I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.


New member
I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

I met a girl named Alex in my class about a month ago.. and we slowly got to know eachother. about 2 weeks ago we started "talking" and as of last night she is my new girlfriend. later that night she said she had something to say to me now that we are going out and she told me that she had CF. She just didnt want me to act any different than i usually do just because she is different and thats why she didnt tell me earlier. i dont see her any different since she told me, i actually seem to care even more for her now and i was wondering if anyone has any advice on how i could just make her life a little easier. i really hope i fall in love with her and i respect her even more now because after browsin this forum i realized that CF patients are very strong and cool people. Please reply and help me out here because i really would like to comfort her in any way.

P.S. i didnt know what CF meant until i hit this site this afternoon so i am kind of uneducated right now. tell me about it please.


New member
I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

I met a girl named Alex in my class about a month ago.. and we slowly got to know eachother. about 2 weeks ago we started "talking" and as of last night she is my new girlfriend. later that night she said she had something to say to me now that we are going out and she told me that she had CF. She just didnt want me to act any different than i usually do just because she is different and thats why she didnt tell me earlier. i dont see her any different since she told me, i actually seem to care even more for her now and i was wondering if anyone has any advice on how i could just make her life a little easier. i really hope i fall in love with her and i respect her even more now because after browsin this forum i realized that CF patients are very strong and cool people. Please reply and help me out here because i really would like to comfort her in any way.

P.S. i didnt know what CF meant until i hit this site this afternoon so i am kind of uneducated right now. tell me about it please.


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

Hey I have CF and like she said "dont treat her any different then u would anyone else" us CFer dont want any special treatment just be there for her when she needs a shoulder to cryin on if she has a bad doc. appointment or if she is sick or even just a bad day I think that is all alot of us CFers want is someone to treat us right and someone to talk about thinks just like non CFers Dustin 23 CFRD


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

Hey I have CF and like she said "dont treat her any different then u would anyone else" us CFer dont want any special treatment just be there for her when she needs a shoulder to cryin on if she has a bad doc. appointment or if she is sick or even just a bad day I think that is all alot of us CFers want is someone to treat us right and someone to talk about thinks just like non CFers Dustin 23 CFRD


New member
RE: I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

Dustin's right. What we don't want is to be treated with kid gloves. Treat us as if we were not sick with something - just be there when we need you - a shoulder to cry on, someone to help us when we're sick, etc.


New member
RE: I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

Dustin's right. What we don't want is to be treated with kid gloves. Treat us as if we were not sick with something - just be there when we need you - a shoulder to cry on, someone to help us when we're sick, etc.


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

Your girlfriend is lucky she met you. You sound like a great guy. I wish you the best of success. I would encourage her to take good care of her health so you both can live a happy and healthy life together. Perhaps work out together. being physcial for cFers is very important.


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

Your girlfriend is lucky she met you. You sound like a great guy. I wish you the best of success. I would encourage her to take good care of her health so you both can live a happy and healthy life together. Perhaps work out together. being physcial for cFers is very important.


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

you could take her out to dinner and give her a foot rub afterwards? hehehe!


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

you could take her out to dinner and give her a foot rub afterwards? hehehe!


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

what else do u want to know about it?? i think ur a very nice lad helpin ur gf with it u sound very sweet, is their anything else you want to know about it just ask me.


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

what else do u want to know about it?? i think ur a very nice lad helpin ur gf with it u sound very sweet, is their anything else you want to know about it just ask me.


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

well ive talked to her about it now and she seems alright. shes really healthy and never coughes up anything. shes a swimmer so she probably has strong lungs. she takes her meds and i really dont know what else there is to ask. thank you for the concern!


New member
RE:I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

well ive talked to her about it now and she seems alright. shes really healthy and never coughes up anything. shes a swimmer so she probably has strong lungs. she takes her meds and i really dont know what else there is to ask. thank you for the concern!


New member
RE: I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

my whole life everytime i met a boy i was so scared to tell them b/c i didnt want to be treated differently just like Alex. i just wanted to be normal and not have a reason to be thought of as "sick"...so jus dont treat her any different then you would a girl w/o cf....but from what i can tell she is lucky to have met you....you obviously care since you have been trying to find out as much as you can on this forum....good luck to you!


when she is sick and coughing alot...dont get embarrased ...pull her closer to you...b/c most likely she feels self concious about how much she coughs, and prolly is worried about what you think...so just show her that you care for her and will take care of her when she's sick!


New member
RE: I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

my whole life everytime i met a boy i was so scared to tell them b/c i didnt want to be treated differently just like Alex. i just wanted to be normal and not have a reason to be thought of as "sick"...so jus dont treat her any different then you would a girl w/o cf....but from what i can tell she is lucky to have met you....you obviously care since you have been trying to find out as much as you can on this forum....good luck to you!


when she is sick and coughing alot...dont get embarrased ...pull her closer to you...b/c most likely she feels self concious about how much she coughs, and prolly is worried about what you think...so just show her that you care for her and will take care of her when she's sick!


New member
I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

lets see the advice i can give u because im wit a great guy now and he totally knows about me having cf...the good thing is that she told u now before it waz too late...all u do is be there for her when she needs you the most...she waz right to tell u not to treat her any different becuse its not fair on her...she is just like everyone else...my fiance and i are so happy together we do things like normal couples do and we try to live everyday like its are last...my whole point of this is just don't pressure her like always being scared about or worried about all the time, put all your worries about her in the back of your head and just move on with your life with her!!!!


p.s. just remember she's not different she's just special


New member
I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

I think its awesome that you are wanting to learn more.

I know that one key thing for me and my boyfriend is that he is completely cool about all of the gross stuff that seems to come along with the CF. Its hard to be self concious about coughing up a whole bunch of junk in front of people. Quite frankly some of the symptoms are embaressing and as long as you keep that in mind and make sure she knows you dont care I think it will really help her.
Also I love it when my boyfriend is interested in all of my med stuff. He tried my vest (physical therapy machine) the first time I told him and is always asking what certain meds so and things.

Different people deal with having CF in completely different ways so just see how she reacts to things and go off of that. And im sure if she knew that you were making this much effort to find out more about her it would make her so good.

Good luck with everything and let us know if you have any other questions!


New member
I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

hi!I have CF and i think that what you are doing is great.I mean that you are trying to get information about CF. You see,we need people around us willing to learn more about our everyday life with CF.Actually CF is not an easy case!!try to encourage her often and if you want,go with her when she visits the doctor,that will make her happier! She is really lucky to have you!i'm 20y.o and i'm wondering if i will ever find someone to stand trully by me when i'm sick and couphing! i hope i will...


New member
I just found out that my gf has CF and i was wondering what i could do to make it easier on her.

hey i have CF I am onley 10 yrs old and i have been taking all difrent things 4 it since i was a baby. I think It's great what you are doing 4 you're gf goodluck!!!. And member 2 just treat here the same as other ppo. Coz I hate it when ppo treat me difrent!. It is just so anoying, be thre 4 her when she is down and when things go rong. GOOD LUCK Cya