i started my Tobi


New member
I started my Tobi on Friday and now for the past 2 nights, I've been up the ENTIRE night coughing. I've just about completely lost my voice. I got some Advil Cold and Sinus (the OTC, that you have to get from the pharmicist). It didn't do anything at all for me. In fact I felt worst last night, than the night before. Anyways, I was supposed to go to the Doc on March 13th, but I really didn't want to wait, so she got me scheduled for tomorrow. I was supposed to take my weeners to the Vet tomorrow and go to court for a speeding ticket, but I guess those things will have to wait. Anyways I was just wondering if Tobi makes anyone else sick????


New member
I started my Tobi on Friday and now for the past 2 nights, I've been up the ENTIRE night coughing. I've just about completely lost my voice. I got some Advil Cold and Sinus (the OTC, that you have to get from the pharmicist). It didn't do anything at all for me. In fact I felt worst last night, than the night before. Anyways, I was supposed to go to the Doc on March 13th, but I really didn't want to wait, so she got me scheduled for tomorrow. I was supposed to take my weeners to the Vet tomorrow and go to court for a speeding ticket, but I guess those things will have to wait. Anyways I was just wondering if Tobi makes anyone else sick????


New member
I started my Tobi on Friday and now for the past 2 nights, I've been up the ENTIRE night coughing. I've just about completely lost my voice. I got some Advil Cold and Sinus (the OTC, that you have to get from the pharmicist). It didn't do anything at all for me. In fact I felt worst last night, than the night before. Anyways, I was supposed to go to the Doc on March 13th, but I really didn't want to wait, so she got me scheduled for tomorrow. I was supposed to take my weeners to the Vet tomorrow and go to court for a speeding ticket, but I guess those things will have to wait. Anyways I was just wondering if Tobi makes anyone else sick????


New member
I actually usually have the opposite reaction- Tobi almost always makes me feel much much better. I'm on it every other month, and I usually cough a lot for about the first week (but not all night long) and then feel great by week 2. On my off months, I feel good for about the first week but by the end of the month I am tired and feel like crap. I hate going to the doctor on my off month b/c my numbers are always down.


New member
I actually usually have the opposite reaction- Tobi almost always makes me feel much much better. I'm on it every other month, and I usually cough a lot for about the first week (but not all night long) and then feel great by week 2. On my off months, I feel good for about the first week but by the end of the month I am tired and feel like crap. I hate going to the doctor on my off month b/c my numbers are always down.


New member
I actually usually have the opposite reaction- Tobi almost always makes me feel much much better. I'm on it every other month, and I usually cough a lot for about the first week (but not all night long) and then feel great by week 2. On my off months, I feel good for about the first week but by the end of the month I am tired and feel like crap. I hate going to the doctor on my off month b/c my numbers are always down.


New member
Im the opposite I like going to the doc when Im on my off month of Tobi cause I feel like thats when my numbers will be high. Tobi for me, it doesnt make me sick but in the past it would make my lungs feel sore and I would use a heating pad at night, which helped a little. It doesnt make me cough but a little bit and my voice use to get hoarse all the time too, but not so much now. Now I try not to cough or clear my throat all the time, before I would do that cause my cough was always loose and by doing that I suffered a hoarse voice for a while. I still do get my voice hoarse sometimes but not as bad, it depends how much coughing I do to try and get that crap up when Im on tobi.


New member
Im the opposite I like going to the doc when Im on my off month of Tobi cause I feel like thats when my numbers will be high. Tobi for me, it doesnt make me sick but in the past it would make my lungs feel sore and I would use a heating pad at night, which helped a little. It doesnt make me cough but a little bit and my voice use to get hoarse all the time too, but not so much now. Now I try not to cough or clear my throat all the time, before I would do that cause my cough was always loose and by doing that I suffered a hoarse voice for a while. I still do get my voice hoarse sometimes but not as bad, it depends how much coughing I do to try and get that crap up when Im on tobi.


New member
Im the opposite I like going to the doc when Im on my off month of Tobi cause I feel like thats when my numbers will be high. Tobi for me, it doesnt make me sick but in the past it would make my lungs feel sore and I would use a heating pad at night, which helped a little. It doesnt make me cough but a little bit and my voice use to get hoarse all the time too, but not so much now. Now I try not to cough or clear my throat all the time, before I would do that cause my cough was always loose and by doing that I suffered a hoarse voice for a while. I still do get my voice hoarse sometimes but not as bad, it depends how much coughing I do to try and get that crap up when Im on tobi.


Staff member
Once in awhile I'll notice at the start that DS sounds a little froggy, raspy voiced. And the biggy is that he digs up his nose during the tobi month. Then I always worry he's coming down with something and DH, who usually hangs out with DS during Tobi time says that his nose and throat burn. So it seems to be more of an irritant that increases sticky boogy production in toddlers.


Staff member
Once in awhile I'll notice at the start that DS sounds a little froggy, raspy voiced. And the biggy is that he digs up his nose during the tobi month. Then I always worry he's coming down with something and DH, who usually hangs out with DS during Tobi time says that his nose and throat burn. So it seems to be more of an irritant that increases sticky boogy production in toddlers.


Staff member
Once in awhile I'll notice at the start that DS sounds a little froggy, raspy voiced. And the biggy is that he digs up his nose during the tobi month. Then I always worry he's coming down with something and DH, who usually hangs out with DS during Tobi time says that his nose and throat burn. So it seems to be more of an irritant that increases sticky boogy production in toddlers.


New member
Is it making you short of breath? I had a reaction (and we still don't know why, since I had been doing inhaled tobra and then Tobi when I got sick for years) where the Tobi irritated my lungs to the point I was short of breath, and had to stop it and go in for a tune up. Then, the Genomyacin made my face swell...so I tried to avoid the myacins for a while, and now, I can do the Tobi again (but apparently not IV Tobra- IV fever). I make sure I have done my Xopenex and Advair before I do my Tobi, and when I start it, I just do 3/4 of the vial for the first few days. Don't know if this will help you or not...


New member
Is it making you short of breath? I had a reaction (and we still don't know why, since I had been doing inhaled tobra and then Tobi when I got sick for years) where the Tobi irritated my lungs to the point I was short of breath, and had to stop it and go in for a tune up. Then, the Genomyacin made my face swell...so I tried to avoid the myacins for a while, and now, I can do the Tobi again (but apparently not IV Tobra- IV fever). I make sure I have done my Xopenex and Advair before I do my Tobi, and when I start it, I just do 3/4 of the vial for the first few days. Don't know if this will help you or not...


New member
Is it making you short of breath? I had a reaction (and we still don't know why, since I had been doing inhaled tobra and then Tobi when I got sick for years) where the Tobi irritated my lungs to the point I was short of breath, and had to stop it and go in for a tune up. Then, the Genomyacin made my face swell...so I tried to avoid the myacins for a while, and now, I can do the Tobi again (but apparently not IV Tobra- IV fever). I make sure I have done my Xopenex and Advair before I do my Tobi, and when I start it, I just do 3/4 of the vial for the first few days. Don't know if this will help you or not...


New member
I am not sure what problems you are having other than coughing more, but I will give you some past experiences I have had with TOBI.

Years ago - maybe when I was 19ish (so about 5 year ago) I had been taking TOBI for a while every other month no problems really. Then slowly it started to occur that after being on TOBI for a week or so I would cough up small amounts of blood streaked in my sputum. Gradually as the months past the amount of blood became more and more - and each time I would tell me doc. They didn't really seem to care much and would tell me to keep taking it. Then that culminated in my coughing up pure blood after being ON TOBI for about a week. That time I stopped taking it myself regardless of the fact that my doc didn't seem too concerned. The next month came and I tried it again and again I coughed up blood. I was finally taken off of TOBI for about 2-3 years and then I was put on it again just to see what, if any, reaction I would have.

Well I started using TOBI again about 2 years ago. I have gone from using it every other month to only being able to use it two weeks at a time - I do two weeks on and two weeks off - unless I am really sick and then the doc will give it to me 1 month on and one month off. Maintenance wise it is 2weeks on/off. I had to start using it that way because I was noticing that I would get shortness of breath and such after about 3 weeks. Also after about the 2nd week I start to get thrush. Regardless of how often I rinse my mouth, how much mouthwash I use or how often I brush my teeth. I would end up with a sore throat, then NO voice and THEN wite patches and all the other typical thrush things. The doc thought 2 weeks on/off would be best for me.

One thing that I had noticed before beind switched to 2 weeks on/off is that when I would take the TOBI for the month - when I would start TOBI I would be coughing a bunch and have "Psuedo" sputum as I call it. That yellowy crud and the psuedo feelings that I get when the Psuedo is out of control. After not even 2 days I would start to feel better from that THEN I after about 3 weeks I would start to feel cruddy again. It was a different kind of cruddy though - and it was happening BEFORE I even finished the TOBI. It was a MRSA cruddy. I had the green sputum and the same consistency and taste I get when I have a MRSA flare up. I would end up coughing more and so on and so forth. I usually ended up on some type of oral antibiotic for a few weeks either that or as I ended the TOBI it slowly subsided and the Psuedo cruddy started to come back.

I didn't usually have it happen within the first week of being on TOBI, but maybe something similar is happening with you. You could be treating the Psuedo with the TOBI and the MRSA is looking at it as an opportunity to creep in and take over and try to make you sick. If you notice a difference in the sick feeling you have now versus the sick you feel when you a have a Psuedo flare up. Are the feelings similar as to when you have a MRSA flare up - I saw by your sig that you do culture MRSA? I hope that the doc has some answers for you and that you are able to get it all worked out. It is hard sometimes to understand why you are getting sick when you are taking meds - but those of us with multiple bacteria sometimes get hit no matter what meds we are taking <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Unfortunately we can't be "medded" up for every bug all the time ugh - talk about a TON of meds.

Hope you start feeling better,


New member
I am not sure what problems you are having other than coughing more, but I will give you some past experiences I have had with TOBI.

Years ago - maybe when I was 19ish (so about 5 year ago) I had been taking TOBI for a while every other month no problems really. Then slowly it started to occur that after being on TOBI for a week or so I would cough up small amounts of blood streaked in my sputum. Gradually as the months past the amount of blood became more and more - and each time I would tell me doc. They didn't really seem to care much and would tell me to keep taking it. Then that culminated in my coughing up pure blood after being ON TOBI for about a week. That time I stopped taking it myself regardless of the fact that my doc didn't seem too concerned. The next month came and I tried it again and again I coughed up blood. I was finally taken off of TOBI for about 2-3 years and then I was put on it again just to see what, if any, reaction I would have.

Well I started using TOBI again about 2 years ago. I have gone from using it every other month to only being able to use it two weeks at a time - I do two weeks on and two weeks off - unless I am really sick and then the doc will give it to me 1 month on and one month off. Maintenance wise it is 2weeks on/off. I had to start using it that way because I was noticing that I would get shortness of breath and such after about 3 weeks. Also after about the 2nd week I start to get thrush. Regardless of how often I rinse my mouth, how much mouthwash I use or how often I brush my teeth. I would end up with a sore throat, then NO voice and THEN wite patches and all the other typical thrush things. The doc thought 2 weeks on/off would be best for me.

One thing that I had noticed before beind switched to 2 weeks on/off is that when I would take the TOBI for the month - when I would start TOBI I would be coughing a bunch and have "Psuedo" sputum as I call it. That yellowy crud and the psuedo feelings that I get when the Psuedo is out of control. After not even 2 days I would start to feel better from that THEN I after about 3 weeks I would start to feel cruddy again. It was a different kind of cruddy though - and it was happening BEFORE I even finished the TOBI. It was a MRSA cruddy. I had the green sputum and the same consistency and taste I get when I have a MRSA flare up. I would end up coughing more and so on and so forth. I usually ended up on some type of oral antibiotic for a few weeks either that or as I ended the TOBI it slowly subsided and the Psuedo cruddy started to come back.

I didn't usually have it happen within the first week of being on TOBI, but maybe something similar is happening with you. You could be treating the Psuedo with the TOBI and the MRSA is looking at it as an opportunity to creep in and take over and try to make you sick. If you notice a difference in the sick feeling you have now versus the sick you feel when you a have a Psuedo flare up. Are the feelings similar as to when you have a MRSA flare up - I saw by your sig that you do culture MRSA? I hope that the doc has some answers for you and that you are able to get it all worked out. It is hard sometimes to understand why you are getting sick when you are taking meds - but those of us with multiple bacteria sometimes get hit no matter what meds we are taking <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Unfortunately we can't be "medded" up for every bug all the time ugh - talk about a TON of meds.

Hope you start feeling better,


New member
I am not sure what problems you are having other than coughing more, but I will give you some past experiences I have had with TOBI.

Years ago - maybe when I was 19ish (so about 5 year ago) I had been taking TOBI for a while every other month no problems really. Then slowly it started to occur that after being on TOBI for a week or so I would cough up small amounts of blood streaked in my sputum. Gradually as the months past the amount of blood became more and more - and each time I would tell me doc. They didn't really seem to care much and would tell me to keep taking it. Then that culminated in my coughing up pure blood after being ON TOBI for about a week. That time I stopped taking it myself regardless of the fact that my doc didn't seem too concerned. The next month came and I tried it again and again I coughed up blood. I was finally taken off of TOBI for about 2-3 years and then I was put on it again just to see what, if any, reaction I would have.

Well I started using TOBI again about 2 years ago. I have gone from using it every other month to only being able to use it two weeks at a time - I do two weeks on and two weeks off - unless I am really sick and then the doc will give it to me 1 month on and one month off. Maintenance wise it is 2weeks on/off. I had to start using it that way because I was noticing that I would get shortness of breath and such after about 3 weeks. Also after about the 2nd week I start to get thrush. Regardless of how often I rinse my mouth, how much mouthwash I use or how often I brush my teeth. I would end up with a sore throat, then NO voice and THEN wite patches and all the other typical thrush things. The doc thought 2 weeks on/off would be best for me.

One thing that I had noticed before beind switched to 2 weeks on/off is that when I would take the TOBI for the month - when I would start TOBI I would be coughing a bunch and have "Psuedo" sputum as I call it. That yellowy crud and the psuedo feelings that I get when the Psuedo is out of control. After not even 2 days I would start to feel better from that THEN I after about 3 weeks I would start to feel cruddy again. It was a different kind of cruddy though - and it was happening BEFORE I even finished the TOBI. It was a MRSA cruddy. I had the green sputum and the same consistency and taste I get when I have a MRSA flare up. I would end up coughing more and so on and so forth. I usually ended up on some type of oral antibiotic for a few weeks either that or as I ended the TOBI it slowly subsided and the Psuedo cruddy started to come back.

I didn't usually have it happen within the first week of being on TOBI, but maybe something similar is happening with you. You could be treating the Psuedo with the TOBI and the MRSA is looking at it as an opportunity to creep in and take over and try to make you sick. If you notice a difference in the sick feeling you have now versus the sick you feel when you a have a Psuedo flare up. Are the feelings similar as to when you have a MRSA flare up - I saw by your sig that you do culture MRSA? I hope that the doc has some answers for you and that you are able to get it all worked out. It is hard sometimes to understand why you are getting sick when you are taking meds - but those of us with multiple bacteria sometimes get hit no matter what meds we are taking <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Unfortunately we can't be "medded" up for every bug all the time ugh - talk about a TON of meds.

Hope you start feeling better,


New member
Tobi makes me feel crappy the first few days I start it. But once I get through it I feel better. I just figure it's cleaning house and thats' never fun. But then my voice starts to come back and I balance back out.


New member
Tobi makes me feel crappy the first few days I start it. But once I get through it I feel better. I just figure it's cleaning house and thats' never fun. But then my voice starts to come back and I balance back out.