I have a question?


New member
um do you ever feel like theres someone els that has cf in the same room as you?
i mean when you are in a waiting room or a place with alot of people in a small area? or that just maybe just maybe theres someone els that has CF too thats around you?
I felt that way today, when I was in a waiting room. It had alot of people and i felt like everyone was watching me in a wierd way. Like they knew I had CF or some kind of sickness.

Does anyone feel that way sometimes?


New member
um do you ever feel like theres someone els that has cf in the same room as you?
i mean when you are in a waiting room or a place with alot of people in a small area? or that just maybe just maybe theres someone els that has CF too thats around you?
I felt that way today, when I was in a waiting room. It had alot of people and i felt like everyone was watching me in a wierd way. Like they knew I had CF or some kind of sickness.

Does anyone feel that way sometimes?


New member
um do you ever feel like theres someone els that has cf in the same room as you?
i mean when you are in a waiting room or a place with alot of people in a small area? or that just maybe just maybe theres someone els that has CF too thats around you?
I felt that way today, when I was in a waiting room. It had alot of people and i felt like everyone was watching me in a wierd way. Like they knew I had CF or some kind of sickness.

Does anyone feel that way sometimes?


New member
I get that feeling some but unless you told the people you had cf why would they know? i have always just kind of dismissed it as a parnoia or something, i dunno, anyways hope this helps


New member
I get that feeling some but unless you told the people you had cf why would they know? i have always just kind of dismissed it as a parnoia or something, i dunno, anyways hope this helps


New member
I get that feeling some but unless you told the people you had cf why would they know? i have always just kind of dismissed it as a parnoia or something, i dunno, anyways hope this helps


New member
Perhaps you wish they knew you had cf so you could feel more relaxed? If everyone in the room knew, would that make you feel more comfortable? If you do not want to share your CF, then tell only the people who you feel comfortable with.


New member
Perhaps you wish they knew you had cf so you could feel more relaxed? If everyone in the room knew, would that make you feel more comfortable? If you do not want to share your CF, then tell only the people who you feel comfortable with.


New member
Perhaps you wish they knew you had cf so you could feel more relaxed? If everyone in the room knew, would that make you feel more comfortable? If you do not want to share your CF, then tell only the people who you feel comfortable with.


New member
I don't so much get the they think I have CF feeling - more so the they think something is wrong with me feeling lol.

Pretty much whenever I cough people look at me funny - or they kind of cringe and then look at me like I am going to give them something. I just ignore it.

The only time I think hmmm ... I wonder if they know I have CF is when I am waiting in the waiting room at the docs office. I have had a few people corner me in the waiting rooms at docs appts. Mainly spouses or significant others of CFers. They will watch me and then approach me and flat out ask "Do you have CF?" lol I guess you can't get anymore obvious that they figured it out than that lol.

I tend to look around sometimes wondering if anyone in the room has CF when I am at the docs office, but I never really think to much about it. It is usually one of those fleeting thoughts then my mind moves on to something else (that sounded a little ADD didn't it lol - not that there is anything wrong with that).

Take Care,


New member
I don't so much get the they think I have CF feeling - more so the they think something is wrong with me feeling lol.

Pretty much whenever I cough people look at me funny - or they kind of cringe and then look at me like I am going to give them something. I just ignore it.

The only time I think hmmm ... I wonder if they know I have CF is when I am waiting in the waiting room at the docs office. I have had a few people corner me in the waiting rooms at docs appts. Mainly spouses or significant others of CFers. They will watch me and then approach me and flat out ask "Do you have CF?" lol I guess you can't get anymore obvious that they figured it out than that lol.

I tend to look around sometimes wondering if anyone in the room has CF when I am at the docs office, but I never really think to much about it. It is usually one of those fleeting thoughts then my mind moves on to something else (that sounded a little ADD didn't it lol - not that there is anything wrong with that).

Take Care,


New member
I don't so much get the they think I have CF feeling - more so the they think something is wrong with me feeling lol.

Pretty much whenever I cough people look at me funny - or they kind of cringe and then look at me like I am going to give them something. I just ignore it.

The only time I think hmmm ... I wonder if they know I have CF is when I am waiting in the waiting room at the docs office. I have had a few people corner me in the waiting rooms at docs appts. Mainly spouses or significant others of CFers. They will watch me and then approach me and flat out ask "Do you have CF?" lol I guess you can't get anymore obvious that they figured it out than that lol.

I tend to look around sometimes wondering if anyone in the room has CF when I am at the docs office, but I never really think to much about it. It is usually one of those fleeting thoughts then my mind moves on to something else (that sounded a little ADD didn't it lol - not that there is anything wrong with that).

Take Care,