Hi Amanda, following his lead is a really great idea, like Melissa mentioned. Everything she said is right on for me too. I would also add one thing that helped me through relationships when I was younger was to be able to share things when I wanted and to feel a genuine concern/connection on the other end. Then, when I was ready to play I was ready to play! I mean I didn't want any sympathy or to be treated different when I was being myself and living my life with friends. I'd go camping for week long trips, struggle up the hiking trails, feel dehydrated and maybe a little help at times would be good, but for the most part *I* didn't want people thinking I all of a sudden couldn't do things. Even when my boyfriend at the time and friends along with us heard me panting and coughing up a storm, I was just dealing and wanted to keep going. Just a thought, that was just me. Maybe if you ask your boyfriend how he would like you to react, then you might get the answers quickly without having to guess too much.