I just have to post how I am feeling


New member
I hardley EVER post about needing anything (prayers, good thoughts, advice, suggestions) although on rare occasion I do. Previously it was when we were going through the IVF and I got so much support here.

I try to be of support to others (I am not perfect though,I have gotten myself caught up in the drama lately and spawned it on a few occasions-not intentionally though) and am always ready to help out with advice related to social security disability (I've helped at least 5 people WIN their SSDI/SSI cases in the last 1.5 years with just my information, NO lawyers or anything and I've helped over about 20 prepare for hearings, application submissions and so on), I give tax deduction/medical related CF advice, information on how to qualify for food stamps using CF food deductions as a medical deduction, and I've created a website for CF related male infertility because there is a NEED for the information out there..., and I do it because I feel it's my contribution to others and it makes me feel good. I am always ready and willing to help out with that info, and I ask for NOTHING in return.

And then when I ask for some support and assistance, thoughts and prayers for my friends at this difficult time in their life (and inadvertantly reading about all the support helps me out too), I get told it isn't CF related. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? Who is to determine what is and isn't CF related. Clearly there are some black and white situations, but I'm a CF spouse so clearly I have some different things to post about on a number of occasions but I assure you, if I put it in the adults section, it is something that is really affecting me and therefore related to CF because what affects me in turn affects my husband. And in this case, he is having a difficult time with this situation too. He just deals with it differently.

To me this is CF related. It's getting me down and affecting my daily activities and my emotions that a very good friend of mine might see her husband spend years in the brig and then years in Jail. They might loose their car and their house because now she is the ONLY one working, a little girl might grow up without really knowing and interacting with her daddy, and my friend might spend years without her husband right there by her side.

So I post it here because this is like my second family. And I posted it in the adult section because really, how many people go to and read and then post in the OT section? Not many.

I was here years ago when these boards weren't so segregated, and I've gone with the flow of the changes althougth I don't like them at all. But I've done my best to stick to the adults section/OT section/Prayer request section... respectively, and to me, I thought this was more than appropriate to post in the adult section. A number of other things I have been more than happy to put in the OT section. Clearly not everyone would agree with what I said in my post, but for those who care nonetheless (differences aside), they could show their support to the family and as I said before, It helps me deal to see that support for them. And those who didn't really care could just ignore it.

I just can't believe what these boards have discinegrated to. Not everything is bad, but still. If someone can't come here for support when they've belonged and been a member here all along, where do they go?

For those of you who showed their support and offered prayers and thoughts, thank you very much, the family is deeply touched, as am I. I hope you can all understand that this is much more than skin deep for me. It makes me question so many things in life, my own beliefs, morality, my faith, what I am doing with my own life... and I know there are many here who can relate to that in one way or another.

Thanks for listening to me vent,


New member
We all have our requests and need support for one thing or another. You have given me several words of wisdom and as a person that has been in you friends situation my heart goes out to her. However, one can only be left alone because of anothers actions before resentment sets in. Remember you are in a dellicate stat carring 3 babies as it is difficult enough with just one. You obviously have a good heart and you will get just reward for that.


New member
Thanks Candace, you are so sweet. I'm doing my best not to be so upset and offended, it's not easy though. I do appreciate your time in posting to me!


New member
It's times like this that people are showing their true character. Even though it sucks, it is kinda valuable, because it lets you know who you can trust and who you cannot. That's the way I would see it, anyway. =-)

(I'm not necessarily saying everyone who is nice are the one's you can trust; A slap from a friend is more faithful that a kiss from an enemy. I mean it is whoever is trying to help you that you can trust.)


New member
Julie I am sorry for your friend. And I will say a prayer for you.

Jennifer 34 years old with Cf and CFRD


New member
I haven't been around here a lot lately, I come here less because of all the drama recently! BUt I want you to know that I think you are always very positive and upbeat, always in the posts with responses to people and trying to help in anyway! I know you have answerd several of my posts and been a great help to me personally!! I have also follwoed your pregnancy from the beginning and can't wait to see what the triplets will look like when they get here!!

I will defintely say a prayer for you and for your friend and his family!!

Keep your chin up! You are needed here!!


New member
Thank you Jennifer and Becky. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers. You are all very kind to have responded and I appreciate it!


New member
I am new to these boards and really don't even know how to use them as I have never signed in or made a password or anything? I have no idea what situation you are even talking about but I wanted to say thank you as you were really helpful in our discussion about IVF. I honestly LOVE to hear from people who are married to male CFers. It just makes me feel that Aidan will be fine and in love someday with a very special woman! Thanks!

Megan, mom to Aidan 21 months CF