I need help


New member
what are they making fun of you about? tell them regardless of what they are making fun of you for you should tell them that if they are really your friends they wouldnt make fun. that them making fun of you hurts your feelings even if they dont mean to. and if they cared for your feelings they would please stop.


New member
Hi, well first of all you need to talk to your friends of how that makes you feel when they're talking about you. If they're your true friends they wouldn't talk about you like that. Once I had a friend who talked about me and what I did was talked to her how that makes me feel. It hurts when people are talking behind your back like that. Trust me a true friend or friends don't talk about each other, however, true friend or friends support each other...
Sabina16<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
ya what u should do i talk to them about the disease because they are prolly making fun of u because they don't understand the disease and if that does not work either get new friends or tell them to knock it off. BUt if they r guys some times guys just make fun of each other for the sake of it cause i did it when i was younger and almost all guys do so maybe that is what they are doing so ask them to stop.

thad 18


New member
Hmmm... Never had a much of a problem with actual "Meaningful" teasing, with me and my friends it's all fun and games. I dunno, make them scared? I have many ways of doing this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. Tell them I'll get em <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">.