um do you ever feel like theres someone els that has cf in the same room as you?
i mean when you are in a waiting room or a place with alot of people in a small area? or that just maybe just maybe theres someone els that has CF too thats around you?
I felt that way today, when I was in a waiting room. It had alot of people and i felt like everyone was watching me in a wierd way. Like they knew I had CF or some kind of sickness.
Does anyone feel that way sometimes?
i mean when you are in a waiting room or a place with alot of people in a small area? or that just maybe just maybe theres someone els that has CF too thats around you?
I felt that way today, when I was in a waiting room. It had alot of people and i felt like everyone was watching me in a wierd way. Like they knew I had CF or some kind of sickness.
Does anyone feel that way sometimes?