I need help with my brother!


New member
My brother is almost 18 and he has CF. He smokes....and I tell him all the time he needs to stop but he just doesn't get it. He said he only has one life to live and he is going to live it to the fullest,meaning he doesn't care if he gets ill!!!! I need some advice....can anyone help me????????


New member
I am 32 w/CF and also have a brother who is 25 w/CF. My brother also smokes...and has for many years, unfortunately. I can only tell you from experience...that we can only let them know how we feel. They have to make the decision for themselves. It is very very hard to stand by and watch them do this themselves. Eventually, I believe that they will realize that what they are doing is causing so much more harm than what they need to go through. I know my fear is that when that day happens...it could be too late! I'm sorry that there isnt anything more that I can tell you....Hang in there!
Hey this coming from an ex-smoker (im 19 w/o CF) But i do know what it is like for everyone to always be on your back about smoking. I do have a heart problem and i smoked for 8years. Finally after my boyfriend sat down with me and had a heart to heart about how it made him feel to watch me smoke w/ my heart problem i decided i would quit, not only for him but also because i did not want to die at such a young age. So just sit down with your brother(s) and tell them how you feel. Do not yell at them because when someone yells at someone because they do not like what they are doing it makes you want to do it more. So just sit down and have a hert to heart with him and tell him exactly how you fell. Also keep in mind he needs to quit for himself not for anyone else. I tryed to quit many times but untill i really wanted to I kept failing. Just keep him in your prayers and remember he needs to do it for himself not for anyone else. I bet you would much rather know he is doing it than find out later, if he is anything like i was when people got on my case i hid it from everyone, so just remember this to that it is better out in the open, so you are prepaired than behind your back so you are not.


New member
It's hard when you see soemone doing something that's totally inappropriate with their health. It sounds to me ( and I amy be worng) that he might be experiencing some anger and frustration about his "one life". I say this because in college, my husband went through a bit of that and started drinking and smoking and generally doing stupid things.

We were just starting to go out at the time, but I sat him down and we talkled about all the things he was doing, and how I loved him, and how much it worried me that he was unintentionally shortening whatever time we had together. It took time and collaboration, but he stopped smoking and brought the partying down to a dull roar lol.

Just be honest and patient with your brother. Tell him how much he means to you. And hope for the best.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>My brother is almost 18 and he has CF. He smokes....and I tell him all the time he needs to stop but he just doesn't get it. He said he only has one life to live and he is going to live it to the fullest,meaning he doesn't care if he gets ill!!!! I need some advice....can anyone help me????????<hr></blockquote>
You might gently tell him that if he keeps doing this, his "one life" may not last very long. Just a suggestion...