I Love you Katie


New member
I do not know if this is the proper place to post this, but it seems right.

My beautiful wife Katie lost her twenty-nine year battle with C.F. a month ago today. She and I are both new to these forums, but after finding them my wife would spend hours reading through everybody's posts and feel encouraged that so many people were going through the same ordeals that she was. She only posted a few times as dying2live.

Around the middle of May she picked up a cold that one of the kids brought home from school that she couldn't beat. She was admitted into the local hospital and instead of having another PICC placed we decided to try a MediPort. The surgery went fine, but the anesthesia messed up her lungs and she crashed. Her CF doctor had no idea that her lungs were that bad because she always fought so hard. The proceedings for a transplant were started, but the doctors wanted her to be home before doing the evaluation. That horrible standard that you have to be sick enough to require a transplant, but be healthy enough to survive it. On July 12 we packed up all her machines and medications and drove up to Denver for a 2 day eval. The first day went well, but before we could start testing on the second day Katie's lungs had a setback and she was admitted at University Hospital. The doctors kept trying everything they could but her infections had grown too resilient. After a little more than a week she was so exhausted just from breathing so she and I decided it was time for a ventilator. I was in the room when they put her under and put her on the machine. I learned just how much force of will she had over her body when the ventilator, the machine supposed to breath for her, could not get her O2 sats as high as she was doing on her own. Even on the ventilator she continued to get worse. On July 29, at 7:50 in the morning I held my wife's hand as she passed away.

I love my beautiful Katie. I am so blessed that I can see her everyday in the faces of my wonderful children. All that Katie wanted to do in this life was be a mother. She was the best mother any child could ask for.

<img src="http://www.enchantedbeings.com/phillip/cabfam.jpg">


New member
I'm so sorry for your loss!
Katie sounded like a strong woman who fought very hard. Your family will be in my thoughts.


New member
Oh Gosh.. I am so sorry .. That is all I can think of to say.... Your wife sounds like she was a wonderful person.. Just amazing... I am glad that you were able to have her in your life for the time you did and that you got three beautiful children to treasure..

Please don't be a stranger around here.. Keep posting.. We are here for you and your whole family....

In my thoughts and prayers,



New member
I don't have a single useful thing to say. I just wanted to let you know I'm one more person that read your thread, and was touched by the story. I'm sorry she's gone.


New member
Sending you lots of love and prayers of comfort today. You have a beautiful family. You're in our thoughts. Come here often for support, or words of care whenever you need it. We all care.


New member
a truly beautiful family you have. I am so deeply sorry to hear that Katie lost her battle to cf. Your children are beautiful. What a wonderful life Katie had loving you all.


New member
I had a memory of someone with this username dying2live and thought it was your wife but not sure so I did a search. You wife was so very talented. I wondered why I never heard back from her. Please post her websites and perhaps you might want to get a blog and put some of her artwork on there.

here is a link that she wrote. Her daughters resembles some of her figures that she sculpted (the one of an angel).
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.cysticfibrosis.com/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=8473&highlight_key=y&keyword1=animation%20art%20transplant">http://forums.cysticfibrosis.c...ion%20art%20transplant</a>


New member
I'm so sorry to hear this. I remember a few of her posts. She sounded like a wonderful woman, wife and mother. You and your family are in my thoughts at this hard time. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}


New member
my heart ached when i read your
post.......<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">.......................you have your kids to be with ,
just be thankfull of that.


New member
I wish I had the appropriate words to share with you in your grief.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your wife. Your
family is in my thoughts and prayers.


New member
I am very sorry for your loss and also very glad that you have posted here. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your children. There are quite a few other spouses of those with CF on here who have passed away, I hope that you can find comort in talking to all of us on here.


New member
Thank you for sharing your memories and those lovely pictures of your family.
You Katie sounds like a wonderful woman.
I am so very sorry.
I will be keeping you and your children in my heart.
I hope you will stay with us as you continue on.
-LisaV, widow of Rip (1946-2006)


New member
My heart broke when I read your post. I am sorry that you and the children are going through this pain right now.
I wish I had the right words to say but I don't.
Keeping your family in my thoughts/prayers.


New member
I am so sorry I can only imagine... I know what it is to love someone with cf and how you never let yourself imagine the worst...
I am thinking of you!!!


I am so sorry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Nothing can be said to make your heart feel better. You and your children are in my thoughts.


Dear Temoin,

I am so sorry. I remember your wife's posts when she joined only a few months ago. I am very saddened to hear of your loss, you and your family are in my thoughts.