it needs to be discussed and brought up repeatedly. There have been issues about this in the past, I think the yahoo group CF 4 Christians may be a splinter of off this one. But to non-believers, and even to believers, it can get kind of redundant. Please remember the entire world is not also Christian. I'd imagine some are even offended. Just my opinion as to why some of your threads are DOA.

Also, bear in mind that threads run their course and people stop posting on them-- it isn't necesarily a reflection on you.

PS: For an 11 year old you have quite the writing skills-- you sure you aren't kidding us? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


rideronthewhitehorse... As a Christian you do know that you will certainly be rewarded in Heaven and i think that it is great that you are witnessing to others, it is our job to witness as Christians, and i hope the other opinions do not discourage you!!!! You are doing a wonderful job planting the seed (Gods Word ) now you can only pray that others will accept the Lord !!!! My daughter is 8 years old and gets very upset when she knows that some people do not believe in Christ.. sometimes it is best to plant the seed and let God do the work.

kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I must make a comment that was shared by one other person (if he/she wants to speak up here, he/she may)... Rider, I have yet to see you post AT ALL about CF (except one thread in which you asked what medications people take). Mind you, I could be off here, and I know that. But I have to make a quick observation. The thread you posted about CF was almost like you're trying to learn about it. Like perhaps you don't even have CF and are just here to get a rise out of people with your religious propaganda. If you're just here to talk about religion, go to a religious forum where you'll be welcomed. If you've got CF and you're going to post here ABOUT CF, you'll be welcomed by most, I can say that with confidence.

You're bombarding the board with religion threads, posts, and questions. Occasionally, sure, you can make a comment. But last I checked, this was a forum in which to discuss CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Not your god or anyone else's. Maybe if you posted about things that are actually relevant to the majority of us, we might read and respond.


New member
I would have to agree, I mean I am a christian and everything but I don't go around on this forum telling every one, I haven't really ever seen you post anything about cf really. I'm not trying to be rude but it's the truth.


New member
Maybe I was wrong guy's, sorry Rideronthewhitehorse, I think it's good to believe and live a good christian life and all. I think what your doing is good, you seem like a good person and all. Just talk about cf some, include cf in religion. Just wondering by the way, what type of Christian are you Rideronthewhitehorse? Well sorry I was rude a little while ago.



New member
I too am christian, and don't mind discussing my beliefs and how they play a role in my everyday life. But, I also only talk with friends who wish to share the discussion with me, and if someone tells me that they have heard enough, I have enough RESPECT to stop. I believe in witnessing to others, but there IS an appropriate place and time for that and quite honestly, this site isn't it. As I have said before, mention of it on occasion is not a problem, but when it becomes EVERY topic that you post not many people are going to read you posts or write back anymore. As someone else mentioned, there is a CF/Christianity website that you can visit to discuss religion in depth.

You need to keep in mind that there are all sorts of people on this site that believe in many different religions, or none at all. So it suits none of us to get into a religion based debate but if you could please be respectful of the requests that others make, (to keep your religion talk to a minimum, or at least only on your own posts) that would be much appreciated.

Coll, I was thinking the same thing about Riders age....he seems far more articulate than any 11 year old I've ever talked to!


New member
I have to put in my two cents here. I am a christian that fell off the church wagon for several years but got re-acquainted with christ 4 years ago. I too find rideonthewhitehorse a bit over the top. But rather than filling up the message boards blasting this kid, why do you just not read her postings? You know it is your choice which threads you read? She hasn't imposed to much on the other threads, just her own. I don't like country music so you know what I do when I encounter a country song? I turn the station. Just wondering if we are treating the kid fairly?

Luke 29/cf a christian that enjoys his freedom of speech


New member
This kid is only 11. This isn't meant to be rude but maybe he doesnt have the maturity to realise that it maybe just a little OTT. Honestly that wasn't meant to be offensive or anything. Its funny though when he said he was 11 i was alittle omg. I thought he was like 20-30!!


New member
Did you stop and think, maybe no one has anything to say on your topics. You can tell you are only 11 by the way you respond, and if you do not like it then you want to moan and cry about it. That is why there are post for young people, go there. You are tring to act like an adult, but you are not. This is suppose to be about cf related issues, good or bad, funny or sad. All this crying about nothing is making everyone not want to respond to anything you post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I for one, like to learn things on here, but you do things like this to get a response, so this will be the last time i respond, because i am not going to be a part of your KID GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In response to all of these posts, I say that I did not make any of these topics to "shove religion down your throat". And I did not make this topic to moan about people not coming to old topics. I mean, this isn't limited to MY topics. I've seen just about every topic wear out and get old. Oh and yes, I am eleven. I'm not kidding. And don't worry kaitsmom, I won't let these people's opinions stop me. I mean, I'm having believers turn on me! I'm glad you're still here to back me up. And I only post these, everyone, to witness, not to annoy you.
In Christ,


New member
To answer your question, I responded to this post because rideonthewhitehorse (male or female?) ASKED why nobody was responding. They should know by now that if you dont want an answer to a question, they you dont' ask. Had they not asked the question, I would have just passed over the topic.
