I need some advice


New member
Hey all!
I was just wondering if any of you have bf/gf? I'm always beating myself up because I can't get a second glance from anyone!!!!
Any suggegtions, Advice?

<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah its bothersom. I had the same problem. Mainly because I didnt ever notice anyone looking. I am now 22 and married (to my first bf and only ever)....All I can say is it will happen when you least expect it and you have admirers you just dont know about. Trust me you do. I was just like you, never thought anyone even noticed me. But now when I looke back I remember somethings guys did for me and they normally wouldnt have if they didnt like me on some level. I even now figured out some of them were flirting (alot) and never knew it, I thought they were just being nice...stupid niave me. Just know there maybe someone you have no idea about who has a crush on you (just like you may have a crush on someone and they dont know). The older you get (next few years, maybe even months) you will get to where you wont care and just start flirting or flirting back with guys and they will take notice...for some reason guys like girls who flirt or at least seem interested (not telling you to go out and be flirty) its just sometimes you gotta take a chance and take charge (but when your ready of course)
Hope something helped ya out in all that rambling.


New member
Hey thanks, it helps to hear someone's "story" I just thought CF turnspepole off! (or any disease)
I geuss it is not necisarly true!
Thanks!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
people will still find you attractive. It is true some people are kinda turned off by a disease, mainly because they are ignorant or not strong enough to handle such a thing...in a way cf kinda weeds out those people to where we dont have to deal to much with them. And you find true friends once you find them. It takes a very commpassionate person to handle cf and when you find them they are there for life. In the mean time just know that there are people who find you very attractive cf or not.


New member
Hey...its really NOT true...maybe they just...havent matured enough yet...-shrugs- you can find somebody...trust me..if i can..ANYBODY can -giggles-

how old are you anyways? if your younger then me you shouldnt even be worring about having a boyfriend...heh


New member
we should chat sometime..i can get it in your head that guys arent worth it..unless you have a guy like jarod -smiles- but there arent many of them...

-whispers to you- guys have cooties


New member
I'm 17, Almost 18. I'm graduating this year!!!! Yeah!!!
It would be awesome to talk w/ you! Any advice or encouragement helps!

Another Question...I would like to have a date to my Senior prom...I don't know why but I'm kinda afraid to ask anyone!
Should I just get over it? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
I say ask someone. Whats the worst that can happen? He says no and you go anyway and have fun. YOu have guy friends? You could even ask a guy friend if they dont have a date and jsut go as friends and still have fun. In fact I liked when I went to prom with my guy friend we had alot of fun. He loves to dance so he was "allowed" to go dance with whoever he wanted with out feeling like he was making a date mad and dance with me as well. And i didnt have to worry about him sitting there feeling like he had to sit with me when I wasnt dancing. In fact i got my friends dates to cdance with me because they were boring and wouldnt go dance....(stupid huh go to prom and not dance). hey i danced and i cant dance and no one laughed. it was fun....I say ask someone as a date or as friends...nothing bad will come of it. you are going to go anyway and have fun.


New member
i always thought that its harder to be a male with cf interms of finding a spouse than being a female. is that true?


New member
I don't think so!
My Dr. actually said that guys are so much more healthy
and do so much better with Cf than girls do!
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
hey my name is andy i have a 13 teen year old girl freind with cf its hard some times nowing she will most likely die before me but she is
the best person i have ever met but i love her with or with out cf she just lights up my day when i see her she knows she will die sooner than me but that dont matter she has been saved and she knows she will go to hevan any way let people know about your life and mabey they will under stand like me good luck.


New member
hey i had a gf, she doesn't ve cf but i do. she knew before she met me through friend. she know one girl who ve cf and also she no some of my friend so they told her about me have cf. then eventually after 2 yrs being friend, we started goin out, it went great till we broke up. but hey we still friend! yeah i really miss our fun but lifes goes on. anyway we are in teen so plenty time. i really like her but gotta move on. hope she gets decent fella otherwise i will get him lol.


New member
Well, I did get a "date" to the prom! He has been a good friend of mine for a long time.
I'm glad it worked out. Thanks for all of your support!
Who knows, maybe someday I will get a bf.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">