I just learned that my boyfriend has CF and I dont know what to do to help.


New member
My boyfriend and i have been dating for less than a week. Last night he told me that he had CF. I try not to treat him diffrently and i seem to care alot more. I never really knew what it was until he explained it to me. He told me to come here to ask my questions. My question is what can i do to help him through this? I mean i kno i am going to be there for him no matter what even if we break up. I just dont know what to do to really help.


New member
My boyfriend and i have been dating for less than a week. Last night he told me that he had CF. I try not to treat him diffrently and i seem to care alot more. I never really knew what it was until he explained it to me. He told me to come here to ask my questions. My question is what can i do to help him through this? I mean i kno i am going to be there for him no matter what even if we break up. I just dont know what to do to really help.


New member
Its kind of hard to say what you can do to help since a lot depends on him. Some CFers dont open up & offer too much on their thoughts, worries, concerns or problems. If he is open & shares a lot with you then you kind of follow his lead. If he happens to have a hard time with his health (on a regular basis or occaisionally doesnt matter), try not to down play it OR overplay it. Finding the balance of concern is hard, but important. Educating yourself on CF itself is helpful, but when doing so remember that not everything or the severity will necessarily apply to your guy. People can easily get rattled by learning TOO much so take it one step at a time. If you have ??? and your boyfriend doesnt have the answers or doesnt want to share then we are always here to try & answer them. Good Luck! OH....by the way.....just a warning....I have found that most CFers are unusually stubborn. Thats not a bad thing in my view, but it can be a challenge!


New member
Its kind of hard to say what you can do to help since a lot depends on him. Some CFers dont open up & offer too much on their thoughts, worries, concerns or problems. If he is open & shares a lot with you then you kind of follow his lead. If he happens to have a hard time with his health (on a regular basis or occaisionally doesnt matter), try not to down play it OR overplay it. Finding the balance of concern is hard, but important. Educating yourself on CF itself is helpful, but when doing so remember that not everything or the severity will necessarily apply to your guy. People can easily get rattled by learning TOO much so take it one step at a time. If you have ??? and your boyfriend doesnt have the answers or doesnt want to share then we are always here to try & answer them. Good Luck! OH....by the way.....just a warning....I have found that most CFers are unusually stubborn. Thats not a bad thing in my view, but it can be a challenge!


New member
Thanks for the advice.... I really appreciate it. I am just so confused and I try to listen and not cry but I cant help it I just dont know why it has to be him. I really care for him and so far all of your advice has helped greatly he has found out that i really do care and loves being able to talk to me about it. If you have any more pointers I would love to hear them!! Thanks -Amanda- (aka anonymous)


New member
Thanks for the advice.... I really appreciate it. I am just so confused and I try to listen and not cry but I cant help it I just dont know why it has to be him. I really care for him and so far all of your advice has helped greatly he has found out that i really do care and loves being able to talk to me about it. If you have any more pointers I would love to hear them!! Thanks -Amanda- (aka anonymous)


New member
Hi Amanda, following his lead is a really great idea, like Melissa mentioned. Everything she said is right on for me too. I would also add one thing that helped me through relationships when I was younger was to be able to share things when I wanted and to feel a genuine concern/connection on the other end. Then, when I was ready to play I was ready to play! I mean I didn't want any sympathy or to be treated different when I was being myself and living my life with friends. I'd go camping for week long trips, struggle up the hiking trails, feel dehydrated and maybe a little help at times would be good, but for the most part *I* didn't want people thinking I all of a sudden couldn't do things. Even when my boyfriend at the time and friends along with us heard me panting and coughing up a storm, I was just dealing and wanted to keep going. Just a thought, that was just me. Maybe if you ask your boyfriend how he would like you to react, then you might get the answers quickly without having to guess too much.


New member
Hi Amanda, following his lead is a really great idea, like Melissa mentioned. Everything she said is right on for me too. I would also add one thing that helped me through relationships when I was younger was to be able to share things when I wanted and to feel a genuine concern/connection on the other end. Then, when I was ready to play I was ready to play! I mean I didn't want any sympathy or to be treated different when I was being myself and living my life with friends. I'd go camping for week long trips, struggle up the hiking trails, feel dehydrated and maybe a little help at times would be good, but for the most part *I* didn't want people thinking I all of a sudden couldn't do things. Even when my boyfriend at the time and friends along with us heard me panting and coughing up a storm, I was just dealing and wanted to keep going. Just a thought, that was just me. Maybe if you ask your boyfriend how he would like you to react, then you might get the answers quickly without having to guess too much.


New member
Girl don't get upset. I didn't want to tell my bf that I had CF, but I did. Most CF teens are like any one else you know. Think about how long you've known him and if he ever showed any REAL difrence frome any one else. If not don't even think about it. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T TREAT HIM LIKE A HANDY CAPED PERSON!!!!!! I'm 15 and I would HATE it if people treated me like I was handy caped. Just trust, OK? Good luck!!

Kayla Whitley


New member
Girl don't get upset. I didn't want to tell my bf that I had CF, but I did. Most CF teens are like any one else you know. Think about how long you've known him and if he ever showed any REAL difrence frome any one else. If not don't even think about it. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T TREAT HIM LIKE A HANDY CAPED PERSON!!!!!! I'm 15 and I would HATE it if people treated me like I was handy caped. Just trust, OK? Good luck!!

Kayla Whitley


New member
if you really care about him dont treat him any different than you
would anybody els he is a human being just like me and you he needs
your support and understanding i also have cf and i know how it
feels to be treated different i liked it at first but then it got
old now im like everyone els and i feel alot better about my self
and others just because we have cf  doesn't mean  we dont
act like other people you know what i mean i may be 14 but i know
this stuff tell me if my info worked for you it would help me give
even better advise in the future plz and thx for
  letting me help


New member
Hey thanks for the advice it really did help. He is a really sweet guy and we have gotten really close. Thanks to you and the other people who have written we can have a normal relationship. He said that he doesnt like being diffrent, or having people kno that he is diffrent. So i figure if i keep my mouth shut it will all work out-lol-<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> If you ever need someone to talk to im here dude, just email me.... mandylue_09_12@yahoo.com, u kno if no one else wants to listen.
Thanks- Amanda