I met a bloke who also has cf. should we be mixing?


New member
I have just come out of hopsital after two wks of being de-censitised to an antibiotic. Whilst in there i met a bloke who also has cf. He is 23 and waiting for a lung transplant. We grew fond of each other and he even took me out for a meal (and paid such a gentleman!) He used to visit me EVERY night in my room to watch tv and chat till gone 2!! The only thing i am worried about is cross infection. In our hospital we are fortunate to have our own private suite for cf sufferers. But the rules are obviuosly quite strict on wandering into others rooms due to the risk of cross infection and i am scared that we might catch something off one another. However i live with my brother who also has cf and we are the closest brother and sister i know. We must swap germs and stuff but im just bit more weary of the fact that this bloke is someone who i havent shared germs with all my life! Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated!


New member
This is just my personal opinion, first, I would ask my doctors what they think and if they have ever had any cf couples who haven't had problems with cross infection. This is another good site to post the question you did and hopefully there is somebody out there that has experience or has heard of/seen such a couple.

I am just going to add my two cents here, but ultimately what I personally believe is you should do what makes you happy. bottom line, none of us know when it might be our last day. I tell my husband all the time, "yes you may die of CF complications someday, we are all guaranteed to die of something eventually, but I might die in a car accident tomorrow". there really are no guarantees in life. So when you look back on your life what would you prefer to remember, good times, happiness, a full house with those that you love-even though it might have made you a little sicker on occasion, or a life where you constantally played it safe, never took risks, never really fell in love (because maybe your soulmate is this man with CF) and maybe lived just a little longer? It's really going to be up to you, but love is love. If that is how both of you feel about eachother then I would say go for it.

Like I said, there is no medical substance for what I just wrote, but life should be about quality.



New member
Wow...that is a hard desition. I'm only 16, but love seems to be what consumes my life...I'm just that kind of person haha. I couldn't imagine having to give up someone just because he had CF like me.....hard to say what I think you should do..?


New member
I agree with Julie, do what makes you happy. I've had so many relationships with "normal" people and they just don't understand me to the level I want them to. I would love to date a fellow CF-er even with the elevated risk of illness; I would think that they would be able to understand me better since they too are in the same position-that's just my thought. I'm sure there are people out there w/o CF who would understand me, but I still think it would be easier with someone else with CF. Don't think about the negative stuff that could happen, do what makes you happy and you know you could live with. The last thing you want to have to live with besides CF is the lingering, "WHAT IF???!!!".


New member
ASK YOUR DOCTOR!! HAVE HIM ASK HIS DOCTOR! Sometimes you could pass on very scary resistancies and bacteria. I agree some CFer's want to live life to it's fullest but you can shorten it by years really fast if you are not educated.


New member
my CF doc told that they dont encourage people with CF to date one another...for health safety issues. thats just some info to share cause i was wondering about that myself a while back and i asked about that and that was there answer.