I love my best friend!


New member
Hi! My name is Rebekah. I am 17 and my very best friend outside of my family has Cystic Fibrosis. She is 16 and definitely one of the sweetest people I know. I was already sensitive towards people with struggles because of some different issues in my family, but my friend has given me an incredible love for those dealing with CF. She is so positive and so caring about others. Can you tell I love her? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Anyhow, I was hoping that some of you could give me some advice on how to be a good friend to someone with CF. Thank you so very much.



New member
Hey i think that is super cool how much you love and care about your friend! I have a friend who is 17 exactly like you... She cares so much about me and she is the bestest chica on the face of the earth!... She is always there for me and when i was in the hospital for the first time like 2 years ago she was there everyday and stayed in a hotel with my mom and brother to come visit me from dawn until dusk...We share everything together and she is soo lucky to have a friend like you...

FRIENDS like that JUSt dont forget each other... BE there for each other... It is exciting to hear that there are
People like you and my friend in the world...

all the time
(15 w/ cf)