i have some questions


New member
Hello everyone, I'm 16 and i live in SC. i dont have cf but one of the people i definately care about the most does. i just have some questions bout things that worrie me. ive heard that the life expectancy now is like 60 or something. is that true? i kno people with it have it hard and have alot to do just to try to stay healthy. she deals has problems dealing with things she has to do now and shes only 17. but as you go on how do things change? i kno things get worse as you get older but like how? it just really scares me to think that she might not be around that long and as time goes on how much she will have to cope with. i dont kno. think you to everyone that can help me. i really apreciate it.


New member
First of all... 60 is wrong. That doesn't mean she won't live to see 60, but it's unlikely, and the average is more like 32. As time goes on, lung function decreases. Infections take over, and oxygen is depleted. It gets harder to do simple things. I'm having more trouble with stairs as time goes on. Things that everyone else does without blinking become nearly impossible. Feel free to email me sometime and ask more if you like. I'm always willing to share anything I know if it'll help you. Email: AbsintheSorrow@yahoo.com


New member
I was told just a couple of month's ago that the life expectany is now 39. The best thing you can tell your friend is try and stay active, she should be doing some sort of cardio excerise program. Even if that means going for a brisk or whatever she can handle, myself I ride an exercise bike.Dave 29 w/cf


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My name is April and I am also 16 years old. I do have CF myself, and things definatly are hard. It is kinda hard to explain how you get worse with out knowing the severity of CF it is different for everyone. Me personally I have been told my life expectancy is between 26 and 30. That is a hard thing to deal with but there are things and people that make it easier. I would tell your friend to live her life to the fullest and not worry about when she will pass but how she will do it. Dont sweat the small stuff in life. Live life to the fullest, with or with out CF. Dont let it get you down!!


New member
A friend of mine has CF, she means alot to me and it makes me sad to think she wont be around forever. She is 19 (just) and she means alot to me. How old do ppl with cf live till? I cant bare the thought of her suddenly not being there. Please can you give me any info of what i can do too help her be happy. Any replies would be great. Thanks jay


New member
I think the life expectancy is around 32. Saying the average life expectancy is 32 seems sooo young, but thats just an average...this means 1/2 the people do not live till 32 and 1/2 the people live PAST 32. So you friend could possible live to 60 especially with new advances in medicine. At my clinic there are a couple people in their 60's. The life expectancy seems to go up every 5 years or so...Make sure she takes very good care of herself because it will add years to her life!
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>AbsintheSorrow</b></i>First of all... 60 is wrong. That doesn't mean she won't live to see 60, but it's unlikely, and the average is more like 32. As time goes on, lung function decreases. Infections take over, and oxygen is depleted. It gets harder to do simple things. I'm having more trouble with stairs as time goes on. Things that everyone else does without blinking become nearly impossible. Feel free to email me sometime and ask more if you like. I'm always willing to share anything I know if it'll help you. Email: AbsintheSorrow@yahoo.com<hr></blockquote>U could be at least optimistic about things <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">im a cynical optimist, i know the s*its gonna hit the fan but it aint gonna hit me, or at least thats how im taking life right now, im enjoying every minute of it, and iin my head im gonn slive till im old ! not till the fkin disease gets me, if anythign its gonna be te last thing that kills me !I take every med i have evry day, i try keep fit, then i try revolve a normal life around that, going to gig every week, going out with m8s, drinking, partyin the works !!I also work 4 days a week while at college during the week to, hectic lifestyle, but its the only one that pays off in my opnion


New member
I don't like being optimistic. But don't assume because of that one post that I'm a grouchy never-happy person. Not true. I'm realistic, but I have a pretty spiffy life. Just don't want you to think I'm some scowling teenager who always whines and complains. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Hello, Maise. If you want my advise, forget you ever heard such a thing as age expectancy. =-) Seriously, it can only stress you out and make you worry. When you are worrying, that makes things suck for both you and the person you care about. I know it is a lot easier to say that than to actually do it. Hypocrite me, I worry all the time. I am not saying to ignore the cf. That is impossible. As time goes on, it is going to become more apparent. Your friend is coming close to adulthood, which means she might be developing some new symptoms. Myself, I've gotten cf related arthritis just in this last year, and that is pretty much impossible to ignore. Both for me, and my friends. When they see me absolutely feeling like crap it really hurts them, too, you know? Anyway, I'm not saying your friend will get arthritis, or any of the many other things that could pop up. Just that, these things can happen. And of course, there is that slow, steady decline in health no matter how many medications we take.All this stuff stinks and is really hard to deal with. Sometimes the only way I can cope is having someone there to care about me. (This is where you come in =-) I know I'm a burden to anyone I get close to. To the people who can stick around and go through everything with me, I owe my life. When no one is around, I don't see any point in taking medication or anything else. I guess, just keep in mind whatever she goes through, you are going to have to go through, too, and be ready for it. I don't mean to make this sound completely negative and depressing. Life with cf isn't all pain and sorrow. There are definetely some really low points, but that just makes the high points that much better. Anyway, i'm not sure i'm helping at all. I think I'm just going around in circles and not thinking about what I'm typing, so I guess I'm going to stop now. =-) I hope this sort of makes sense, though. Hang in there.Jarod 22 with cf


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The life expectancy is quoted at about 32, but it's going to be whatever your friend makes it for themselfs. I am 22, and my life expectancy for myself is going to be about 50 or 60. I know that it's not very realistic at this time but there are great strides made for CF'ers like myself every day, and big ones every year or so. There is a man that I know of that's almost 40 with CF that lives in Anchorage Alaska. That's great for him, and shows that it's possible for everyone with CF if they take care of themselfs and do their treatments. What you can do is just be there and support your friend in any and every way possible. Look up stuff on the net, and do your best. It's all you can do.Keep trying and your chin up.-Jenn<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm 21 and don't have CF but my boyfriend who's 22 does. I think you guys are right, the best way is to try and not worry about life expectancy and such. I't not always easy, but thinking it's probably harder for ther person who's sick...I don't really know how to explain it, but accpeting that nothing can change what is going to happen, once you accept that it's easier somewhat to simply enjoy/worry about the present time and not think too much ahead. Someone made a comment about only wanting to live to be old, well I wish you to get there and with an attitude like that I think you have even better chances!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Live for today, have fun, worrying about when you might die wastes so much of the little time anyone is blessed with. Who is to say that anyone of us could walk out our frontdoor and get involved in a fatal accident, go into cardiac arrest, get stung by a bee and have a fatal allergic reaction, or get drastically ill>>>>>>> no one is ablr to say when it will happen. I hate hearing life expectancy it is hard to try to have a rather stress free life always thinking oh I'm 20 now hmm I might only have 10 more years.


New member
Personally, I dont have a bad case of Cf, but it can, and does get worse as you get older so I am researching about the worse cases. We all worry about people who we care about, CF or not, but CF does make it more scary than usual. The age of 60 is wrong, it is more like 32 but dont worry about the average. The person you care about could probably live way past that age, personally, I think it depends on the person, and the emotional, and physical support they are getting from their friends and family. It also depends on how they take care of themselves and how motivated they are to live and to overcome whatever the doctors and statistics may say. Just support that person that you care about, and try to enjoy every minute you have with them, considering it may be one of your last, but dont loose hope! I'll be praying for you!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">