I Need a little Help to get me through the 14th.


New member
Well this isnt a subject i like to bring up...but im having a hard time dealing with this....
Well on December 14th, 1987, my Brother Adam passed away of CF. I never got the priveledge to meet him, but until this day i like to say im living the life for both of us.
Well On the 14th he would have been 18, and hopefully graduating from high school this year. So im a little down in the dumps.
I was hopign that maybe you all could help me get through this. I would truly appriciate it.

Thankyou all.



New member
Jacky, I can relate to loosing a sibling. My older sister passed away one month ago yesterday. I miss her terribly. She didnt have cf, she died from complications of cancer. If I can help in anyway let me know k?
Hey, I just went through this In October. Last October (10-19-05) was my friend Nichelle's one year. It is hard becuase you want to remember the times you had with them, or in your case could have had with them. But just surround yourself with your family and or friends and things should be just fine. I believe after the first is over the rest will be easer. I really hope this helps and ill keep you in my prayers tomorrow the 14th.

Email me anytime at monkeygal100586@comcast.net

Be sure if you do to put in a subject because i usually delete the ones i dont know the address of.


New member
Jacky, I hope you can find comfort on this site. I will have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers today. Take care of yourself and continue to be strong.


New member
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the comments and the help. I got through it alright :) Happy New Year.


New member
hey im haveing to do a report on cf. lol its kinda frustrating. lol well neways im really sorry bout ur brother . but things always happen for a reason and what ever it is it was ment to be . one day u might see and understand the reson but maybe not . but i was just writin to tell u im thinking and praying for u at this very moment. i hope u have a good life and dont worry about ur brother. he is proly in a better place ok well i hope i helped
god bless
prayin for ya!